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8.1k · Mar 2017
The Great Barrier Reef
The Great Barrier Reef
A beauty born out of rock and sand
Seldom touched by human hand
An image of beauty
Slowly demolished
By the unpolished

The Great Barrier Reef
An unexplained bleaching
Its beauty compelling,
Its color expelling.
It lays in pain,
Forever longing a voice.

The Great Barrier Reef
It burns with heat
A half now surrendered
To the changes from above
A feeling unknown
Whirlpools surging
Destroying all we’ve known.

The Great Barrier Reef
She’d given up
The destruction will never stop,
Her perseverance now lost.
But maybe someday,
The world will once again live in peace.
The Great Barrier Reef
2.1k · Apr 2017
From the alluring meadows of plants,
and the enchanting wonders that encompass it.
Each organism unique,
none as much as even bleak.
As we grow and split,
cell by cell.
Animals grow with development,
Autotrophs harness sunlight,
and breathe in food.
An unknown stimuli,
compromising all we'll know.
Leaving animals free of their golden glow.
Their response will soon show,
animals in exile from their once snug homes.
An assignment from years ago.
1.6k · Mar 2017
Tiger Lily
Tiger Lily,
Glowing bright
Soft velvety petals
Swaying violently
Against the storm

Swirling winds
Entangle her soul
Struggles to be free

Its wrath subsides
And the flower stands tall
Tiger Lily
Brightest of them all

Wearing the yellowest of bonnets
The greenest of gowns
She curtsies up and down
And turns to the sun

Petals tainted wild gold
Amongst murky swamps
Tiger Lily
Shining ever so bright
Thought I'd start out with one of my oldest poems.
1.5k · Mar 2017
Islands of trash are forming.
Plastics are swarming.
The forgotten fish,
With Fishing nets adrift.

It never goes away.
The killer that cannot be killed.
Our fish are dying,
Our baby dolphins are crying.

Bottles thrown to float,
Choking throats of the dying.
They’re eating the rotten,
Our forgotten friends.

Trash is thrown to float,
Caps get stuck in sea turtles throats,
Our oceans are too lovely,
To make them all turn ugly,
With all this plastic pollution.

Once a beauty,
Our oceans are filthy
But maybe someday,
The oceans will once again live in peace.
Plastic, a killer.
1.5k · Jun 2017
A furry little kitten,
white, dotted with black.
No dominance,
it’s co-dominance!
Neither allele could make it through.
Running far ahead,
collapsing on the way.
Beauty shows in her phenotype.
Unfortunate signs in her genotype.
Kitty is diseased,
for heredity be cruel,
for her father killed by illness too.
a beauteous hybrid,
Her mother, angelic, snowy white.
Her father, dark and eerie.
What’s the probability?
Kitty be unique,
neither her mother or father,
finding a tad of both.
One Dominant or two Recessive alleles?
Stuck in the middle,
Lies my Kitty.
A seventh-grade writing assignment I tweaked a bit.
1.3k · Mar 2017
Breathing in, out
R~, a name so vibrant,
Teeming with endless vitality,
She was named to flow through the ripples of the stream.

Lacing within the folds of clear liquid,
Weaving through the movement,
Breathing in, out.

Unconstrained, forever free, traveling with currents.
Spilling, gushing out from the motion,
Rising above to disappear,
Breathing in, out.

Formulating in little crystal droplets,
Swirling into cotton candy in the sky.
Transforming into birds, fish, happy things.
Breathing in, out.

Shapes churning into sudden wisps of thick gray,
Consuming brightness, leaving darkness.
Deafening booms of anger, bursting streaks of blinding white.

Pouring from the sky, endless invisible beads,
Heavy, weighing the petals of flowers down,
Collecting in pools of reflection.
The soft pitter-patter, a lullaby to the ear,
Falling once again upon the stream,
Merging with the currents of energy,
then slowing to a calm,
Breathing in, out.

Oh so vibrant,
Teeming with endless vitality,
Flowing through the ripples of the stream.
A poem for a friend.
648 · Feb 2018
The Birds in the Sky
Perfect silhouettes,
against plum-kissed skies.

A choreographed dance
Swooping and singing,
We see as we watch,
From down below.

They’re like the children of the sky.
Free-spirited, and lost in play.
Lost in the flow of the wind.

They skim the water’s edge,
Weaving through the movement,
Harmonizing the beating of their wings

They are the Birds in the Sky.
New writing!

623 · Mar 2017
Sliced clean
The death of a being
The birth of me
Clean and bleak
Used and bold

White and fiber rich
A landscape
A face
Flowers free
What will it be?

A gloomy face
A glowing city
Infinite possibilities

Etching into me
Swirly, loopy, straight, and wavy
Magnificent lines
Leaping from white
A new power
Endless expression

Unleashed power roams free
Forever on me
I am but one
Piece of paper
536 · Apr 2017
Of Two Worlds
I feel it coursing through my blood
The untamed electricity.
Zipping through my veins.
Drops containing shattered dreams,
Missed opportunities.
Others with love,
Warmth, beautiful feelings.

Energy prickled its way up my arms,
Bursting throughout my weak frame.
I needed it now.
A time of despair and loneliness.
It felt good-
Giving a spring to feet.
Having not been used in ages.

I’m restless, now in a frenzy,
Unable to control the happiness I haven't felt in so long.
Somehow it comes.
A smile,
Its spreads across a face of stiff muscles.
And forever sustained frowns.

My energy is like shreds of a new life.
Torn, ready to take off for a new soul, young or old.
I become energetic, like a bolt lightning.
I crack my bones,
Twist my neck.
I am the Zombie.
Rising from the dead.
One of my favorites.
Enjoy :)
516 · Apr 2017
Forgotten Joys
There was once a little girl who held a rose
She ran through gardens
Feeling grass beneath her toes
She sensed sand stinging her feet
And snowflakes freezing her hands
A face brightened with Joy
With Happiness and Love

Years passed by,
But the girl knew
It would never be the same

Time went on and they couldn’t be stopped.
They ravaged through countries
Killing the forests with great pride and joy
Just for a shred of gold and material wants.

The girl wanted a voice
A voice to speak up
But they never listened

The girl soon forgot
The color of the sand
The feel of the snow
The everlasting sun
All was lost

The girl grew up
She stopped caring- about Roses
Forgetting the animals, moon, and stars
Now she was them

Thick masses of smog now a sky
No more plants
No more blue skies
No more wandering along the shoreline
No more falling snowflakes on our tongues

Eventually, there was no sun
Sun lamps
And plaster brown grass
There were no plants, animals, and eventually we.
Don't you see?
We are destroying ourselves
Piece by piece.
433 · Mar 2017
What if Fish had a say?
A wonderful blue, strong and bold.
A marvelous place, with much to see.
Our delightful oceans, and our sea.

A marvelous world where so many lurk,
Where we sharks, crustaceans, and octopi work.
We live free, oh so carefree.

The oceans hold strength, power, and control.
Without them, our lives would surely fall.
We must thrive with mouths held high.

Unlike humans, who take far more than they need,
We shan’t be corrupted by such greed.
They **** our oceans.
They **** each other.
We mustn't give in to the evil above.

We speak for the dead.
Whose souls have turned to dust,
With only skins left behind.

Which all life will become, if we **** our great oceans.
For if we **** them, we **** our Earth too.
All creatures, all life,
Goes with her too.

Such is the future, unless our oceans are saved,
From the greedy.
Who are causing destruction.
That they themselves can never escape.
For an assignment, a while ago.

— The End —