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Inkveined Jan 2017
It will never be me that he chooses
It will never be me that he wants
That's why I left
Because I couldn't take it anymore
Knowing he had so much of my heart
And I had so little of his....
Inkveined Jan 2017
Autumn-when we met
Winter-when I ran from you
Spring-when you'll forget
Inkveined Jan 2017
She has a quiet heart and gentle soul.

But if you push her far enough, you'll see the part of her that is fierce and determined.

The part of her that steps in when she can't take it anymore.
Another scribble.
Inkveined Jan 2017
I close my eyes

And listen to the sound of her voice

And her laugh

And I know, that she's leaving soon

And a different person's coming back
My sister said she'll visit sometimes
Inkveined Jan 2017
I'm such a fool

For not seeing it sooner

Or maybe I just didn't want to

Maybe, if I had just faced it

It could have been dealt with

It might have gone away

But I pretended like it wasn't there

Instead, I fought and ran and hid

Everything that I could think of

But I could not abandon

This is old
Inkveined Jan 2017
You're just a wish
On a shooting star
*That missed
Inkveined Jan 2017
I wonder how many lives you touched, before mine

How many heartbreaks you caused and how many you tried your best to mend

How many times you closed your eyes and wondered what the future would bring

Not knowing it would include me
Look up the title if you don't already know what it means. Beautiful word.
Inkveined Apr 2017
Have you ever seen
the way a spider
sits so patiently
as it waits
for its next meal?
Or the way
the unsuspecting fly
will lie helplessly
having only its own wings
to blame
as freedom turns into
I rather like dark poems, don't you?
Inkveined Jan 2017
How stupid I was

To think that I was the one

Who could calm your chaos
Inkveined Jan 2017
I think about him

Far too much for my own good

The boy who broke me
Inkveined Jan 2017
Sometimes my tears don't fall from my eyes
They seep from the ink of a pen
Sometimes, they hit the paper
Instead of leaving clear marks
Hastily written blue or black ones
There's a quote that says tears don't speak
But, I believe that they do
They speak louder than a yes or no
Louder than the most well constructed argument
My tears speak
Whether they are from my eyes or from my hands
Colorful or clear
They speak louder
Than my vocal chords will ever allow me to
Demanding to be acknowledged
Even when hidden
From the rest of the world.
Inkveined Jan 2017
Oh, but I'm not even a daisy.

I'm just a blade of grass.
Some of you will understand what I'm getting at.
Inkveined Jan 2017
My mother's mother loved someone she didn't marry
And married someone she didn't love
Just for the sake of her own mother's approval
As I was falling asleep last night, I couldn't help but think
I would rather die before spending my life beside someone
Because it was the proper thing to do
Some rules are meant to be broken
Inkveined Jan 2017
And they all think I'm stupid

They don't say it, but, I know they do

I know they do

And gosh, I am

*I am
Inkveined Jan 2017
I am not scared anymore

There's nowhere left to go

We already reached the end of each path
Inkveined Jan 2017
You are my sunshine

You are my rain
Inkveined Jan 2017
I love it to the point I hate it. I hate how it's making me feel things that I've buried and reminding me of myself. I hate how my mouth is curving at the same time my eyes water and my mind takes a trip across the span of my lifetime and reintroduces itself to every person it ever knew.

I hate how it reminds me of you.
Inkveined Jan 2017
Well, okay then, yes, that's just fine, just like it was always fine, just like it's always been fine, just like it always will be.
I just needed to rant
Inkveined Jan 2017
If you would've told me
A year or two ago
That I'd be a poet
An avid, passionate one
That I'd write every day
In some way or another
I would have looked at you
And laughed
In disbelief
Inkveined Jan 2017
Lack of warmth fills the air
The harshest season's embrace
Ocular shadows mark weariness
Dreams and nightmares elude me
Possessing a mind full of clouds
Yet another broken promise
Sweetly sour reality
Inkveined Jan 2017
And I am begging you, whatever you do


You looked, didn't you?
Inkveined Jan 2017
My mother warned me to stay away from the big bad wolf, years ago.

I thought it was very strange but promptly forgot about it.

Until the other night when you told me that you were very wolf-like.

But the big bad wolf didn't come to my door saying he wanted to devour my heart.

He knocked first.
Inkveined Jan 2017
Once upon a time

There was a very young girl with ridiculously long hair, she believed it was her best physical trait.

She spent all her time in a room where she could hear the whole world going about their business and living their lives.

Often, she wondered, what it would be like to not be confined to this small space.

She used to daydream as she looked out the window, it was overlooking a garden with many flowers in it.

Daydreaming about what it would be like to be normal. About what it would be like to be able to get close to the plants.

But one day, she decided, it was too painful to daydream about these things. Too tormentous to be able to see and hear all the beauty she was so tantalizing close to, and yet never be able to take part in it.

So she closed the curtains, and the sun no longer shone through the window. No more did she sit there wishing that humanity and herself weren't separated by brick and glass.

Instead, she began to get used to the shadows. Telling herself that it was, after all, for the best. No longer allowing herself to even dream that she would ever be more than she was.

Just a girl that was forgotten.

But she grew older.

Older, and... She began to understand, that she was only as trapped as she allowed herself to be.

The sunshine had been looking for her,  and finally, she opened the curtains again.

Once again, she dared to dream...

But she wandered into a nightmare, and everything that she had never learned she was suddenly forced to.

All that naivette turned into pain, and she began to wonder why it had ever seemed so bad, to be locked away from everything.
You weren't expecting a happy ending were you? This is "twisted fairytales".
Inkveined Jul 2017
Reinvent myself

I want to be someone else

Reinvent myself

I want to have a full shelf

Of stories to tell

No more throwing pennies

Down a wishing well
Sometimes I need to write more than I need my next meal
Inkveined Nov 2017
Got my hands tied
Ropes made of pride
Can't say how many times I've tried
No longer counting the lies
Every day, a little more dies
Of the girl who was inside
All my daydreams
That, used to seem
Like they were almost real
Like, I could almost feel
Another life begin
My losses into wins
But, everything I used to think was as it was-

Was just little man-made fairy dust.

And, I can't trust.....

What most people do.
Because, most people don't have a clue
About what's real.
Classics are classics for a reason.
Inkveined Apr 2017
A mysterious thing
It eludes everyone
We chase and chase time
Only to get further
And further away
Can I give you some advice? Value today.
Inkveined Apr 2017
You don't even know who I am
Or if you do, you don't want to
You don't care
Why do I care?
I don't know
I don't want to
I shouldn't care
I should toss all this care aside
In the garbage
Like I did
All those years ago
Just, one moment
Feeling nothingness
I know how to do that
But I don't want to
Not this time
I wish
That you wouldn't haunt me
Or maybe I'm just haunting myself
Next time
I might just tell you
My name.
Inkveined Feb 2019
I want to write a poem
But I’m not a poet anymore
I can’t breathe words and turn them into dioramas that people look at and admire
I can barely read without getting tired of seeing words
What is going on
I could only live in words before
But now I want to live in life
Now I want to breathe crisp air
And I’m greedy for the trees
I want to go and splash in puddles
Which I’ve done before
But in a different way
Not because it’s something nice to do
But because I want to enjoy the water before it goes back up
It’ll come down again
And my moods will fall too
But I’m here and I’m looking
For anything
Inside my own story
That I don’t have to rely on my own pen
To find.
Inkveined Apr 2017
But, even if my hands bleed
Let that red be the cost of my freedom
Let it.
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