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Kei Darling Dec 2020
Her voice plays over the songs of the angels
And I smile
Kei Darling Nov 2020
Trade the lives of good and evil
Weigh them on a scale and see to which side they tip
Their actions on display for a counsel that only exists in your head
Judging a soul you cannot truly see.
Christians please don't yell at me for the title :(
Kei Darling Nov 2020
There’s nothing more beautiful than that little notification bubble
Because it means someone saw you
Kei Darling Jul 2020
True Beauty is a special thing
Something that most don't ever get to see
It’s gold without its iconic bling
Something that would fill anyone with glee

I’m not just talking about a pretty exterior, though that has its own value
It’s that unwavering love that makes it so attractive
So if you ever find it, cherish it, shall you?
Let that love consume you and hold you captive.

For their love won’t be as feeble as the stories
Not something as simple as the typical vows
And that in itself has its own glories
An affection that the coldest of hearts allows

True beauty knows what it wants and will lead you as well
True Beauty can coax anyone out of their shell

Find someone beautiful for me, okay?
Kei Darling Dec 2020
The sharpness that they hated
The egotistical smirk
The love that smears but doesn’t lift
It’s in my blood.
jjsnaksdnjsdnjs well cool (┬┬﹏┬┬)
Kei Darling Oct 2020
I see you fall and I feel helpless
I see your pretty smile replaced by tears
This was your dream and I feel hopeless
I just hope you can live on past your fears

The ocean and the earth live in harmony
Each detail of your waters are beautiful
Strength like the smoothest symphony
Your love is plentiful

But your hope is not
The eagle stole it, and then the crows finished off the rest
To return it, is what ive sought
Each day is a test

I’ve never seen you so soulless
Swaying in the wind, helpless.
this is actually based off an anime ship- guess who in the comments..?
Kei Darling Dec 2020
She makes me feel alive
I can imagine the way she smiles from her words
I want to see it myself
yes this is *pointed* lol.
Kei Darling Dec 2020
It’s not pain, but it won’t go away
This feeling when I catch your gaze
There’s a pit in my stomach
But I can handle it
I can’t handle this obligation
lol Kei be kinda dumb sometimes
Kei Darling Dec 2020
I saw it on the internet and it wrenches in my heart how I can hear how your voice sounds,
Each simple melody,
Each wish expressed through tone,
Without ever meeting you.
Suicide letter
The voice talks about how the fight isn’t over just because yours is,
You say that things are getting better
But I look in the mirror and think that someday it might be me
Suicide letter
I can hear you smile as you tell me “not to be sad,”
But I wipe my tears on the sleeve of my sweater
I scream in the wind to never forget her,
And I can hear you screaming next to me
Leelah Alcorn
Kei Darling Oct 2020
Sense of beauty
They say it's my gift
I guess that’s what we call it when
...nothing’s good enough…
...everything feels ugly…
...and that beauty I love is so far away…
...just out of reach…
...analyzing every piece…
...of its not beautiful it hurts…
...If I'm not beautiful it hurts…
A sense of beauty
pft well,,,
Kei Darling Jul 2020
I opened a flower shop

And I would take sad boys and girls inside

and they would tell me their woes

And I would give them a flower to soak their tears away

There was a girl

And she looked so broken

So I took her inside and she taled

And I offered her a rose

But she shunned my rose.

She didn’t want it

Said she didn’t deserve it

And I offered it time and time again

she refused

But she looked so terrified I would make her leave

So she stayed

But each time I held out a rose,

Its thorns would pierce my fingers.

And then her family came

And they begged her to take the flower

But she wouldn’t.

My skin started to stain read from the petals and blood

Her family weeped

Yet she still refused

She just kept talking,

Rolling in her own misery

She didn’t see all that around her

But I think she could

She ignored how she was hurting how her family was hurting how I was hurting howshewashurtinghowherfamilywashurtinghowIwashurtinghowshewashurt­inghowherfamilywashurtinghowIwashurting

I thought I could fix the broken girl

One day I ran out of roses
heh this is old and kinda really *****.
Kei Darling Jul 2020
Pretty fleeting smiles and longing glances
I found her looking out over this land you’ve created
Though she recognized the beauty of the throne, it was you, the king, for whom her heart took its chances
She’ll treasure any bit of affection blindly, even if belated

Such a shame, she was foolish to come so far
To find you, curse your charm
For each quality you have, you are behind a bar
She would’ve been better off on a farm

But no, she will keep loving you
Despite each response of an icy glare
She still loves, stronger than any potion I could brew
Her love sparks a golden flare

Together, through all your flaws, I hope you will be beautiful.
Together, may your reign be plentiful
Kei Darling Nov 2020
I can’t remember when I stopped being me,
And he stopped being him,
And we became “us”

I remember when we called ourselves enemies:
How his lips twitched up menacingly with every snarl, promising more the next time I crossed him.
how he used to flick his hair over his shoulder when he looked over his shoulder at me,
His stupid nicknames, that existed solely to provoke a reaction that I was all too happy to give to his beautiful face.

I remember when we were a little bit more:
How he would yell every time I beat him at Mario Kart.
How he teased me when he took me to the beach for the first time and I tried to taste the sand,
When ordered for me in French when I wasn’t sure what to get.

I remember when we were unmistakably more:
When I felt indescribable as his hands traced a seam on my sweater.
How he shone at golden hour, coated in gold and looking like God’s gift to the sinners.
How his eyes flashed to me whenever there was something, anything, just slightly off
How he knew everything I thought without telling him.
He held my life in his hands, almost letting me fall but always catching me just in time
I was honest with him and he trusted me

And even when golden hour passed
And hour gaming console broke
And he cut his hair
And he stopped going to the french restaurant by the sea with me
He still loved me
And I had his love tattooed on my heart
Kei Darling Jul 2020
They say “we gon’ be alright”
And I know that its the truth
But sometimes it’s hard to find the light        
What if this is just a ruse?

Nothing worth anything can last
How do we know what we can trust?
Everything destroyed in a blast,
Our revolution turned to dust

It’s a chance at perfection
All this passion and love
So we won’t lose anyone else because of a darker complexion
A battle-ax and a dove            

The opposite of love could never be hate
And we’ll experience both in our damage state
Kei Darling Jul 2020
Why isn’t sadness beautiful to you?
Why is it only pretty faces and skinny waists?
Why isn’t longing beautiful to you?
Why do you grind people down until they turn into paste?

Why isn’t anger beautiful to you?
Why don’t you love the passion burning in their eyes?
Will you ever get to see the love that they’re too scared to pursue?
Why do you only love what comes with a shiny prize?

It’s only pretty little flowers that you don’t know the meaning of,
It’s only stolen landscapes that you don’t know,
Or that handsome boy in the movie you just saw a screening of.
You just tie up all the “negatives” in a plastic bow.

Staying ignorant, just like usual.
Why can’t I be beautiful?

— The End —