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 Aug 2019 Solaces
Lovelyn Eyo
Life's just a dream
    Have you ever wondered
    Have you ever pondered
    How to live this wonder
    Within its border
Live your dream
    On the inside first
    Unclad every cloak of fear
    With the switch of
     determination & freedom
The life of your dreams
    Would surely reflect out brightly

Through your dreams
Live your life
Live your dreams

A simple quote
For a healthy simple life
I wrote
Tis A dream
A life

 Aug 2019 Solaces

why do you tease me so
querulous and catty and quirky
the many faces you have
delights so svelte, online media
you write almost tangible
and your beautiful braid-dangles

stupid thoughts, bad cup
pollen from the dandelions
breeze by, heron umbrella
of Autumn's shadow--
the ghosts of never again haunt here
despite you sweetening
the edible tangles
 Aug 2019 Solaces
Dawn Jupiter
See me, I dance for you,
The dance that no one notices.
Hear me, I sing for you,
The song that leaves my lips for yours.
Touch me, I’m here for you,
Surrounded by so many but wanting only you.
 Aug 2019 Solaces
I flew
Like a rocket
When you looked deep in my galaxy eyes.
i   i    i    i     i       i   i i  i  i   i  i  i  i i  i  i i  i   i     i i  i i  i   i   i i
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ii     i    i    i         i     i        i            i        i    i i i i      
i            i i     i
(the smoke under a rocket about to launch )
I tried Xd
 Aug 2019 Solaces
Lairs twist life so it's tasty to the lazy
Powerful to the weak and crazy

Brilliant and seductive to the
ignorant youth
But even in pain, there is beauty in the truth

Even a tiny bit of deceit is dishonorable
For only cowards lie selfishly without preamble

As lies only strengthen a liar's defects
A liar's character, mind, & spirit gains no positive affects

The abuser of the truth paints with disappearing colors
Valuing the canvass at worthless dollars

For once the veil of the facade is lifted
Honesty, integrity and trust can never be re-gifted.

Unhappy are the takers
Or why else be fakers?

But to devastate the essence of the believer
Measures the cruelty of the deceiver

Inner peace with self deception
Is the doing of one's own soul's destruction

However if truth be told
When lies gradually unfold,

Is it better to be the believer
Or the deceiver?
 Aug 2019 Solaces
Sometimes i wonder do you
Remember me like i remember you.
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