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714 · Jun 2014
Sasha Ranganath Jun 2014
I try so hard,
Yet the shards
They force right
Through me
Why can't you see?
Day and night
Of sweat and blood,
Wrong or right
My tears they flood.
Mortal as ever
**** me now or never
If peace is what you want
Then peace is what I grant.
705 · Aug 2014
Fallen Angel
Sasha Ranganath Aug 2014
Just like an angel
She breathes with infinite grace
But in fallen flames.
699 · Oct 2014
Sasha Ranganath Oct 2014
Hello everybody!
I have successfully published an anthology titled "Supernova" with 28 of my poems. It is such a great honour to be able to have a published book this early in my life :')

I would appreciate it if you looked it up at the link mentioned below.
Thank you! :);=1412948924&sr;=8-1&keywords;=supernova%3A+an+anthology
694 · Sep 2014
When The Summer Came
Sasha Ranganath Sep 2014
When the summer comes
Hold me close.
Even as it passes,
Don't let me go.

Cherish me like
A divine rhythm.
Don't let me cry
With pain, and wither.

Watch with me
The golden rays,
Setting into the sea
And building faith.

And when it rains,
Dance with me.
Don't leave me in despair,
Make me shine and gleam.

Treat me like
A delicate feather.
Don't tell me lies
Clad in leather.

Feel with me
The icy breeze,
Ruffling sheets
Where ends would meet.

Under the clouds
Of winter snow,
Don't talk loud,
Just whisper low.

Speak to me
In a silent tone,
Make me feel
Like where you are is home.

Hold my hand,
Let's build a castle.
An enchanting land-
Not a single battle.

As frozen trees
Melt into smiles,
Make this heart feel
Like it's worthwhile.

As a pretty bud
Blossoms into a flower,
Have me stunned,
Don't let me falter.

These are things
I meant when I said to you,
Yet you wanted to win
So you left me strewn.

When the summer came,
You held me close.
But just as it passed,
You let me go.
683 · Jan 2015
Sasha Ranganath Jan 2015
Life is like a caterpillar's metamorphosis into a butterfly.

As the caterpillar weaves it's cocoon, it just knows it's a part of its life to do so. No questions asked.

As we build our walls up with time, we just know it's a part of our lives to do so. No questions asked.

The caterpillar stays in for many, many days, not knowing what awaits it when it finally breaks free.

We stay behind the walls for a long, long time, not knowing what awaits us when we finally tear them down.

The caterpillar patiently waits for it's time to come. And when it does, it realises what freedom it has attained after all the time it spent in the darkness.

We wait for a long time, but sometimes we feel like we can't wait any longer and just want to end the darkness. We feel claustrophobic in there.

When claustrophobia hits, don't be afraid to let out a tiny little cry, just loud enough for someone passing by to hear. Use all your strength that's been piling up inside you. Someone that truly cares about the little details, is going to have a second look and find the place that the sound is coming from. They won't tear down your walls, instead they'll find a little escape hole and crawl in to help you tear them down yourself.

But sometimes it so happens, that the caterpillar just doesn't emerge and the cocoon is still as ever. No matter for how long you wait, it just doesn't break through.

If you see that happening, just make it a point to let every other caterpillar you know, that it's okay to let out a little cry when suffocation approaches. Tell them they don't have to be afraid.

Tell them you'll always find a way to help them tear down their walls<3
681 · Aug 2014
Sweet Ghostly Love
Sasha Ranganath Aug 2014
A knock on the door
I peer out the window,
Nothing but the icy breeze
And shrivelled leaves
On a solitary frosted tree.

My stomach's a ballerina
Twirling and gliding,
I turn back around
And walk myself into my room,
I'm hiding.

I shiver as I pull the sheets
Back up on to my skin
Someone's on the streets
Calling out my name
Stinging like a pin.

I gasp for air
Feeling nauseated
My stomach's tied in knots
A failed ballerina
Eating her sadness away.

I shut my eyes
Tight with wrinkles
Forming around my sockets,
I feel someone staring
And a white noise.

