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what the hyena cannot ****

it will steal

tallied on the gritted walls of our toil

their bounty cultivated from the nothing we now possess

and the bodies which must fall once their winter bites

no time left to wail and gnash

we must become as lions that rise

and grip the throat of this thieving class
you know who I'm talking about
Times are changing,
Sirens are blaring,
There's tension in every speck of air.
Our minds are bending,
What are we defending ?
Who are the real "victims" here ?
A knee length scream rebounds down the empty hall,
The walls as bear as her legs, which bear her away from the roar.
Not far behind, another set of legs, another set of pleats,
This time the floor reflects polished black and matt twill
And a slippery set of sneaky misogynies disguised as paternal concern.

But a good father does not stare at his daughter's legs.
He worries, as does his running child, about the man who's gaze is perpetually set a foot or two below eye level.
But when it wanders, as it "always must," our daughter rebukes his lust,
And her first and last words muster the might of all daughters and sons.
And she stands on her chair, so that this time his eyes are looking level,
And bellows from the fog of anger that had been slowly settling about her uncovered ankles.

You can imagine how that went down.

So sprinting, whooping, echoing across the school,
Her cries of exhileration tug spirits out of rooms.
The path of the pin-straight Man is blocked by the faces of his children,
He trips on their blue hair, their white shoelaces, and their black denim hems,
And as he falls she rises, out of her skirt and above the regime,
For neither define her as a separate being,
Nor as a string in the weave that catches that pastoral shin
And catapults the shepherd into the stampede of the sheep.
My school is revolting in its obsession with skirt length
**** the police I run the city
I am a menace hate and fear me
**** the police I run the city
I am a giant don't get near me
**** the police I run the city
I am a menace hate and fear me
**** the police I run the city
I am a giant don't get near me
I can't be controlled
Guerilla titan rampaging in Seoul
And New York City's under my control
I got the world locked
in a choke hold

Cower in my shadow
Fall down at my feet
Bring out the finest maidens and let beauty slay the beast

**** the police I run the city
Lit by the blaze you look so pretty
**** the police I run the city
Lit by the blaze you look so pretty
**** the police I run the city
Lit by the blaze you look so pretty
**** the police I run the city
Lit by the blaze you look so pretty
London Bridge is down
And oh no there goes Sydney Opera House
As Santiago crumbles to the ground
The world is burning now

Cower in my shadow
Fall down at my feet
Bring out the finest maidens and let beauty slay the beast

Athens... in ashes
Ghiza... under siege
Rio, you're free now
DC belongs to me...

**** the police I run the city
Guerilla Titan Eternity
**** the police I run the city
Guerilla Titan Eternity
**** the police I run the city
Guerilla Titan Eternity
**** the police I run the city
Guerilla Titan Eternity
Supervillain ******* anthem.
this is the town you where raised
and this very town, would also be the reason why you left
a town
where you onced recieved compliments
this town
is the very town, that destroyed you
are a woman
and treated as
a decor on a man's house
a possession
an object
a collectors item
when you revolted
and all you hear are such words
used to be
A Revolution rumbles under the noses of the ignorant.
Silent, but not voiceless.
Gentle, but not weak.
Pacific pandemonium pulses privately
Illegal thoughts fire through the neurons of millions
Banned words are proclaimed fearlessly.

Death is threatened to the revolutionaries.
But they have already been promised life.
"Have no fear" shouts their leader,
"For they cannot **** the soul."
How far will they go to break the mold?
They ask, "For how much was your soul sold?"

The revolt is by those whose souls are free
It is the cure for a universal disease.
The revolution will bring the powerful to their knees
And the enslaved to their release.
They beg: "Join us..."
"Be free."
Rebels rise to take to the streets
With sickening thoughts of powerful cheats.
"We can show resistance to their cowardly words"
But, God forbid we offend as we curse.

Defy, refuse and disobey orders
Maybe one day we'll find ourselves in warmer waters.
Whilst the suppressed may just nauseate,
The depressed don't even have the will to debate.

The revolt may not be the action we take,
But the feelings we get from liars and fakes.
These statements suggesting the minority can overthrow
Well, they're big,but they're certainly not for show.

My stomach churns for the people on farms
Claiming that we should take up arms.
Waiting for the day the firearms cease
Though we may never face just one true peace.
I have this friend across the pond
As bright as clear-night stars
Intelligent and talented
And faster than souped up cars

But she has her flaws, alas
As all the best poets do
I know this to be a fact, of course
Who hasn't got one or two?

After all, it has to be said
Perfection is lack of character to me
So I'm keeping my eye on my talented friend
And watch as her mind flies free

                                                By Phil Roberts
 Oct 2016 Stefan Michener
I want to listen to music all by myself
I want to feel its meaning
And cry
I want to dance in the middle of my work
Even when there's no music
Even when everyone is staring
And shout
I don't want to be somewhere else
Someone else
I want to be me just me
Doing what I want to
And not what I should
Or told to
And smile
I don't want to fly
I don't want people to look up to me
Rely on me expect from me
I want to run walk stumble and fall
Get up and laugh at me
and walk again
And satisfied.
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