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How doth thou wake with an aching need?
For femmes and games and **** loads of ****?
To he who dost appreciate the weight of a lass
As spindly and petite with one hell of an ***?
Dost thou think for a mo...
That the only love felt tis that of a ***
Thou wast the only one left in the bar
With an overdose of E and a fool hearty scar
Nay my dear boy as one could only believe
A fuckboi thou art, and a fuckboi thou'll be
You think you're cool, but you're not
You think I'm stupid, but I won't be part of your plot
You talk about love as you were the greatest hero
When really you are worth less than a zero
You're a loser and a user
And even if you might know how to ****** her
You know that eventually you'll lose her
Cause I ain't no merchandise you take
and leave after the sunrise.

Fuckboi, you need to have a sit down with your ego
Because it isn't over the moment you let it go
I know it's easy to use, abuse, wear an excuse
and you think it's none of your business when you cut me loose
But I want to let you know that I'm here alive and well
And even if at first you couldn't tell
In this craziness I don't dwell
The real hell is the one in your head
and you're a fool if you think you left me dead
I'm a girl, I know how to be alone
It's not for ******* like you that I consider myself done.

You might be hiding behind a smile, I can rock this frown
Cause I know that I'll soon be watching you go down
I'll have my girlfriends, you'll have none
Not even the one with whom you begun
She’s realized that you are worthless
Cause you're a good guy only on the surface
Fuckboi, you try hard but you'll stay clueless
So don't come near me promising love
Because if you hurt me I'll be ruthless
I might seem nice, I might be a daydream
But try to fool me and I'll make you scream
I am the worst ******* nightmare,
This is the fuckboi anthem
You won't be able to bear.
Can I have your attention please!?
FuckBoi Academy is now accepting applications!
We have a variety of classes for you to choose from...

Ghosting 101
and How to Communicate Poorly 203
As well as It's Not My Fault, It's Yours 207

Just a few of the basics for you young men to learn how to be the ultimate ******!

There's Ignore Her 102
Act Like a Child 301
and How to Never Fully Commit 211

After taking these courses your on your way to a full blown *******!

Try Tinder 405
Saturdays are for The Boys 413
and lastly How to Lose the Girl 430

When you're 40 and alone we'll send you your diploma!
Just something funny
Invocation Jan 2019
I keep sending messages to girls that I wouldn't want to read if it were me
Or maybe I'm talking down about myself for no reason and the ladies love it when I tell them how pretty they are
It's not I expect to get laid with kindness
I just gush about **** I like
Sue me, I'm a nerd for those curves
I wouldn't mind some cozy *** though
Aaron E  Nov 2018
Social Romance
Aaron E Nov 2018
If you give me long enough
I could paint a vivid portrait of myself
with every blemish and pore behind a brush,
and hush the voices that would criticize
unsubscribe and dance it up over in wonderland with the sycophants

put on my bedazzled pants
let the local singles know I'm a dancer
just a beating heart away
From being another square upon a lattice
a writhing mass of hair gel
and cologne working up the ladder to fuckboi status

Imma walk the line between
a marble arch eclipsing the sun
over an angel statue kneeling in prayer

and a black leather boot clad
bad *** with bad habits
but he's so cool he doesn't care

Look at him go
all on his own
with only a thousand or so, little paintings  
that are equally as photo shopped or filtered
just floating around waiting to see the show
and letting other people know they liked it
or not

What a spectacle destined
to leave us senseless and restless
what a test of the patience to be a slave to the masses
to see my juxtaposition against the rest of the best of us
and think "I should go with clever with glasses."

What a brutal twist of civilized life
to have an AI made for driving my car
so I can shimmy down and sneak another **** pic
THROUGH SPACE, to some guy who works at taco bell's wife
Laura something or something

I'm so social
What a medium,
Exchanging ideas,
and hunting body heat from out of the ether,
to have the pleasing distortion
of the speakers
drowning out all the wearisome noise
of our contortions

"You gotta learn to love yourself"
She says, and posts another photo
buried somewhere under 60 layers
of dog noses and rainbows, and angel wings

Oh **** this isn't boyfriend material let me change some things

You don't ever need to change girl,
there ain't anything, in this world
That I wouldn't do, to be with you.

And the Brief exchanges we had,
didn't reveal any red flags,
that I am willing to skip on *** over.

So somewhere down the line,
when the filters start to fade,
we'll just kick that can down the road,
and neither of us will change.

And the picture's that we painted of our Love
will degrade.
I can be anything you want me to be, as long as it isn't honest.
Nikita  Jun 2015
Nikita Jun 2015
You creep me the **** out okay
CJ M  Nov 2015
Vent #6
CJ M Nov 2015
I have no secret agenda. And for that, people feel bad for me.
I’m still in my gentleman’s valence, and for that, women feel sad for me.
I don’t keep grave secrets lest a grave robber dig up my past and show the skeletons as if they were fresh details rather than a forcefully faded memory.
I wear my glasses, freshly cleaned for better sight, and yet I still can’t see.
I can’t see what everybody else sees. To me, I see a nice guy, a guy that’s lucky to have someone who's lucky to have him. And I don’t flaunt this…………. But apparently I’m oblivious of my own visage.
Apparently I’m a creature of pure evil and disgust for the better things of life.
Apparently I’m perverse when I smile at people and apparently I’m old fashion for opening doors for people.
But in all my aspects of supposed incompleteness, I recognize those that judge me as confused souls just the same as me. For one who shows no respect shalt not receive any, and yet I still don’t receive any.
I can’t stand the feeling of love lost, and yet I feel it every day. I feel the emptiness crowding around me as if I were in a trash compactor. Why is it that nice guys finish last when we started the race? Why is it that If I show no respect, I get more respect from the people I wish to earn it from?
Why do women like fuckboi rather than knowledgeable counterpart? Why am I alone in a world where I know for a fact there is someone who thinks like me?
Why do I even care what anyone thinks? Why am I still looking for a love that I’ve professed not to care about? Why is it that even under my circumstances, I could care less about what’s to do about any and every one of my flaws, giving the same belief that love accepts all flaws?
I tell myself to stop sometimes so that I can look at myself, but even when I look in the mirror, I see broken shards of glass appear at my imperfections. And for that, I know what the meaning of change should imply to me.
Nyx  Mar 2018
Nyx Mar 2018
You have got yourself into a quite a mess
But you still want to cause some trouble
Two girls perfectly in love with you
Yet you just sit there, and simply begin to chuckle

