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Mia Ivy Nov 2015
I came into this world holy,
screaming, close to dying, dead,
      don’t think i’m afraid
to leave it the same way

in decades to centuries
they’ll paint me gazing,
serpent around my waist and neck
         secretly an artist's carnal sin

my skin is dry and blemished now
                but i’m no less celestial
my hands bleed because i pick at them;
I’ve bloodied oceans before.
Lora Lee Nov 2015
And I am a Woman
who so knows herself
my inner power
alive and kicking
more as each
Blessed year
passes by
My light growing
my blood flowing
into the Universe
as it speaks through me
I have strength
that could electrify
a thousand stars
gathered over many years
of my life's battles
and wars
Mine is a quiet sort
Of fortitude
unstoppable with tears
I am my own warrioress
When it comes to my fears
I have my guides
and they know me well
goddesses and angels…
old friends
magic spells

But nevertheless
I have
A vulnerable side
Underneath the layers
Of protection and pride
an enchanted forest
of moss and green
a sacred space
that only few will see
Inside this inner sanctum
I am as soft as
fine silk
I let down my guard
as emotions flow
like milk

I am an unlikely
desert flower
Who just wants to
open up to you
to be opened
petal by petal
to receive the waters
of your tender care
most vulnerable
with her
stamen exposed
to be cherished
in the cool night air
I am delicate
as tiny spring buds
caught in the
harshest winter
yet who persists
despite the odds
to keep her
cold spots warm

There is a rumor
In the foreign lands.
Some say
(especially in the East)
I have the elixirs
to tame
the most savage
kind of beasts
as they come for a
sweet, well deserved rest
lay their huge, furry heads
upon my tender breast)

As for you, my Wild One
I think I hold the potion
to the key to your heart
to your beautiful soul….
Yes, poetry in motion
I want to bring it such light
Ignite your embers
To a spark
I could fill you up
So much
You just might not
feel your inner

But there is something
important to remember
The One who finds my key
Is the one
Who will be crowned
Of my tender soul
In all its hues
And asymmetry
Oh, Please, my love
Use it wisely
With the most loving
Of discretion
For under the armor
My heart beats raw
Laid bare
To love and passion

My pain will have no end
And I will have to go
Into battle once again

Inside my
sacred cave
I rest
Need to re-charge
For the next
Battle cry
Lift up
Your heart,
To me, my love
Release it
Let it
Trevon Haywood Oct 2015
Halloween is all about trick-or-treating for the safety of children of Massachusetts.
I'm wishing y'all to have a happy halloween.
So, join us if you dare!

My new short poem for Halloween.
Mia Ivy Oct 2015
still, i wish flowers grew from my veins
and curled around my wrists like vines - no snakes
i’ve spent so long in my room that i don’t
feel like i’m natural anymore

it’s been months since i first wrote about you
and days since i mentioned you to him
i know where i stand now, it’s on glass
i bet you wished flowers sprouted from the red

i’m not the same soul i was at eleven
sinister motives wire their way through
my nerves, my senses, the blossom in my hair
at least i think you’re learning of love

rapunzel in the tower, you’re acres away
through controlling thorns and misjudgement
i’ll find you with your hair down and gasp
because until now, you weren’t one for metaphors.
Logan Schaller Sep 2015
You were the light that got me through the darkest of times. I wanted your heart & soul, but you weren't willing to have mine.
Self Titled
Nairi Kalpakian Sep 2015
How can it be that
a melody can make you feel like you belong
and not, all at once?
I find myself in a composed dissolution
The world can stop, and the ground below me will give way to
the sudden awareness of a sensation
that is similar to being lost in your own room.
Suddenly, this "place" seems very raw
Things inside you open up  and makes distinguishable
where you are
where you've been
and where you've yet to be.
Sometimes people are like that.
Your eyes are where I am
Our fights are where I have been, time and time again
and finding peace with those two rifts is where I have yet to be.
Glaciers could snap and crash with volleys of icy hell fire
Soberly frozen earth could nick my cheeks and arms
and my cold skin could remain as tout as a tuned string instrument
ready to produce sound
turning inside myself, searching for a bridge to this rift produces a silence so deafening
I can hear the humming of stars
Martin Narrod Sep 2015
don't weep above this hatred
this plague shall soon be through
while we climb the ladder into the heavens
breathe the sweet and childish laughter
whistling this new profound and beautiful truth

may the capsules of stardom be removed
lest the gold of you be unglued
then we'll play our shows on mountaintops
and draw them in the millions
beyond all the written pleasures that exist for just a few

when this crystal city's completed
sparkling sapphires in royal blue
emerald's with the faces of the Aegean
barely touch on the euphoria, on the eyes I've looked into

there is electricity in this symphony of humanness
pale or black and blue
then these melted flavors of our curses
may dissolve between us too

Until your mouth is dry of spit
and our lips are numb from use
let's dance inside the venom
dear lucille pulls us through

miss heroine and her guiding rays
beat the storm away

A journey that had never been
aurulent skin she didn't see herself in

tied to a chair, while she choked and I pulled her hair
I found a real good girl there
Mia Ivy Sep 2015
Adonis across the room,
light, laughter, and hushed hair

unassuming, softly spoke
let me be your Aphrodite

and your Persephone
when you dip into other worlds at night,

your girlfriend made of gold
too fragile to closely touch

I’ll take all thirds of the year
we don’t need a king; of gods or Solomon

you can’t wash me from your lungs
Adonis, incapable of being alone.
Late September creeps and greets like an old friend
Now we know we've reached Summers End

Lawnmowers rest as a rakes job is about to begin-
A crisp breeze (like a lover) caresses my chin
And now we know we've reached Summers End

The leaves I see are turning from green to a sickly yellow-
Autumn around the bend
Now we know we've reached Summers End

Flipflops for boots- tank tops for sweaters
Soon our mailboxes will be filled with holiday letters

Fireflies play a Mason Jar Melody,
Scarecrows orchestrate a beautiful harmony,
Forcing summertide to yield in jealousy

A foretaste of past recollection,
An embrace of the years reflection

To hard to comprehend

We've reached Summers End.
An original poem by Kristopher Salas
Nairi Kalpakian Sep 2015
warm wine flowing through my body
(Cabernet being ironically the same color as what gives me life)
directed me to my room
at approximately 11:25 pm that Wednesday.
A light in the left corner painting a pleasant and inviting
I tumble into my queen bed
laughter airily escaping my lungs, exhalations of exhilaration
Ruffled a string of words into a message.
Borne of unadulterated joy and hopeless seclusion,
radiation from my center came out of my fingers as
"**** me like the angel I am. I am true beauty and divinity and deserve to feel like a goddess"
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