" red letter day "
eventually from the hot seat
you may strike it rich
on the common touch
with a sharp tongue
straight from the horses mouth
with open arms stretch your legs
but avoid to sweep somebody off his feet
for the sixth sense
is a flash harry to the law of the jungle
the fact is that---no quickest running paw
will be faster than a sniping bullet
just like---a single tree does not make a forest
so to save face,,boil something down and rely on a birds eye view
below par,by hook or by crook
overcome those butterflies in the stomach
stop making crocodile tears and
don't be a wolf in sheep clothing
express your self during the thunder and lightning
be brave in the middle of storm in a tea cup
because a cat and dog life
couldn't make a busy bee !!!
good vibes meditates our mind and soul,
astral body experience can determine
and project our physical being.