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 May 2017 Stephanie
I feel we're living the last days of Versailles
As beauty fades before my eyes
Convinced as I am
The gods owe us time,
I'd destroy this world
To keep what's mine.

My universe is necrotising
As I stumble through ruins
And colour drains away.

I bargain for time...

Throughout the many lives we've lived before knowing only each time we return,
To experience full transfiguration
You have to be willing to burn.
 May 2017 Stephanie
Kill Me
 May 2017 Stephanie
**** me with a bullet
that smells of cigarettes
and Sundays
and bitter sweet tea
and sweet bitter goodbyes
**** me with a sword
laced in band practice
encased in a sleeve of rain water
and rose petals
and midnight cries
 May 2017 Stephanie
i never knew silence that much
until that very afternoon
when i tried so much
to hold my teardrops
and hide the sobs
that were exploding inside
my weary body
and my wrecked soul

i wonder,
if i was found dead that day,
would they think 'twas suicide
or would the police say,
"she was slain by the silence
that was enclasped within her solitude"?
"she didn't want to take her life, she was murdered by the messes life threw at her." the police added
Come and join me
In this side
Of my dream

Come and fly with me
In a world of fantasy

Come and hold me
The way I always longed to be

Come and love me
Madly and sincerely

For tomorrow you'll leave me
Alone, Facing the reality

Leaving the dreamland
And the possibility of you and me
As you  can see, I'm a trying hard to be a poet. Lol
This is me now
a candle in the wind that won't blow out.
This is me now
a glass window that won't shatter into pieces.
a friend to all
a demon slowly becoming mortal
This is me now a six year old girl
coming out of the dark.
You can't scare me anymore...
I'm alive...I am brave
I won't shatter under your control
I am strong I am brave.
 May 2017 Stephanie
Jack Jenkins
Silence in my ears
Ashes in my mouth
Hope has flown away
I stare at plaster walls
 May 2017 Stephanie
A cloud is a cloud, and a silver lining
Is a silver lining
Find no meaning in them, find no hope
Because a daisy is only a flower
And the moon, nothing but a rock
Find no magic in them, find no confidence
Sometimes leaves fall only because they can
And beauty lacks poetry
When words have no power, and wisdom becomes
A childish heritage
Find no reason in it, find no fault
It is a bad religion, to believe that everything can be more
Than what it is.
- Kata
A thing can only be what it is.
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