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Dec 2018 · 185
sheetal sharma Dec 2018
Peace is all you need then why focus on negative
Dec 2018 · 171
sheetal sharma Dec 2018
I can hear the plant saying .Human please don't cut us. please give us the water to live

I can hear the animals saying .Human please give us some space to live

I can hear the birds saying . Human let the air to be fresh don't mix it with your smoke

I can hear the animals saying .Human please don't eat us. the god give you fruits and vegetables to eat.
don't eat us.

I can hear the earth screaming to Human I can't take this anymore
if you can't change your living then you have to pay for it.
Dec 2018 · 193
sheetal sharma Dec 2018
Shut up or make them silence it in your hands
Dec 2018 · 572
sheetal sharma Dec 2018
Have a cup of coffee relax
and see the mountain that the god created for you
Dec 2018 · 162
Mother love
sheetal sharma Dec 2018
A mother happy to see his baby like a sun glowing in the sky
a mother is a gift from the god
respect her take care of her
and when you take care of your mother then the god will take care of you
a mother love will never define
Dec 2018 · 162
Red rose
sheetal sharma Dec 2018
I am a red rose in your life don't break me
let me alive
let me spread the fragrance of my love in the air

Don't let me a decorative piece in your life
Dec 2018 · 263
Perfect love
sheetal sharma Dec 2018
I never received the love that I always dreamt of
I never received the love that I have  watched in movies
Maybe its all is just a dream maybe its all about fantasy.

What if there is no perfect love?? Or no happy endings?

Maybe it's all just a dream maybe its all about fantasy
Dec 2018 · 1.3k
Have faith
sheetal sharma Dec 2018
Have faith
Look above
Don't get lost
Stay positive
You have to deal with it

god gives you second chance to change it
don't let him down , he knows you can do it
Dec 2018 · 189
You have changed
sheetal sharma Dec 2018
You have changed
I can feel it
I can see it
there nothing I can do about that
Or I can just deal with it or leave it
Dec 2018 · 113
Just a good soul
sheetal sharma Dec 2018
I am just a good soul
I have faith in me
I believe in magic I believe in me
They tried to change me
But it did not work out
Thats what god made me
I am just a good soul
I have a faith in me
Dec 2018 · 164
Nothing is going to change
sheetal sharma Dec 2018
Nothing is going to change
Everything will remain the same
Nothing is going to change
God made this beautiful earth
See the sun see the moon
It's all for us

Nothing is going to change
Everything will remain the same
Take time to appreciate
everything that god gifted you each day
We are the guest on this beautiful earth
We are not here permanent
We will be leaving this earth one day that's for sure
so take a time to look around
See the sun see the moon
Nothing is going to change
only "YOU" going to change
everything will remain the same
Dec 2018 · 267
I feel perfect
sheetal sharma Dec 2018
I feel perfect
Let me embrace my beauty
Let me adore what god made me
Let me ignore the fakeness
I don't want to change I don't want to change
I admire me the way I am
I feel   perfect
Iet me embrace my beauty
I don't need any lip filler or any botox
I want to me as long as I live
I don't want to change I don't want to change
I feel perfect the way I am
Dec 2018 · 741
Made in Heaven
sheetal sharma Dec 2018
Full of love
No time for hate
Yes i am made in heaven
I feel great

There is no one to complain
to no one to blame
Yes i am made in heaven i feel great

Haters going to hate
Because of my faith
There is no one to complain to
no one to blame
yes i am made in heaven and i feel great
Dec 2018 · 227
Honey hold my hands
sheetal sharma Dec 2018
Honey hold my hands  
When you are in trouble  just hold my hands you know I am there in time of stress
You know it right you know it well
So honey come hold my hands
I  can make through this journey  of up and down
so don't feel sad don't feel low
Just hold my hands and let it go ..
Dec 2018 · 562
Its you and me together
sheetal sharma Dec 2018
Its you and me together
Together  we fall
Together we cry
Together we do things that's make us smile when you go left and I go right
Well it's seems like nothing is right ??
Darkness has come. I am not feeling very well are not any more with me
I feels so sad
Baby just come back
Let's be together
Its you and me together .....
Dec 2018 · 667
What A Beautiful Day !
sheetal sharma Dec 2018
Just you and me
looking at each other
watching the sun rise
watching the sun set together
Darling its a beautiful day
What a beautiful day .

Flower smiling, the Sun is shinning
and the  moon is waiting for its turn .
see the night has come
now its just you and me
looking at each other
and i say

oh Darling its a beautiful Night
What a beautiful Night  .
Dec 2018 · 693
Shine Bright
sheetal sharma Dec 2018
Sun shine Bright
Like our Love Life
oh! baby i hold you so tight !
I can feel you baby
I know you alright

Sun shine Bright
Like our Love Life
Let it go, Let it go the bad times,
Oh baby Look at us you are mine

Sun shine Bright
like our Love life
If i lost ,I know you will find

So baby Sun shine Bright
like our love life

I know you alright
when you ask me to make a cup of tea with no sugar ...!right?
but i forget and made with sugar ..right;)
then you have it with smile so bright ..
oh! baby you know thats the way  I like ..

sun shine bright
like our love life...

— The End —