I don't dare to open them up
For, I have seen death before,
Encountering the ghost of her
Would be too much pain
And I would lose myself to her.

I stay still for a while
Trying to drift away,
But these eyes remain fixated on mine
Refusing to run
Refusing to turn away.

I try so hard to forget
The day she turned blue
Hanging from the ceiling fan
No sign of pain
Her love was indeed, true.

I left her to die
Without knowing she was,
I left her to cry
When I knew I had lost,
I regret it every second of life.

As I lay motionless
I feel her touch my face,
She gently pulls my eyes open
And stares into my soul,
Oh, she's so beautiful.

I feel exuberant
With her fingers on my skin,
It's been so long
Since I felt her love
But, she doesn't even grin.

She just stares into
My empty heart,
Looking cold as ever,
Colder than the day I left her
But with a heart beat that's much warmer.

Warmer than I'd ever been,
Kinder than I'd ever seen,
She never fails
To take my breath
But this time it was strange.

She took my breath
But didn't give it back,
Until I fought for life,
I felt so desperate
To be alive.

Never had I ever
Felt so human,
Never before
Had I felt so full of life,
But what's a life full of guilt?
She knows how it feels
To be ripped apart,
And I know how it feels
To rip her apart,
But so oblivious to what follows.
My tears are on her hands,
But they don't seem to dry,
I try to speak
But all in vain,
For she has latched onto me.

Yet, I lie motionless
And completely still
With short breaths,
As she stills stares down my soul,
Completely emotionless.
663 · Aug 2014
Sasha Ranganath Aug 2014
Everything looks better with the rain,
Even pain feels better with it.
Everything sounds better with the rain,
Even cries sound better with it.

If you stand under
A pouring cloud,
And let tears stream
Down your face,
Only you can feel
And only you know
That you're in pain.

If you scream in the open
Between howls of the wind
Amidst a hurricane,
Only you can feel
And only you know
Your lungs going breathless
And that you're in pain.

But the pain doesn't stop
Neither does the rain,
You continue to feel broken
You're still feeling faint.

So how does the rain
Make everything seem better?
How does it
Ease the pain?

It eases hurt
And discomfort.
Not for you,
But the others.
663 · Oct 2015
Sasha Ranganath Oct 2015
it's not love
i don't even like you
it's just
i want to hold you
and never let go.
645 · Jan 2015
Rebound Attempts
Sasha Ranganath Jan 2015
I shouted out a prayer for you,
A prayer for your eyes to stay damp
But for your tears never to trickle.

I sent out a cry for you,
A cry for your heart to stay fixed
And never to break.

I tried wishing upon a star for you,
A star to illuminate your path
And guide you to your destiny.

I wrote down a song for you,
A song for your imperfect perfections
But for my voice never to sing it.

The prayer,
The cry,
The wish,
The song...
Hit the sky
And fell back down.

Now you'll have to stay here and say grace,
Yet never again in my embrace.
642 · Oct 2015
sore throat
Sasha Ranganath Oct 2015
and i sip you up quickly
you make me flinch
you run over my tongue
and into my throat
you taste bitter
you sting me
i gulp anyway
you're my only medicine.
626 · Feb 2018
someone on my mind
Sasha Ranganath Feb 2018
I have never had a valentine.
Yes, I had that one guy, that one time
But to him, it was just a
A valenti---- don't really love you kinda love.
A valenti---- wish it wasn't you kinda love.
And to me, it was a
Valenti---- really don't think I'm straight kinda love.
Valenti---- am SO uncomfortable, get me outta here kinda love.

I have never had a valentine,
Yes, I had that one girl, that one time,
But we were miles away from each other.
4,483 to be exact.
With her I felt great
For a while
Like a candle
At the end of its life
You can see the waltzing flame meet the quiet of night
Should I stay up kinda night
Skype call kinda night
I love you but... I gotta go... kinda night.

