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 Oct 2016 Stefan Michener
I search in the most unknown places
I wait for the air to take me away with its flow
I watch empty roads imagining a solace
I don't have one in my heart
I don't have one in my mind
Love is what it could be found on every doorstep ..
The quaint we are treasuring since time immemorial
It's obscure ...cryptic..
To explain the want of care I crave for
Not attention,not love,but support
I crave to be understood
The qualm is that no one can
It's not a state of mind that I am going through
It's a state of reality I thrive everyday
I've had enough of watching that empty road
I want my head to stop turning
Expecting every passer to be mine
The one and only...
 Oct 2016 Stefan Michener
 Oct 2016 Stefan Michener
One thing I realized
Life is a complicated foe
It changes so fast
Not always you reap what you sow

It's there and the next moment it's not
It's impervious and transient
Just like sand in a kids hand
Slips down become insignificant

Some times even time is
Incapable of healing wounds of past
Even the ***** of memory
Hurts , give pain that long last

Just a single accident is enough
To vapour all faiths and perceptions erases belief,leave us numb
Further degrades the degradation

People leave us alone
To fight with the fears
alone to rise alone to fall
No one to wipe off tears

Left ... just like that
no question asked none answered
Without any classification
Not even once remembered

This silence kills
And the sound stings
Scared to close eyes
even to blink

This emptiness retaliated
This feeling is ajaring
Wrong are the common sayings
Not every end
                     A happy ending..
She sits unassuming
Not contemplating her world
She has beauty
She has prowess and potency to boot
She carries the world on her fragile shoulders
Without malice
If only she believed,,,,,
The world would sit gracefully in the palm of her hand.
Water  rushing  down  the  drains.
And  through  windswept  country  lanes.

Trees  brushing  water  away  with  their  leaves.
Birds  sheltering  under  the  eaves.

Pools  on  the  lawn  appear.
It,s  a  dreadful  night  I  fear.

Pitch  black  little  to  see.
A  new  day  may  set  us  free.

Keith  Wilson.  Windermere.  UK.  2016.
A kaleidoscope
Of your hair, lips, eyes
Is all I see
Laying in the cool grass
Enveloped in a curtain of night

Twinkling stars that
form constellations in my heart
and resonate in my chest,
Are honey drops
of your laughter

Gravity loosens its hold,
I lose my breath and
the world tilts
When the scent of your skin
Seeps through my pores

Under my fingertips
Ignite the sun's never ending ember
that flows through me,
Melting the moon

And the taste of you darling,
melting in my mouth
oh so sweet,
leaving a trace

of the milkyway
The revised version of an old one
I'm tired,
I'm stressed,
I feel like I'm going to suffocate,
But they don't let me rest.

I'm tired,
I'm sad,
I'm sleepy and still,
Don't get me wrong,
It's not that I'm depressed.

I'm tired,
I'm lonely,
I just want some time,
Some time for a warm shower,
A time which is mine.

I'm tired,
I'm down,
I feel really stressed,
All I need is some rest,
But thanks all the same.
No specific meaning :D
i didn't fall in love
i dived into it
without even knowing how to swim
i drowned with no one to save me
but i can't scream and ask for help
because i didn't fall in love
i dived into it
just a thought. but in reality, I fell. I avoided the water but I still fell. I never chose to dive into it. (160210)
with leaves spilled
like colored pencil shavings ---

the streets dicing our town
into neat, unfair portions ---
and me, eatin' that *****.
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