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  Jan 2018 Panda Boy
loved and lost a boy
who wrote the most
spectacular poetry

loved and lost a boy
whose words
softly suggested

loved and lost a boy
who made me forget
and helped me see

romance has no

it has only

the truth of a poet
who was
loved and lost

loved and lost

i loved
and lost
a boy
who didn't let me say
so i started this without using the letter i to avoid bringing it back to myself but i failed because i'm selfish
Panda Boy Jan 2018
There is this black bird I see,
It creeps around on top a chimney.
It feeds on wrappers from litter
At which I sigh, for it is bitter
To see such a creature to be so black
Searching for what it will lack
More frequently, despite history.
But for my view this is a new hope,
For this isolation I cannot cope.
I’m pretty sure most would prefer
A sky with changing clouds over a brick wall
That is as dull as a book with no pages.
I'm back after a time of absence.
Panda Boy Nov 2017
The one thing  i
is me

because  i
think  i

am  not                    
like   them

yet that
is the thing
i love
the most
Panda Boy Nov 2017
Creative morals
Lead me to new moments,
Which I thank them
For sharing
If not then.

To be blessed,
One must struggle first
And know right from wrong.
Not to boast, but thirst
For patience must take time
Yet age is not so long.

They zipped out onto the train tracks,
Don’t hold the others back.
Ice cold lights with splattered wet
Rain on them, you always regret
Because we decide to forget.

Oh, but let us be distant!
Talking trails to terrible tunes
Compared to the empty bliss
Of sand dunes.

You must wonder why
Leaves fall off trees
For when I think of you,
Just the thought
Shakes up my knees.
starting to get out of my comfort zone
Panda Boy Nov 2017
Nature’s broken off brown paper
Crumples inwards and caves inwards.
Flickers of marching band trumpets
Within the harsh sounded breezes.
Ages may always repeat
Yet one always comes and goes.

There is a sure stir in the air
As time seems to be in favour.
New short waves from the next
Generation show maturity.

The buildings shift,
But those who crawl back
From labour hours
Wait for something big;
One small tick.

This current softness,
From one year only before,
Seems to be
A global calm
Before the storm
Of change.
Panda Boy Nov 2017
I feel like my poetry lately
Has been a bit dry
Like I'm

Running out

Of words

To write.

But I'll still try to
Put in more   emotion
And rhyme
Because that
I know for sure
Is the magic   potion.
this empty mind needs a refill
  Nov 2017 Panda Boy
mr t
When pens run out of ink
We throw them away
When pencils break
We sharpen them
When I performed my piece "not a pen" a good friend of mine told me this, and it brightened my whole day.
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