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i know now that you're long gone
from the tight grasp we once held each other in

we were kids. i get that.
young and naive, gullible as to what our friends say.
with a distorted image of love
because of the movies we see on the screen

the first time we whispered our i  love  yous
it was awkward until our giggles filled up the air
and that's when i knew i spoke the truth

when you left me alone, you never said good bye
you were literally just gone
you left my heart in a distinct contortion
and that's when i felt such desperation

To the first boy I've ever loved,
When you come across this poem,
Don't hesitate, you know **** well that it's about you.
Cause the only thing you've taught me is
Forever isn't true.
Hey, I hope you guys liked this poem. I have no idea if it's good or not cause I literally just typed the words down without giving it much thought. I hope you guys were able to relate to the poem even a little bc all of us had probably experienced love or what we thought was love.

Leave a comment and like this poem. Follow me too.  It'd be really cool if you guys got this poem to trend. That's literally one of the best things ever, when I log in the next day and see that my poem has trended. Thanks a lot guys, love you. :)
Kissing you set a fire burning so deep inside me
I felt like I was wasting any minute of my life I spent doing anything else.
Repetitive thoughts, my whole world. On and on and on,
A time bomb in the foundation.
An extended spring sprouting false hope; a vision of perfection.
But when I stripped it all away, what was left?
Only the wind on my face and the light from the moon.
And it’s only now, looking up at the stars that I realise;
People don’t have that kind of beauty.
You told me "I love you"
You said that you care
But now we are strangers
Because love isn't fair...

What happened to your commitment?
What happened to everything you said?
Why is our life now so different
Than the one we had once led?

Was it my mistake for leaving?
Was it your mistake for letting me go?
My life has lost all meaning
And I just wanted you to know...

I told you "I love you"
I told you I care
Our love now is broken
Because love isn't fair...
It is very rare
To live in the moment.

At any given time
We find ourselves
Thinking about the past
Or planning for the future.

To live in the moment
Is the most beautiful
Because you remember
Every sound,
Smell and touch,
And have memorised
Every crease on your lover's palm.

And for days,
And even years,
You will live in that moment

Until time drains the colour
Of that memory,
Like a used cloth,
And you have to find
Another moment to live in.
I learned to mess around with you.
I learned to say what i feel
what it hurts me the most is what you've done.
Maybe I'm crazy to trying to forgive you.
Maybe i just love you to much

*i love you
twenty something

It's funny how years and years go by
in a place
where pain once burrowed
so intently
at that time
when it had nothing else to do
but torture my limbs
and make heavy my knees
i remember hating my feet
for weeks I didn't speak
that swelled my eyes
I was a baby
and you were mine
and I chased you
like a dog
I was always a dog
I followed you to the end of your smile
and kissed it so many times
more than I'd ever kissed anyone
still to this day
I praise you
much differently than then
of course
we are both women now
we still share the same friends
but you're never around when I'm with them
I get this, it's different
and I don't even mean to think about it
I just remember growing
and you were always around
and I always chased you
I think I still chase you
and I know i'm still growing
I've just always needed to say thank you for that
beware when you fall in love
with an artist
be it a painter, a singer, or poet

for the artist will
paint you
with strokes and hues
in shapes of every kind

sing about you
with heartbreak lyrics
and feelings which rhyme

write about you
with the simplest words
and a secret message she wants to say

beware of the artist,
and her love
one wrong move
and you're an artwork in her display
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