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Oct 2016 · 728
Rhea Nadia Oct 2016
too much history, where there was pain.
so much strength, where I have strained to find you.
with all that we have lost, together.
I, myself have gained boundless measures within this life.

  Simple to count...
                                                        ­                             family
        ­                                                           coffee
                                                            ­                                               books
                                                          ­       mystery
        long nights
                                                          ­                             city lights
    ­                                                            exper­ience
                                         ­                                                     great films
                                                        ­   fall
                                                            ­                                 peaches
                                                         ­            the future
                  ­                                                                 ­             and their poetry.

We are not the names we carry.
We are the years we wear.
We are not cursed creatures.
We are not our bodies.
We are infinite certainties.
Jun 2015 · 593
Rhea Nadia Jun 2015
I have taken so many breaths,
without you.

I have taken so many steps,
without you.

I have witnessed so many sunrises and seen so many sunsets,
without you.

I have waken up so many mornings
without you
slept countless nights,
without you.
I have showered many days,
without you.
I have lived through so many moons,
without you.

So when you step into my world,
I expect you to show me things
and fill me with miraculous sensations
that I could never experience,

without you.

**© 2015 Rhea Nadia
May 2015 · 763
From her window
Rhea Nadia May 2015
There's a rhythm to these 6 a.m. clouds.
A story to tell in each swirl of color
... much like her eyes, a blend of hazel.
Cloaked in mystery - and misery.
Proof that the traveling winds live within the strands of her light hair.
The blended beauty that blew from coast to coast...
6 a.m. feels like love.

As sure as you see daylight, there she is.
The woman who kissed those clouds behind millions of stars
just to prove that love goes the distance.
6 a.m. lasts all day, somewhere in the world.

*© 2015 Rhea Nadia
Idea given to me by: Lynn Al-Abiad
Appreciate  it.
May 2015 · 3.5k
Beautiful balances
Rhea Nadia May 2015
And then
you find someone who
understands you don't
need them
there's an irreplaceable
desire for them
soaring through your body

*© 2015 Rhea Nadia
Rhea Nadia Mar 2015
This is a man (Malcolm X) I believe gave our Black people confidence in times most needed. He extended common sense amongst scrambled minds and perspective to scholars who thought they had it figured out. His methods, must like a scientist. I'm speaking of the way he even compartmentalized subjects with much harmony and such fluidity. I respect the approaches he took to bind our Black people. I know that he held sincere compassion for the progress of our Black communities. This is why he weighs so heavy on us 50 years later. Probably heavier than ever, he resonates. He rises every time the consistent bullet of injustice pierces the flesh of our people. Each time one falls victim to ignorance or returns to the way they know better than to follow, Malcolm X is there. He is in our Black men, the rebellious hunger. The starvation and thirst will drive you to a point of discipline and control of self or the continuous massacre of dignity, pride and structure in the Black body. We are failing ourselves. We were once victims and for too long stayed that way. We are surely oppressed and have been for too long but we are not to feel sorry for ourselves. We are not to help the oppressor further press us down into our own graves. We are not victims anymore. We are not to allow others to sympathize for us. We are not the minority, they may say what they will. We have learned far too many lessons and we have had far too many teachers to continue letting this ignorance run through and destroy our beauty. Volumes of lectures, instructions - literally the key to rising is in our possession and we have failed generation after generation to seam our strengths and unlock what is already ours. We have been warned, it will not be an easy task nor a joyful journey. We will fight, we will bleed, we will not rest many nights, we will not look the same many years from now, we will not hold the same energy, we will not have the amount of time that we have at this very moment. The amount of time that we have to wake up, change and be better for those looking for answers 50 years from now. Like those before us, it is up to us to leave our words, power and visions as the foundation of inspiration, as the response for what our struggle has really meant and the love that has to be built to get us there. *

© 2015 Rhea Nadia
It will always feel like "Black History Month"
Jan 2015 · 857
Will someone please...
Rhea Nadia Jan 2015
give me a topic or a few to write on please.
My muse? Lost within you all.
Jan 2015 · 920
Rhea Nadia Jan 2015
To stand in my place means
to kneel where I've fallen.
It means crawling where
I've learned to walk

**© 2015 Rhea Nadia
First write of 2015
Sep 2014 · 1.1k
Petty struggle
Rhea Nadia Sep 2014
Dead flowers in my morning oatmeal.
I struggle with letting go of the past.
These petals are hard to swallow.
Rhea Nadia Aug 2014
Feel it all at once,
once and for all.
Or *never at all
Aug 2014 · 615
Rhea Nadia Aug 2014
How can you


believe that

pain is temporary,

when you yourself are.
Apr 2014 · 423
Rhea Nadia Apr 2014
And will always be
what my dreams are made of.