I have never had a Valentine
And it's not because he didn't care enough
Or she wasn't close enough.
I've never had a Valentine because I'm either too much or just not enough
I'm insecure, so insecure of the way I talk, the way I walk, the way these two strands of hair stick out, the way this one tooth just doesn't stay in line, the child inside me made entirely of antidepressants and fries, the truths, the lies, the incessant goodbyes.
I've never had a Valentine and I'm lonely
As hell
I'm so lonely I'll fall in love before you blink,
I'll pick you up when you're standing still,
I'll spin you around like I finally made up my mind to do the laundry
I'll kiss you good morning and I'll kiss you goodnight
Maybe forever.
You see this
is my problem.
This passion
This raging forest fire of emotions
This racing broken heart of haunted suspicions.
You aren't perfection
You're my perfection.
In my dictionary, your name is scrawled into the definition of every positive adjective, every beautiful noun, everything that's not a frown.

You see when I imagine my valentine, I see stars in the sky
As cliché as that sounds, I see stars in the sky and her nose perfectly aligning with the moonlight,
Her eyes slightly unsure whether to meet mine
Her lips lightly quivering with her gaze falling on mine
Her fingers slowly inching up to the tips of mine
Her smile faintly turning into a garden of lullabies
The place I go to mourn my goodbyes and watch the sun rise.
When I think of my Valentine,
I hear her laugh turning into a snort, laughing even louder, her cheeks turning red, tears in her eyes.
And I laugh along, falling in love with every crinkle by her eyes, just hoping she's not dying inside.
Just hoping she's not just pretending to love me tonight. Praying she believes we're more than just alright.

I've never had a Valentine,
But I'm hoping
I'm really ******* hoping
Somewhere in this crowd
I might have changed your mind.
605 · Mar 2019
Sasha Ranganath Mar 2019
you're gone and the wreckage ensues
you're gone and the heartache continues
you're gone and you're never coming back
i miss you.

because when you're dying,
your body is tired of fighting for
fighting with

the internal monologue is coming
to an end now
it's getting dark now
eyes closing now
mind quiet now.


broken whispers,

i have to go now

i have to go now

i have to go now
602 · Aug 2014
jumbled words
Sasha Ranganath Aug 2014
Poems are but a
Mixture of words all jumbled
To create pure art.
599 · Jan 2015
Manner and Reason
Sasha Ranganath Jan 2015
what i like about the living
is that they respond to
hello and goodbye.

what i don't always understand about them
is how and why.
590 · May 2015
Girl By The Sunset
Sasha Ranganath May 2015
She sits on concrete
Turning her head
Facing the setting star
The sky is turning red.

A silent expression
No cringe no smile
Just peace
No sunken lie.

Glory glory
Her skin radiates
The girl by the sunset
With waves in her hair.
578 · Oct 2015
it wasn't
Sasha Ranganath Oct 2015
you bled over my eyes,
blinding me with red.
i mistook it for love
now im alone in this bed.
578 · Oct 2015
Sasha Ranganath Oct 2015
your silver hair
touched my gold skin
then you decided
platinum matched you better.
571 · Oct 2015
Sasha Ranganath Oct 2015
the ocean looks so thick
in HDR
but it's deep all the same
once you're in too far.
571 · Aug 2014
Last Dance
Sasha Ranganath Aug 2014
A song about
A fierce dancer
Moving to forget
A lost lover.

She glides swiftly
But strongly to the wind
She dances to every drop
And so she sings.

Ridding herself
Of sweet torture
Presenting herself
With her dernière danse.
568 · Oct 2015
open stitches
Sasha Ranganath Oct 2015
you ran your tender nails
over all my scars.
but then i looked down
and there was
**e v e r y w h e r e
547 · Jun 2014
Serenity Hue
Sasha Ranganath Jun 2014
The colour of serenity
The colour of calm beauty
Gurgling of a stream
Amidst land of green
Flowers blooming gracefully
Swaying away aimlessly
The winged little fairies
Buzzing as they forage
Telling their own stories
Causing a pleasant havoc.
But despite all the peace,
She's left with unease.
A peculiar unrest
To decipher it
She tries her best.
Again and again
A recurring nag
Within herself she starts to lag.
Her eyes are dry
All out of tears,
She's at the brim.
The brim of going mad
The brim of insanity.
Her demons relishing,
Parts of her missing.
What's left of her heart mourns,
As her soul has died.
She is herself no more,
But a hollow, numb body
With no place to hide.
She has no memory
Of how she used to be
So happy, so carefree
With not a worry.
With a flood of emotions,
Her neck is choked
With a lifeless rope.
She's turning blue
That's what she called
*The serenity hue.
Sasha Ranganath Jan 2015
Won't care if I'm shot for being your shield,
Because you're the one I really need.

