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I may not look like
A mythical goddess
With a long wavy hair
And an angelic face
But I can
Treat you like a queen
Or a living king
Even without a crown
jane taylor May 2016
a cerebral grasping of existence’s resplendence
is insufficient

tenuously treading bereavement’s tide
i cradle life

twinkling moments spent on this planet
are hallowed time

i walk in quiet reverence as tears flow
at innocuous occurrences

god’s face aglow in each instance
perspective revived

a bumblebee drifting gently settles
evoking awe

i stand pensive aforetime unaware
in cathedrals we stand

eyes newly uncovered awakened discover
celestial dimensions

people replete with infinite spirit
are all that surround

my senses abruptly adjusting their focus
‘tis an earthly angelic realm

Àŧùl May 2016
Blanked out parts of my old memory,
Meted out an alienating treatment,
Short-term loss of my memory,
Still undergoing treatment,
Collectively boycotting my soul,
They do their duty of progressing,
Irked they are by my apparent ease.

They follow their basic instinct.

I don't mind it for what my life is.

"A Different Kind Of Hell."

I was supposed to have died but I survived and am made to live here.
I avail few special facilities for the differently-abled because of my 42% physical disability after my serious road accident as categorically defined by the Indian medical authorities.

My classmates are a jealous lot who are jealous of my being in the middle of them.

My HP Poem #1069
©Atul Kaushal
Pauline Morris May 2016
Giving in is easy
When there is nothing in this life that is pleasing
Brought in to this life as a living sacrifice
I am but a human I have no rights
Angels have their fun with me
Even the ones from heaven, watch with glee
Battered around and about
Then they watch as I bleed out
Angels surround us that is true
But do you sincerely think they protect you
They are there to make sure you hurt
They can't wait till you are turned back to dirt
They are men and evil is man
Be them angelic, or of the human brand
They will make you suffer as all around you they stand
So take me out of this land
I'd reather drowned in quicksand
Enola Cabrera May 2016
Protector of the night,
Lighting our paths as we venture in the shadows
A comfort of beautiful tranquility
Almost angelic with its dim white milky silhouette
Hovering over with unearthly eloquence*

brandon nagley Dec 2015
Galileo couldst not even seeith
The heaven that lieth
Inside queen Jane;

Einstein couldst not even dreameth
The beauty
Inside of her brain;

Edwin Hubble lived inside
Of a bubble, being blinded
From her view;

Stephen hawking, forget thine
Scientific talking; mine empress
Is from God, a divine muse.

Isaac Newton, recalculate thine
Mathematic's; mine amour' is not a number,
Awakest from slumber, sweet Jane is aromatic.

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane Nagley dedicated ( Filipino rose)
HRTsOnFyR Oct 2015
Quiet little One...
No longer must you cling
To those clamouring,
Corrosive thoughts of old.
Accept that We Were
All born yesterday.
And again today...
And in every passing hour.
So even Now,
Our spirit pulsing with the Moment.
Breathe as the sky breathes...
One continuous sigh of Completion.
A subtle forward motion;
Effortless, attentive,
Unpolluted in contentment.
Arm yourself with joy,
Infinitely beguiled by life,
This plethora of blessings;
Never ceasing to revel in a Common state of wonder.
Your awkward smile,
Your broken shine,
Your gentle sorrows;
They light the candle
Of your eye; becoming
Amplifiers of your beauty...
Sparkling rays of laughter,
Tossed like tinsel,
Across each heartfelt Conversation.
Waken to the embrace of
Human error;
For both Comedy and Tragedy
Are remedies we share.
Emma Hill Oct 2015
Her body flows like milk
Between her legs there resides a **** cherry
She is the sweetest of angels to bless this sullen place, she is softer than the silk of wedding night lingerie
When her all seeing eyes come to rest on me a wave of euphoria overtakes me
The strongest of drugs
Cheeks fill with blood like nectar when her lips move against mine
The rise and fall of her sleeping chest is a poem
It captivates me, forces me to memorize the quiet motion
Her feet fall and she dances like a sprite on my heart strings
She is purity and delight, she is precious emotion
In my arms she is light and when is away the feeling she leaves behind radiates
Never have I loved something so sincerely
Never before have I been graced with something so stark white, child like, familiar and altogether new
brandon nagley Oct 2015
She carried me aloft the firmament
To the Helix nebula;
Her wing's left trail's on earth of her beauty and elegance.

©Brandon nagley
©Earl jane Nagley dedication
©Lonesome poet's poetry
brandon nagley Sep 2015

O' sempiternal recherché Majesty
Thine winsome Penumbra overtaketh;
Between the window's of Yahweh.


O' fluoresce me with allay
Cometh to me tonight;
Cuddle with me until day.


Hush, mine darling of
Michael the archangel;
Taketh mine hand's, get with me entangled.


From space, to the third sky
To the country view, and Bengal;
We shalt rest fine, mine beloved.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry creator
©Earl Jane nagley/ Filipino rose dedication
sempiternal means eternal and unchanging.
recherché- means rare, or exotic.
winsome means attractive or appealing in character.
Penumbra means the partially shaded outer region of the shadow cast by an object.
fluoresce is light given off.
allay- means put at rest mine fear's and worries.. Calming me.
Figured I'd give you all words to understand this one for some who don't know loll enjoy (: thanks for reading.
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