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Hey now! Hold on, baby.
What'cha tryin'na do?
I've been around this big ol' block
A time or two.
You think you're cleaver,
But you really don't know -
I'm the only super-******'
Star of this show.
I'm here to tell you,
Get yourself in line,
Or maybe drink of
Someone else's bottle of wine.
I've heard all the talking
I'mma hear today.
You can either help me,
Or move out of my way.

Stop your complaining,
And you better not nag.
I'm not impressed by tongues
That only wag.
If your mind is weak,
You better take note.
Or you can go find
Another joint to ****.
You've been too jazzy,
And I've had enough.
It ain't even like
You've ever had it rough.
I am the man,
And I will have my say.
You can either help me,
Or move out of my way.

Your teary eyes
Aren't gonna prove a thing.
When it's time to rock-n-roll
You better know how to swing.
When I go get the bacon,
Better pick up a broom;
Or you can make the money
And I'll clean the room.
I'll go it with ya,
But not carry your load.
If that ain't good enough,
You can hit the road.
Remember, I'm the man
And I will have my way.
You can either help me,
Or move out of my way.

You can leave this party
By the door you came.
Because you signed a pre-nup
And gave up your claim.
Don't get to thinking
You can tame my style.
You better get to knowing
I can be mean and vile
If you wanna fix it,
We can give it a go;
But I don't wanna hear
About your every woe.
I've got ideas,
The world is mine today.
You can either help me,
Or move out of my way.

I've got some fuel
And I know my path.
I got no time for drama,
Or your daily wrath.
This might be the last thing
That I say and you hear.
If you want to stick with me
Then get your *** in gear.
Have I been clear,
So that you understand.
Your ******* gets old
And it's hard to stand.
We can clean the slate
And start it new today.
You can either help me
Or move out of my way.
4/25/2015 just wrote these lyrics. I probably have some tweaking to do.
I wanted to write a song that was straight forward, *****-out, rock-n-roll. This one is very raw.
When the moon howls
Thats when she talks
Loud, so loud
I can not think

All I do is
and Listen

Nothing more but
Follow her lead

Out of bed
On my feet
"Get the rope
and follow me"

I grab the
She gets
the blade

I slowly
Drift to my
Last breath

My final smile

Underneath the
Blood moon
This misery
Is completely consuming me
Torturing me
How can I fight this?
Can I even win this game?
Help to make my mind tame
Fulfill the righteousness
Leave behind the pettiness
But I cannot believe in happiness
When the only hearts that complete mine
Have been ripped from my arms
Placed into uncomparible harm
For an unknown length of time
The three black holes in my chest,
Where only they can be placed
Feels like they can never be refilled
And can certainly never be replaced
My life, my world, my everything
Unseen to my lost eyes
Torn right away from me
So cruelly, terribly, all to torture me
Well, it's working
I'm tortured, I'm broken, I'm burnt down
I can't give up, they will be found
I want to stay strong, I need to be brave
But this battle has become my warery grave
I haven't seen my kids in over a month ... It's killing me... Please check out this link for me, any help is appreciated...
A bend between
           space and time
To search,
       to seek,
             to finally find
                  the way,
             the path,
     an answer to the end
            Something to believe
         faith in a friend
    Standing tall
         when there's no answer
     Running to save the day
         when you can barely crawl
            feeling your heart crush
      under the weight
           Pushing and Pushing
        until it's too late
NEVER giving up
           Following your heart
      remembering from the start
            racing to the finish
        Learning to diminish the past
Hoping the love just might last
         through time and space
      and the bend between
           holding strong to your place
   Knowing what cannot be foreseen
        but believing anyway
           Awaiting a new day
    A reuniting with that which you've lost
          willing to pay
      Even the ultimate cost
            Praying it won't come to that
        trying to look forward
                 No longer **Looking Back
I miss my kids, I'm trying to stay strong but I'm starting to feel like I'm dying... Anything you could do to help would be greatly appreciated.
I cannot tell a lie
And I will not lie back
To watch you *deny the truth

I never really loved you
I only ever felt affection
For all the abuse
That I knew I deserved
You may think it absurd
But how could I possibly
Love someone else
When I have yet to learn
How to love myself?
Or even live with myself?

Show a smile based on a lie,
Or a frown based on the truth,
Which would you prefer?
I'd like to smile
Once in a while
But I cannot tell a lie
And I will not lie back
To watch the truth die
In the soulless eyes
I see in my mirror
That girl whispers to me
But I cannot hear her
So she fades away

Yet, I know
This cannot be my destiny
Lies of smiles
Truths of frowns
It's bringing me down
I could think of a million lies
But only six eyes
To help me smile
More than just
Once in awhile
I cannot tell a lie
And I will not lie back
To watch you steal my smiles
My truths
My everything

I will stare in your eyes
While you spout all your lies
And watch you crumble
And Fall
While I smile
Standing tall
Staring down at your frown
Wishing you knew the truth
That I cannot tell a lie
And **I never really loved you
This is about my ex, who's currently keeping my three beautiful children away from me illegally.  I know you've all seen this already but if you could please click the link, read my story and do what you can to help, I would greatly appreciate it. Thank You.
My mind keeps pictures of you up on its walls
                         ­         and again
I find my thoughts drifting down that river of memory
orbiting around you, like forces of gravity drawn
to the idea of us (if there even is an us)

If I could then I’d lock you outside my brain, leave you out there to rot
in the abyss, where your words couldn't penetrate me
and your lips that work like anesthesia forbidden to numb me again

I won't do you the injustice of romanticizing your imperfections
You're no nebular, you're a black hole, a gaping flaw in creation
Your eyes that held millenniums of history, now hold me no future

You made me forget what it feels to have stability
To not walk out of a room and forget why I left
You make me want to shred the skin you touched
Like a reptile, to become reborn, purified from my past.

There never were any butterflies in your stomach, only parasites
but you fed them to me readily like a disease

So no, I won’t dedicate you another love poem
                 no I want (deserve) better
This isn't what love should be
I’ll write you a poem where the words convulse on the page
and you’ll forget to read it (you always do)
© copyright
Who knew
Life could be so


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