Won't cry if I'm stabbed for holding your hand,
Because you're the one who helped me stand.

Won't be afraid if I'm lashed for being there for you,
Because you showed me how love felt-* *true.
539 · Oct 2014
Cigarette Burns
Sasha Ranganath Oct 2014
In the distance
I see a silhouette.
I know that it's you
'Cause you were my cigarette.

I breathed you in
And blew you out.
Again and again
A permanent pout.

I knew you were destructive
Yet I chose to stay.
I knew I would be broken
Yet I didn't go away.

With damaged lungs you left me
And watched me fight for breath.
Once I regained consciousness,
I could walk, but still a little dead.

I healed the burns
And stitched the wounds.
But they tear from time to time
Because you want them to.
(Or I think you do)

I know every feature
Of the darkness that is you.
Because my love was innocent,
And you showed me your truth.
535 · Oct 2015
for you
Sasha Ranganath Oct 2015
and i'll wait for you
I'll wait
till my teeth fall out
and skin rots.
it's no trouble, dear rose
for my heart
is eternally comatose.
534 · Oct 2014
Lung Exercise
Sasha Ranganath Oct 2014
Hold your breath
Count to ten,
Don't let go
Keep it in.

Lift a brick
Dig a hole,
Jump inside
Keep holding on.

Shut your eyes
And don't breathe,
Stay in there
Don't be free.

Now climb out,
Run a mile.
Swim a lap
Don't breathe, but smile.

Greet some people,
Hug a few
But even then
Don't you dare spew.

Do you feel at ease?
Is it a wonderful feel?
That's the strength I have
To walk past you like a breeze.
Sasha Ranganath Oct 2014
In the spark of a lighter on a cigarette
In the sparkle of a twilight star
In the shine of an eye in a veteran portrait
In the glint of sun through a drizzle war.

In the shimmer of dust in the early sunlight
In the gleaming midnight moon
In the shining tears of happy eyes
In the glittering outline of a paper cartoon.

In all these simple sights it lies-
The buried, hidden treasure.
A feast for all the demonic eyes-
The epitome of pleasure.
528 · Oct 2014
Picking Up The Pieces
Sasha Ranganath Oct 2014
Round-abouts of confusion
A ship of misconception.

Free falling into fire,
But only getting higher.

Together but alone,
Still holding onto hope.

Slowly the fire dies,
Waves begin to arise.

And suddenly something breaks,
Even though he still cared.

It's the sound of a shattering heart,
Faults on both parts.

Constellations breaking,
Connections tearing.

Last night she loved him,
Well into the foggy morning.

Tonight she just cries,
Asking herself why?

She wonders if he's doing the same,
How long must she pray?

Know that she cares,
Know that she dares.

She sees his girl,
But does he see she's hurt?

But perhaps it's okay,
She needs to drift away.
for one of my closest friends <3
526 · Oct 2015
Sasha Ranganath Oct 2015
you thought drunken hickeys
were for losers.
so you gave me sober bruises
now are we lovers?
511 · Oct 2015
Sasha Ranganath Oct 2015
you caressed my eyes
and brushed through my lashes.
i was so indulged in
your touch- so soft,
i only realize now:
my sight is gone.
510 · Jun 2014
Sasha Ranganath Jun 2014
I'm falling down
I can't catch my crown,
Help me please
I don't want to give up.

I'm crawling on the floor
Don't close the door,
Hold my hand
And help me stand.

