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I hadn't expected someone there
already before me.

Only lonely men come here
I heard him through my heavy breath
lonely with nothing and everything.

Down there was the sea rumbling faintly
with the froths painting themselves on the shore
like a sketch in a child's drawing book.

Height does amazing tricks, the man continued,
makes you feel invincible
stimulates you to be ****** into gravity
to fall as light as the feather.

The dusk was wrapping up the light
when I remembered having promised her
not to be late to descend.

There's a man up there, I told the gateman,
Nope, he said,
you were the only guest this evening.
 Sep 2017 Poet kiri
It has been six cycles of the moon since we first talked.
And if I count the days we were together, it'd probably be one cycle of the moon's light.
Of both our hectic lives, we managed to be together for short periods of time.
You were always there when I called even when the moon is no longer up.
But now what we have, is no longer luminous like the moonlight.
It has become hazy and dark; as if a storm is coming, we see no light.
Yet, here I am trying to blow away the clouds that covers the sky.
And if I'd lose my breath just to let you see me as I am, I would.
If only you could look up above the sky, and see clearly;
see how the dark areas of the moon give its beauty,
see how mistakes could still make us luminous,
see how I am losing my breath just to see you.
If only...
but its too late.
Written on 22:07H, 06.20.2017
The sequence of my illusion
comes to you
Even if it doesn't, do not tell me

Written by
Keikavoos Yakideh
Some of us let the summer month’s gets to your head
As we feel the heat we become one with nature
Naked, green and unapologetic,
a kind of trend which most people follow,
and hard for the some of us to swallow

Like all other things the summer heat can
Make the darkest man visible, the sleaziest worm
Crawl to the surface, for a dark tan
But it surely cans nectar the honey for  the Gods
Fall is upon us, as our joints began to ache,

Halloween is a drawing near,
Am I the only one whose seem to care?
The fly flies settle down under the broad leaves
And here I am the green poet from New York is visiting Tennessee

Those Hot summer bikini bodies, is now as cold as Niagara Falls  
We fret as we began to throw down, the last of the summer days
Creeping backs into our jean and Woolly Love Heart Jumper:

Suddenly, here come the hurricane months, September,
October and November all with they uncertainties
As I kept expressing my feeling into poetry,
With my frequent minds pop no matter how strange
Embrace them I probably will do the same.
 Sep 2017 Poet kiri
Take me where I am, meet me where I am
Shepherd me Oh Lord like a little lamb
You are my protector, you are my defender
Help me run to you when I hear the voice of the pretender
You are my salvation and my Rock
An open heart and mind has many a door unlocked
You are my fortress and my strong tower
When I am weak and worn you have the power
You are my shield in front and my sword beside
You are my armor Lord you are big when I am small inside
You lift me up and take me in
You run to me when I confess my sin
You are my healer my balm and salve when I am sick
You have never left my side through thin and very thick
You care for me and love me. You send me your Spirit
You never gave up on me even when I wanted to quit
I love you I praise you I give glory to your name
Your words are living and dynamic yet ever the same
I bless you and thank you for all that you are
Prince of Peace, King of Kings, Morning Star
Many names for one so high
But above all else you love me so much you would die
No greater love there is than to lay down one's life for a friend
I will do my best to live that out loud till my time is at an end
In all things Lord be my life and breath
Keep me ever in your sight from now until my death
When I join with you in heaven I will forever sing your praise
But until that day I'll be content just to daily lift my gaze

Written during Adoration at St. Peter's Catholic Church. First Fridays with Faith and Fellowship.
"I am my Beloved's
and my Beloved is mine."

Song of Songs 6:3

I repent, my Beloved!
I sing you my song,
I've chased after idols
I've been grievously wrong!
You are my anchor
I'm weak, and You're strong.

I feel Your sorrow
I sense your great pain
I've chased all things golden
Again and again!
I need Your forgiveness
To remove my sin's stain.

I've tested your patience
I've wrestled with You
I've been furiously angry
Due to what I've been through
But You've been so faithful
You're tried and You're


During this time
Of the Hebrew Elul
This time of repentance
This time of renewal
I give you my heart
And I give you my


My dearly Beloved
My Lover, my Friend
My Bridegroom, My Brother,
This promise I send,
I will ever love you

World without end.*

(C) 9/9/2017
"One thing I ask of the Lord,
This is what I seek:
That i may dwell in the
House of the LORD
all the days of my life,
to gaze upon the beauty
of the LORD
and to seek Him in His temple."

Psalm 27:4

The Hebrew letters used to indicate Elul can also be an acronym for
"I am my Beloved's and my Beloved is mine'

I've been wrestling with the Lord. And I started doing this around the time of the eclipse. It is more than a coincidence I believe that the eclipse happened just before the time of Elul. I ended up repenting totally for having questions about God's path for me in the past. I believe God is preparing me for something. I don't know what it is. But I have completely quit smoking, and have almost entirely cut out sugar from my diet. I'm being prompted to many other things of a profoundly personal spiritual nature. I believe this time of Elul also brings us back to our first love for the Lord. It certainly did that for me. I love Jesus with all my heart. Yeshua. Lover of My Soul.

A big thank you also to lovejunkie for mentioning the time of elul to me. Along with Alyssa Underwood (who i thank from the bottom of my heart) we were able to connect the dots and discover how God Supernaturally ordained my own personal Elul
 Sep 2017 Poet kiri
It may take only a few seconds
to hurt someone that you love
but it may take a lot of years
to heal this pain.
 Sep 2017 Poet kiri
 Sep 2017 Poet kiri
Difficult is the first meeting
When nothing to say
And the last
When everything is said
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