*© Rhea Nadia
Mar 2014 · 497
Be still.
Rhea Nadia Mar 2014
Quit chasing red lights and running into dead ends.
Patience will surely see that light emerges from the ****** hue.
Do not become a causality.
That is a war for time and time alone.

*© 2014 Rhea Nadia
Rhea Nadia Mar 2014
Check your beliefs with your coat
before you strike a conversation with me.

Get a ticket on your opinions so that you can
return them when I prove them wrong.

"Hello" can easily turn into a battle of words
suffering under much temper if you aren't careful.

Tip-toe around with your suggestions because no one
marches on the grounds of absolute except me.

Now I ask, where do you stand and what size was your coat?

*© 2014 Rhea Nadia
The defense angle of exchanging dialogue.
Perception of the offensive angle.
Mar 2014 · 390
Rhea Nadia Mar 2014
You are a curse best left

but a curse best kept.
I will always want you for myself.

What could the world know about you?

They wont even look you in the eye.

They will never speak your tongue.

I am afraid, ALWAYS AFRAID.

Afraid of and for you.

You like to believe I tremble at your touch.

I don't. I shiver at the thought of letting you go.

For you are the punishment upon us all.

A hex I have created. An oath of disaster.

The crack in the mirror before it breaks into a hundred shards. The fragments that are never found but stepped on later. A reminder that nothing is okay just yet. A mental note that there are hidden tragedies beneath us all. Who could love you for this crime?

Not even me, but I could never let you free.

© 2014 Rhea Nadia
Mar 2014 · 527
The Way
Rhea Nadia Mar 2014
I know you’ve cried about it
and even from this distance I’ve caught every single tear.
I feel you tossing & turning in my head on nights you can’t catch sleep.
We share afternoon and midnight thoughts.
I am that distraction when you’re dazed from the present moment.
That’s still me.
I’ve sensed your confusion,
your fuel from sadness and
your frustration from undeserving happiness.
I’ve learned to follow your anger to a place so deep in your heart,
even you forgot how to get there.
I just remember the way.

*© 2014 Rhea Nadia
Feb 2014 · 386
Too Soon, Maybe Late
Rhea Nadia Feb 2014
If we could just get the timing right.
If we could just be lucky for once.
If our paths would just intersect exactly where they're supposed to...

If only we said the same prayer each night, for the rest of our lives.
If only we vowed never to put one another out of our minds.

If the universe could promise us one thing...
If eternal life meant, our eternal beings,
linking up somehow and merging.


Things would always be what they never will.
We would always have what we tried to capture.
Stars would always align just where we want them.
Our spirits would share a kiss sealed
by the weight of each footstep it took for us to finally meet.
Every breath we've taken from birth until now,
it would be worth it seven times over.

If my words met your thoughts,
your thoughts met my mind,
my mind met your body,
your body met my heart
and your heart met my hand...
This would be me touching you there,
if only we could just get the timing right.

*© 2014 Rhea Nadia
Rhea Nadia Feb 2014
This cafe is no Starbucks.
No tea leaf&coffee; bean here.
They don't even play music.
Instead of tables and stools,
I've found myself lounged on top
of a quaint, bohemian styled sofa.
I'm figuring the target atmosphere is comfort.
Its fitting, but not for me.

Old memories are sitting on the sofa across, staring right at me.
I have to remind myself not to wave.
"Don't give in to nostalgia.
Forget us all. If you do and you come back, don't come see me."

Be that the representation of everything I have to let go.

*© 2014 Rhea Nadia
"Don't give in to nostalgia. Forget us all. If you do and you come back, don't come see me."

(Excerpt from "Cinema Paradiso" 1988 film)
Feb 2014 · 619
In Need
Rhea Nadia Feb 2014
I need irreversible affection.

I need timeless passion.

I need allusive arousal.

Love is just the other half..

Give a first hand testimony to our bond.