Life is cruel
I was just a tool,
Used and abused
I was such a fool.

Do you see me?
Or am I invisible?
I'm crying out for you
Lift me up,
Clear the view.
I'm losing control
Show me the light,
Help me win
My inner fight.

I'm reaching out to you
I'm losing all the trust now
Keep my faith alive
And become my guiding light.

People are always leaving
But to you I'm pleading,
I don't want to be alone
Take me home.
508 · Aug 2014
Preserving Sanity
Sasha Ranganath Aug 2014
Ghosts of my past
Come back to me
So ruthlessly,
Taking over me.

They come to me
Without summoning
The demons possess,
Without conjuring.

Yet I feel so serene,
Yet security binds me,
I’m ecstatic
Although blind.

Beautiful are the stars
But peaceful is the past,
Every haunting memory
Swirling, flying around me.

I think of every minute
I think of every second,
The days I spent crying
And bleeding to near-death.

Those days are behind me now
The days I jammed my fingernails,
The moments I ripped open my skin,
The seconds I let my tears burn my skin.

I’m grateful for my ghosts,
I’m thankful for my demons,
They keep my sane
They rid me of despair.
508 · Dec 2014
To Find My Only Love
Sasha Ranganath Dec 2014
What happened to the days
I found poetry in a thread on a dress?
What happened to the days
I found poetry in a strand on a head?

The days I had the most extravagant words
To use as my armour and weapons?
The days I had a beautiful, flowing rhyme
To use as the glamour and .......?

Have I lost my train of thought?
Or have I stopped looking for it?
Have I finally succumbed to the cost
Which states to find poetry in every twist?

Every twist of every braid,
Every list of every maid.
Every hill growing up,
Every second of broken trust.

I must go on a conquest to retrieve my possession
Of thirst for finding poetry in even the slightest dust on a table top.
To live my life again, I have made this decision;
And for you to adhere to it is my humble requisition.
508 · Jul 2014
Science and Monsters
Sasha Ranganath Jul 2014
Velocity, acceleration and time
The speed, the distance
Travelled by a body,
Inanimate and lifeless.
A body that has to be controlled
A body that has to be in control.

Reactions, balancing and valency
Reaction between chemicals
Again in need
Of external control
In need to be in control.

Internal systems, senses and movement
The only subject
About life
The only subject
About being alive.

Yet, she feels
She is the physics
And the chemistry
She's lost self control,
She's no more herself,
Without the biology.

Although she's
She's still dead.
Although she's
She's still breathless.
Although she's
She's still falling.

And although
She speaks through her mouth,
Thinks from her brain,
And bleeds from her vessels,
It isn't her behind
The words.
It isn't her behind
The thoughts.
It isn't her behind
The liquid.

If not herself,
Who is it?
If not her own mind,
Whose is it?

Have you heard of demons?
Not the ones
With horns and a tail.
Not the ones
With red skin.
Not the ones
Told in stories.

But the monsters
She feared as a child,
The monsters who lived
Under her bed.

The real monsters,
They dwell in her,
Feeding off her happiness
And drinking up
Her memories.

Scarring memories
Are the only ones they spare,
Leaving unhealed wounds
And taking sadistic pleasure.

She is controlled
By them,
She lost herself
She was forced to surrender,
She was forced to forget.

She had no choice
But to fall
And to stop living
For herself.

She is controlled
But not in control.
She is surviving
But not on her own.
She is alive
But in the grave,
Buried with flowers
And dirt to cover up.

How can everyone
Be so oblivious
To the dead girl
Amongst the living?
505 · Oct 2014
I Survived
Sasha Ranganath Oct 2014
Swooning in love
It started out,
Or at least I think.
But was it just betrayed trust?

Fall outs and patch ups,
Confusion and bliss;
A wonderland in my head
That's all it was.

You built me up
And broke me down,
Didn't care
Didn't hurt.

The final time you broke me down,
I built myself from ruins;
Didn't stumble
Didn't drown.

Since you broke me down,
Can you see
How far I've come?
I've retrieved my crown.