Your reputation gone
Since you cheated on you last girlfriend
But you simply made it worse
cause the girl you cheated with was my friend
You ****** over two year levels in a single day
But you refuse to stray from your fuckboi ways

You got drunk and cried at your last party
I want a long term relationship but I always **** it up
Well no **** sherlock your kind of a stud

I feel slight pity for him tho
As hes been completely outcasts
But as soon as I begin talking to him
He attempts to slide in real fast

Now his game begins again
Except this times its with his childhood friend
Another girl from our year level
Fresh out of a bad relationship
And now they will fight for him
A battle I know they will never win
Cause this boy won't be held down,
he's enjoying this
Watching with an amused grin

Both know of his boyish ways
And neither believe they will be betrayed
Here they are both telling me their woes
And how much they hate each other
Fighting for his affection
When instead his eyes are wondering in another direction

He flirted and wants to hookup with me
We made plans to do it tonight, there is a big party on, and that's seems like the perfect time
but that in itself, its own kind of mess
I don't particularly want to create
I don't fancy being another one of those girls
that he puts into his trophy case

Boy, Your trying to play me
But you somehow forget who I am
I am the one that finds out everything
That is the advantage I have
You are a pretty smooth talker
I agree, that's true

but next time you decide to play this, take aim
Attempt to pick players who don't know the game
Cause simply I'm the one of the ones that do
So this round of the games is kind of *******
Just a random fuckboi, attempting to get in my a bunch of my friends, and they all have a thing for him but I found out hes flirting with all of them but isint intetested
David Hasselblad Aug 2019
Quilt of Shade

Sheets of shadow fold,
Knitting new inches of a heavy quilt,
Nightmares and darkness to behold,
Causing love and happiness to wilt,

A horror of neglected emotions,
Each quilted square a new scene,
Pushing darkness, going through the motions,
Scalding showers to feel clean,

To feel warmth, inside and hide,
When opening to other makes you weak,
Pushing those who tried when you cried,
Counting only self when times are bleak,

Legions in a single square,
Each color a tainted shade,
Each one a devils badge to wear,
Constant weight, the feelings begin to fade,

Emotional pain, physically twists organs and nerves,
Living in the past,
Keelhauled by life’s curves,

Dead demons drone dour,
Drawing dimming desolate soul,
Crown of ruin at the top of this tower,
Devils whisper because angels would not cajole,

Wearing a mask to conceal your tears,
Painted in humor, smiles, offered assistance,
Under, a face scarred by fears,
Escaping shadow, the only consistence,

But shadow moves faster then light,
Understanding only gets you so far,
A devils hold, precise, contrite,
Changing, becoming the scar,

Labeled empty, hollow, fuckboi, or ***,
Forgetting sides, lost in a fight,
Offered hands but screaming ‘no!’
Pushing those who seek inner sight,

In prayer you crow,
To gods, devils, one to seven,
Cold, cursed, driven in flow,
To whoever will take you to heaven,

My mind these shadows pry,
Clinging to humanity,
Under distorted static you cry,
****** by hope and insanity,

Soul slipping in peril,
Through acts of good,
But still growing feral,
Those outside claim to see, but misunderstood,

Seeing self as no hero,
Hurt on levels weighing out the helped,
Karmic scales tip zero,
Tiny wounds sown but others scalped,

Lifetime member to the order of black,
Shadows that guide the annoying fly,
Showing light, deep down desire attack,
Good intentions always leading to an early goodbye,

Only oneself to blame,
Swatting hands that offer aid,
Just another piece in the devils game,
Just another lost sinful crusade,

Giving all to save,
Reflecting,  blood soaked, in a silver mirror,
Inside ones own mind, a slave,
Suddenly you’re the one your people fear,

Why children cower under the quilt,
Hero in war begins to debauch,
Confidently pushing your responsibility and guilt,
Becoming the old villains you used to watch,
Josh Pearson  Jul 2018
Josh Pearson Jul 2018
I bring out the worst in me.
Take a mental note—
I'm not where I should be.
I starve myself a little
So that I might find somebody
Through my physique,
Since nobody these days
Cares about personality.
You have to act like a fuckboi
To hold someone's attention
Longer than a frame.
Nobody cares about how much heart you have to give
If you're confident.
Even though you treat even your friends like ****,
As long as you've got a good face,
A good style,
A good vibe,
You're what they all like
As we cower beneath your feet
Bracing for each step you grind into our heartbeats
Because heart is all some of us have to give,
And it's hard to see the other 50% complain
When you know how much better
You could be treated
If you could only bring yourselves
To get past a ******* face.
26 lines

— The End —