Pay tribute to the nexus..

This connection is erected.

**© 2014 Rhea Nadia
Feb 2014 · 606
He who told me.
Rhea Nadia Feb 2014
He said I was all fire and no light.
all fire and no light

I have a strong mouth with no bite.

A fitting passion but won’t fight.

I’m all shell. Empty inside.

I’m everything that won’t combine.

A cup of french vanilla with no chai.

I’m incomplete with no wonder why...

He went on calling me an archer with no aim.

Still a fire but no flame.
A soul gone unclaimed.

My celestial being has been chained.
This man said this without ever knowing my name.

*© 2014 Rhea Nadia
Jan 2014 · 389
Because of life (6w)
Rhea Nadia Jan 2014
Some flowers never die, you know?

**© 2014 Rhea Nadia
Jan 2014 · 578
My Evermore
Rhea Nadia Jan 2014
I understand elongation is not equal to eternity.
I know that everything is temporary.
I just can’t help but recognize you as my evermore.

*© 2014 Rhea Nadia
Jan 2014 · 529
Perfect measure
Rhea Nadia Jan 2014
Call me the calm after the storm. 
The glow around the moon. 
The moment you release but not a moment too soon.

**© 2014 Rhea Nadia
Jan 2014 · 1.0k
Radiating Certainty
Rhea Nadia Jan 2014
I walk on fire, my spirit is the beam.
This confidence that’s on my skin, I can’t take off.
It’s glowing and giving off shimmer, even in the dark.
I didn’t ask to be seen. Only needed to be heard.
My voice is dry, no flicker, no flare.
Domineering my way through the flood of still flesh, just to be the tongue of volume.
Refusing to subscribe to the code of this noxious world.
I am not the cure to worriment,

*© 2014 Rhea Nadia
Jan 2014 · 524
You must have been right
Rhea Nadia Jan 2014
I am the charm of your life.
just barely hanging on...

© 2014 Rhea Nadia
Jan 2014 · 2.4k
Rhea Nadia Jan 2014
                     a violent disturbance of the atmosphere.
                                                     ­    of my atmosphere

You are the only one I lived through.
- In a sense of comfort and survival.

They warned me about you.
They told me to pack my things while I was young and had time.
They told me to pack light because I would need what energy I had left.
                       ­                          THEY TOLD ME.
but I believed you would be gentle. I knew I had done just the right amount of observing and that I  had   you figured out. I told them not to worry about me because I knew exactly what I was dealing with. I told them I would love you, no matter the damage. "There is nothing that cannot be fixed."

And to this day I'm still holding onto that, trying to believe it.
This home I spent 22 years building and securing, is now one with the ground.
My walls that I finally found the perfect shade of teal for, all red now.
Standing in the middle of this ruin, no windows, no door, nowhere to hide.
I have fallen into *disrepair
and you meant to do it. It's in your nature and I knew it!
Was it confidence or ignorance that led to my unseeing belief in you?
                                                      (your ability to be tender and serene)

"The calm after the storm..." Is that what I was supposed to hope for?
No, of course not. I should have known better than that because we all know

Storms never do last forever.

**© 2014 Rhea Nadia
Jan 2014 · 759
The rest of love
Rhea Nadia Jan 2014
Let us lay in each other’s arms for love, not for rest.
To be born a second time and nurtured by each other’s heartbeats.
Let us create a sculpture from this emotional *******.
Mold yourself inside my passionate flesh.
Allow your heart to reach where your hands cannot.
Allow your emotions to seep into the crevices your fingers cant.
Tie your limbs around mine to represent the gravitational attraction we’ve been fortunate enough to strike.
Let’s just lay here in each other’s arms like we’ll never lay our love to rest.

**© 2014 Rhea Nadia
Jan 2014 · 1.8k
You love to hate me
Rhea Nadia Jan 2014
Always for a reason bigger than both of us.
I cannot adjust these attributes you're so intent on changing.
The more I ask for you to just love me as I am, the further you draw away.
Like running towards the ocean when the waves are receding
then having them crash right into you once you're leaving...
its the way you cause me to feel.

The only way you cause me to feel.

The only feeling you're accustomed to causing.
Perhaps the only custom you're causing yourself to feel?

You hate to love yourself
  but you love to hate me.

**© 2014 Rhea Nadia

— The End —