One day I'll be there
To thank you for it,
One sharp glance
And you'll be hit.

I won't break you down,
Just my creation.
I won't steal your crown,
Just your humiliation.
489 · Jul 2014
Sasha Ranganath Jul 2014
I want to love someone
Love someone so deeply,
I can draw their eyes
Plainly from memory.

I want to love someone
Love someone with so much heart,
I can hear their heartbeat
And create a piece of art.

I want to love someone
And gaze at the starry sky,
The rippled moonlit water
No room for another lie.

But I desire not
To love someone alone,
True love is not one-sided
No one ascends the throne.

I need not a perfect soul
I need someone with inner beauty,
I need not a rotten soul
Just one who loves me truly.
480 · Sep 2014
A July Flame
Sasha Ranganath Sep 2014
Who's to blame
For the fire that started?
Who's to say
They stand corrected?

A July flame-
Undying love
Or apparently the same
Is broken trust.

What is the use
Of a beating heart,
When dead is the fuse
And black are the sparks?

When every time I see his face
I feel like pulling the trigger,
Was it not a sort of race
That was stopped by a liar?

I cried tears of acid
For someone only worth
A stare so placid
To destroy and hurt.

I hold *******
Against my neck,
Pretending to shoot so it no longer lingers-
The memories that broke the deck.

How I wish thoughts
Could be burnt,
Of all the fights fought
And all the lessons learnt.

I know no more
What it feels to love,
With my heart gone cold,
There's no meaning now.
479 · Jun 2014
Heart's Content
Sasha Ranganath Jun 2014
Pushing away the clouding negativity
Because they belong to
The "minority".
He loves his partner
And he loves him back
Family and friends taken aback.
Suddenly being in love is a crime
Heart's content is criticised.
They're against them holding hands
Branding them names
And a disgusted glance.
Emotions they are unable to curb,
Contemplating if they should leave
And bring everyone peace.
By and by the days drag on,
Hiding inside, left alone
Alone but one
One love
One heart,
Beating together
Creating art.
They show the world
They need not provide
An apology for loving.
Amidst cruelty and hate
They shan't give up.
Take pride in loving each other
*Heart's content is all that matters.
I support gay/lesbian rights. #LGB equality.
Sasha Ranganath Aug 2014
Broken hearts, torn souls,
Ripped out and left to bleed dead,
Grey clouds overhead.
473 · Oct 2014
Sasha Ranganath Oct 2014
Unseen lies,
Forgone truth;
Bleeding eyes,
Hiding crooks.

Bruised skins,
Broken hearts;
Downing pills,
Tearing in parts.

Skyward bound,
Or bound to flames;
Screaming loud,
But from silence we hail.

Muffled words,
Hand-cuffed wrists;
Suicidal birds,
More names to lists.

We'll be the lost,
We'll be the forgotten;
We'll be the past,
We'll be the unwanted.
473 · Jun 2014
Sasha Ranganath Jun 2014
She cried herself
To sleep at night,
Trying so hard
To find the light.

Her sister went to parties
Rarely feeling lonely,
Leaving a hurting Isabelle
Quietly hiding in her shell.

A fire raged within her
But afraid of going unheard,
She kept away,
Ran far away.

Her daddy went to strip clubs
And always came home drunk,
Her skin bore bruises
Only thorns, no roses.

Her mama went to church
For, she was also hurt;
The man she loved
Beat her up.

Her friends were all so pretty
They caught everyone's eye;
But she was so lonely
Caught in a web of lies.

The ones who said
They loved her,
Only built her walls
Up higher.

She felt betrayed,
Unwanted waste;
Tears in her eyes,
She was asking "Why?"

I found a crouching Isabelle,
She was going through hell.
I picked her up
And gave her hope.

Now she's strong,
She was wrong;
She's not worthless
She's not a mess.

