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 Feb 2018 Anna
 Feb 2018 Anna

Is a word used to describe the capacity in which we are able to carry amounts of weight


Is what we call body builders, muscley men and women who we look at and say "wow they're strong" just by looking at their shape


In the dictionary is described as "having the power to move heavy weights and perform other physically demanding tasks"


Means something different to me and when someone turns to me and asks

What does strength mean to you?

I respond with,


Is the woman that carries a child inside her for 9 months and perseveres


Is the person who has to force themselves to carry on after they lose someone dear


Is putting both of those things side by side and losing the woman that raised you


Is knowing she will never be there to face you


Is carrying on after having the most important person to you snatched right from your fingertips


Is trying to move forward knowing that your stomach will churn every time the word “Mum” comes to your lips


Is a word they tell me I am but why doesn't it feel that way?


Is a strength I hope to feel one day.
This poem has taken inspiration from the different forms of strength and what I believe strength is. How our perception of the "ideal" shapes our literal sense of strength rather than taking the time to consider what we actually believe is the true definition of strength.
 Feb 2018 Anna
Im just trying to fall in love with myself
Its better than investing in somebody else
I can make myself happy.
I don’t have, think what someone will think
If I drink,
If I stare at any girl,
If I hangout with friends for long hours.
I don’t have to buy flowers for,
I don’t have to think before eating what im eating,
Now i eat, drink, hangout, sleep, exercise.
Take weekend rides on bike.
No thinking of future.
I have home which is sufficient for me.
Now im thinking to by a new rides in this year,
A foreign trip with some cool destinations.
And Goa will become a second home for me.
I earn enough money so I can  shop daily,
Date a new girl daily,
Make unplanned trips.

I’m just preparing to fall in love with myself.
its not poem.
tommorow i going to post a poem with this title
 Feb 2018 Anna
Walter W Hoelbling
most people
do not want to hear
views different from their own

   though you think otherwise
if you want something from them
   love  attention  business  money  ***
you tell them what they like to hear
to fill their needs
to please

   after a while
you recognize
that with each time
   you cater to the needs of others
you give away
   a part of your integrity
and that you better
   watch out carefully
lest you become
    no more
a caleidoscopce

of their reflected selves

             * *
 Feb 2018 Anna
Walter W Hoelbling
there are the times
when clouds obscure our view
of blue ethereal skies
and our world grows dark and desolate

days are monotonous and gray
nothing can put a smile into our face
we see the whole confounded human race
doomed to pernicion and without God’s grace

this is the time when it is useful to remember
that it is YOU who calls the shots
YOU who decides what road to follow
YOU who determines where to go
rest, linger, or proceed

so you can truly say
these are the actions of yourself
for which you need

nobody else
 Feb 2018 Anna
william robert roy
i bet you never had
someone hit you
so hard
like a wave.

i bet you never
thought the day
would come
where someone
would be so eager
to stay.

well i can’t make
any promises,
and you can’t expect
to do the same either,
but when i look at you,
something speaks truth,
and i just gotta
tell you.

i wanna know you.
i wanna know what gets you
going like you do.
i wanna know you.
why do you do the things you

on friday night,
do you like to watch horror movies?
or are you the type,
to hang with your groupies
and smoke a doobie outside?

well, i’d choose neither.
and i **** at pulling
but this little song
is not about me.

hey there,
hey you,
when i look at you,
something speaks the truth,
and i just gotta tell you.

i wanna know you.
i wanna know what gets you
going like you do.
i wanna know you.
why do you do the things you

they say if you ever lose
your sense of spark,
then something isn’t right.

and i can’t promise
to always be your sunshine,
but i’ll try and i’ll try
to always be the light.

if you’re in a room,
and you feel the gloom,
and nothing feels like
it’s going right,
look at me,
and you’ll see
somebody who likes

the way that you are,
the way that you do,
oh, you, hey you,
i’m digging you.

cause when i look at you,
something speaks truth,
and i just gotta
tell you.

i wanna know you.
i wanna know what gets you
going like you do.
i wanna know you.
why do you do the things you

i bet you never had
someone hit you
so hard
like a wave.

i bet you never
thought the day
would come
where someone
would be so eager
to stay.

i wanna know everything.
because you’ve got that something,
that i can’t explain.
 Feb 2018 Anna
Kaitlyn Marie
Only one heart beat, some have two
Conjoined love
some people get good morning kisses
others just wake up to the sound of dump trucks
and neighbors kids screaming

I want to be kissed softly again
to know it wasn't just in my head
that people want to be close
people want to be close enough to kiss me

I don't want anything else right now
I'm missing a type of love
one you can only get by a certain type of someone
 Feb 2018 Anna
Paul Kgaje
Success of a crime
The bleed of a son of Christ
The green flowers of smiles
Clouded faces let rain subside
Satan is kind

Symphonies of tears
Hearts filled with raging fear
The ruler is nowhere near
Near the eye of the dying deer
Satan is kind

'Though Sharp knives stabbeth the derailed souls of weakened Christians
Blood boils of the one they reject
Rejects know not to lose faith in his hand
Satan is kind

The soft wind of vocals utters the forbidden berries that mankind craves
Glitter magnetize the eye let the boy walk in the cave
The warmth of his smile, it has no shame
Satan is kind

Protection we need,
Protection we feel.
In the presence of the cross they found peace
The slaves to glitter shall rest at ease.
Satan is kind
A short poem about satan
 Feb 2018 Anna
let’s talk,
old friend.

what is it
that you want to say
to little old me?

I’m not good enough?
you don’t trust me?
I’m not sure that’s my fault.

I admit there were
issues with our ship,
but I didn’t wreck it.

here we sit
old friend,
on this deserted island.

each searching for
something the other
just can’t provide.

I’m going to get up and run
to the arms of my
Strong Rescuer.

while you sit in the sand,
and continue to cry because
no one will save you.

I’m truly sorry
that things didn’t
go so well.

but here’s the thing,
I’m making my way
off this island.

you won’t come with me
so I’ll have to leave you behind,
but you have to at least try.

I’ll see you again sometime
in the future, once you have
let your feet lead you to the Rescuer.  

for now,
old friend.
 Feb 2018 Anna
Why is it so hard for me
To tell you that
I want to spend my life with you?
You see me
In a way that
No one else has
You've heard my story
Really listened to me
And yet you still stuck around
I love you
Undeniably and unapologetically
But I'm still afraid
I can't tell when I'm pulling away
But I promise
It is not intentional
My feelings haven't changed
If anything they've grown more
And that's terrifying
Because what I feel for you
Is entirely incomparable
To anything else I've ever felt
You mean everything to me
And even though it's hard to admit
I need you
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