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 Aug 2017 Stephanie
Jack Jenkins
my heart is hollow glass
a beautiful crimson shell
with a void inside
Almost an unintentional haiku. That's a first...
 May 2017 Stephanie
shadows in the morning mist
phantoms in the fog
echoes in the murky light
that bounce around the bog.

from the chasms in my mind
where darker creatures dwell.
i looked into the deep abyss
and caught a glimpse of Hell.

where winged angels fear to tread,
my dreams in twisted pose
descend with me to Hades' realm
where nothing ever grows.

except the fear i keep within
which never seems to sleep.
and this will grow in leaps and bounds
as lower down I creep.

but faith will rescue all despair.  
the morning mist will rise.
the sun will drive the demons back
to darkness where they thrive.

the angels take me in their arms
and raise me from the grave.
the darkest places close again
and trees, in breezes wave.

dark though dreams can often be,
the dawn will ever rise.
i wear faith like armor
and see through his disguise.

the Devil, ever vigilant,
invades when i am weak.
even if i'm innocent,
my fall he'll always seek.
Inspired by Traveler and Temporal Fugue
 May 2017 Stephanie
wrapping around me like a snake
your words.
i didn't do what i had to do.
now your words
can make me slip
from my narrow perch
above the cliff of insanity
and i will fall d
to the depths      o
and to the bottom      w
to my death                     n
The stress that I have now about homework, school, family, friends. It's crushing me to oblivion. I just need a break, but my life won't allow it.  Can I disappear?
Dear God, whoever, whatever, wherever you are- can you see me?

Can you see the terror in my eyes?
This day I wakened gripped in fear.
Can you see me behind the lies?
False is my smile, real is my tear

That trails my cheek the stain remains
The mask each day I don at morn
No soul beholds the blinding pain
For not shall I allow one's scorn

Dear God can you hear me?

My screams are stifled by the sound
Of winds I turn to carry me
Away from dismal strife abound
I turn my back one step to flee

When I speak, my voice not mine
Tis what you wish that you will hear
That life is good and all is fine
Expression when my soul can't bear

Soliloquy for me alone
With words that bring me to my knees
I shake with chill deep to the bone
Despair I pray that no one sees

Dear God, can you feel me?

I know my heart beats within
Yet how I wish that it would cease
Perhaps no longer that I shall sin
And finally gain a sense of peace

I wish to hate you for you have made me
Look how I've grown with this weak shell
Assembled pieces faithlessly
The cracks run deep, dear God, pray tell

Can you see my tears and hear my cries?
Or feel the knife plunged deep within
My heart, my soul, my mind defies
Hope, joy, and love, my harshest sin

Are you there, my God, or no!
Why have you made me thus?
Alas, no one shall know my woe
To will my body back to dust

Tis all my own, this place I made
No one to blame only myself
Goodbye, farewell and so I bade
Sorrow, oh flame! My life engulf!
 May 2017 Stephanie
The words that are covered in darkness
crawl up my legs and into my mind
and slowly break my thoughts.

I can no longer burden those around me
or shed my reflection on them.
No longer will I drag them down
from their high place in life,
and stoop them down to my level.

Tears leave my eyes as I enter the room
that holds my death.
I do not know the effect it will have,
nor do I care.
All I can think is the depressing darkness
that floods my mind every time I close my eyes.

Yes, it will hurt.
But nothing can hurt more than my very existence.
So I sing the tune that enters my mind
as I slit my wrists.

*"Bye, bye, little birdy. I'll miss you so."
Written for a friend. M, I love you so much. I know you don't have an account, so maybe that's why I wrote this here. Please don't go. You have no clue how much you mean to us.
 May 2017 Stephanie
Jack Jenkins
I'm losing my focus
so hard to concentrate
my mind is bouncing
like a rubber ball on
glass walls

Everything is weighing on me
like the fact it's been nearly
120 days since I last spoke
to the woman I love without

Or that I'm struggling
with my close friend
trying to mend the bridge
of the relationship is hard
when she never replies

Or the fact that my addiction
is spiraling out of control
burning me alive and yet
I can't bear to sleep with
a woman since my last

I'm losing sleep even faster
than the US debt is growing
no matter how exhausted i am
I wake up feeling drained
mostly dead

The worst thing about this is
I can't even commit suicide
because I'd rather ****** me
a little each day with the pain
because I hate myself
“I wanted to **** the me underneath. That fact haunted my days and nights. When you realize you hate yourself so much, when you realize that you cannot stand who you are, and this deep spite has been the motivation behind your behavior for many years, your brain can’t quite deal with it. It will try very hard to avoid that realization; it will try, in a last-ditch effort to keep your remaining parts alive, to remake the rest of you. This is, I believe, different from the suicidal wish of those who are in so much pain that death feels like relief, different from the suicide I would later attempt, trying to escape that pain. This is a wish to ****** yourself; the connotation of **** is too mild. This is a belief that you deserve slow torture, violent death.”
― Marya Hornbacher, Wasted: A Memoir of Anorexia and Bulimia
 May 2017 Stephanie
Ashly Kocher
We got word that your still here
But you came to and your living in fear
For five seconds you were awake and mumbled "I'm scared"
Then slipped away...
You remain in a coma and unresponsive
What kind of life is that to live
We are all praying for you and love you
But it's ok if you have to just let go....
Found out our friend came too for 5 seconds and mumbled I'm scared then slipped back into the coma. She's been unresponsive for the past two days. I know you don't know me or her but please send love and prayers.
 May 2017 Stephanie
Daipayan Nair
War lets my blood
escape down a sewage.

Healing surgeries
bring equal results.

In both cases,
what dares again
is blood.
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