Somewhere in there,
In love I fell;
Now she is my Isabelle.
I need to find my isabelle :')
471 · Sep 2015
Sasha Ranganath Sep 2015
In the darkness, everything comes alive.
Words begin to take shapely forms, distortion comes into play and our minds are syncopating to every detail.
Stare long enough into the darkness and you'll see unsightly guises prancing around. Take one step closer, if you dare; close your eyes and at once, G  L  A  R  E  .  Jolts of terror scream through your skin making it crawl. Your thoughts run wild as ever, showing you what you truly fear. You're desperate to escape.
You close your eyes and fall asleep. Gradually you drift away and REM kicks in. You're in the state of dreaming. It's all a make-believe land hereafter. The strangest things in reality suddenly make sense in the darkness. It seems like eternity in your head, with flashes and unsynchronised movements.
It's an unending vortex of warped confusion. Deranged thoughts arise, twisting your world into a mangled mess. It's just an abyss of hollowness now.
**In the dark, nothing is at rest.
467 · Aug 2014
Come Along
Sasha Ranganath Aug 2014
When I fade with wind
And go to heaven or hell
I want to take you.

If I go to hell
You are destined to heaven
To live with the Gods.

I want you with me
Even if heaven summons,
For, I curse you not.
459 · Oct 2015
Sasha Ranganath Oct 2015
you etched your name
down to my bones.
and now my limbs
are falling off.
it doesn't hurt though.
i just wish i could hold you.
but i'm just meat
wearing bloodstained clothes.
449 · Aug 2014
Sasha Ranganath Aug 2014
Walking through the sand
The wind blowing in her hair
Waves have consumed her.
Sasha Ranganath Nov 2014
It hurts knowing
I can't hug you once more.

It hurts knowing
We won't be painfully close.

It hurts knowing
I can't ignore your face.

It hurts knowing
I won't be a mess again.

It hurts knowing
You won't hear if I call your name.

It hurts knowing
I can't let you go.

It hurts knowing
That you still have to go.

It hurts knowing
I won't hurt anymore.
437 · Oct 2014
Sasha Ranganath Oct 2014
I swear to God
If you don't sleep,
You'll keep being sick
And never break free.
435 · Jun 2014
Sasha Ranganath Jun 2014
Deep in her hazel eyes,
There are truths and lies
Lies to cover the pain
Truths of a permanent stain.
She loves the summer shower
She loves the winter snow.
But she doesn't embrace them,
Just keeping to herself.
Striving to hide the tears
And block away the fears.
She has just one heart
Almost falling apart,
But there is a ray of hope
That keeps it together
Like beautiful art.
Spreading smiles
And going the extra mile,
Is how she keeps herself
From the ropes.
She hopes
Through the sky she can glide.
Someday, she wonders
If she'll live a better life
Than the one she lives *inside.
434 · Aug 2014
lost purity
Sasha Ranganath Aug 2014
Where are the pure souls?
Forgotten miserably,
Ashes washed away.
Sasha Ranganath Nov 2014
Do you just ever want to get high?
Do you just ever want not to try?
Do you just ever want to feel alive?
But also recover without a cry?

Do you just ever not want to hear an alarm?
Do you just ever want to be noise amidst calm?
Do you just ever feel no harm?
But also know you still feel your arm?

You know that sense when you're feeling mellow?
You know that deepness when you're in the shallow?
You know that whisper that's in a bellow?
That's when you know you're not just an echo.
422 · Apr 2020
personified colours
Sasha Ranganath Apr 2020
you are electric blue,
charged up,
wreaking havoc like there's no tomorrow.

you are fiery red,
up in flames,
resisting change,
can't keep a straight face.

you are blood orange,
smiling through the pain,
a cheshire cat stare.

and you are sunset yellow,
soft and kind - the warm embrace of a lover.

you are a stroke of violet,
taking life as it comes,
slow, unwavering.

you are the pink of cheeks that blush,
a slow dance in the kitchen at midnight.

you are starry night black,
flawed and beautiful and eternal.

you are green swiveled into white,
serene, calm, still.

you are the full spectrum.

so do your dance and paint every empty canvas with your palette a different pattern every time -
this is why you are alive.
national poetry writing month day 2: personified colours
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