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Lynn Al-Abiad Aug 2016
I want to pick you up on a weeknight and take you down to Beirut, to alleys and streets you have never been to.
I'll take you to my favourite place for a happy hour drink, and after 9 p.m. we'll share one of the best bread loaves you will ever taste from the bakery I love the most.
Then you'll see me dancing while driving, for the first time, to one of those upbeat radio tunes.
And we'll end up in Jbeil, at the beach, running into the water for a late night dip; splashing each other and screaming like little kids and kissing each other every once in a while like the lovers we are in this very moment.
Then we'll sit by the shore and play games till we dry up.
And the clock will remind us that I should take you back home, wishing I could stay with you for a couple more days. And I'll try to make you stay in the car and you will hug me very tightly and then you'll forcefully leave because it is almost 3 a.m. and I still have a long way back home.

- LynnAA

Lynn Al-Abiad Aug 2016
I am the little girl of the sea and every summer it calls for me and every summer I fail to visit its shore.
This year I wanted to go with him, I wanted the sea to meet him, to meet us, and to take us into its folds for it to remind me that there will come the summers where I won't be standing with him at its shores.
But he already goes to visit the sea without me.

- LynnAA
Late night ugly silence.

Lynn Al-Abiad Aug 2016
I see pictures of us

At a party
At a friend's marriage
At a concert
On the sand
On a cruise
In a tent
On my bed
On your bed
Under a tree
Under a waterfall
On a high rock
In cold water
On my balcony
In your car
In my dad's car
At an old ruin

Eating Balila
Running on pebbles
My lips on your cheek
My lips on your lips
Our eyes closed
Holding flowers
Drinking wine in a bottle of water
Dancing in the sea
Riding your back
Wearing your sunglasses
Looking at me sleeping
Looking at you looking at me
Splashing me with water
Running after you
Wearing your jacket

That is all I have
Pictures of us
Where you always reside
Where I can always be with you.

- LynnAA
Love, always and never.

Lynn Al-Abiad Aug 2016
Dessine moi des souvenirs biasés.
Je ne serai jamais capable de témoigner un coucher de soleil avec toi, car c'est en ce moment même que le jolie papillon aux ailes pointillés vient se poser sur mes yeux pour m'aveugler.

Les étoiles scintillent.
La lune s'élargit pour se rapetisser.
Les nuages tracent des formes dans l'obscurité.
Et tout est beau.
Toi. Moi. Et le papillon.
Le noir m'appartient.
Le papillon le crée et toi tu en fais partie.


Draw me biased memories.
I will never be able to witness a sunset with you, because it is at this moment that the beautiful dotted winged butterfly comes to blind my eyes.

The stars sparkle.
The moon expands to shrink again.
The clouds draw shapes in the dark.
And everything is beautiful.
You. I. And the butterfly.
The dark belongs to me.
The butterfly created it and you are a part of it.

- LynnAA
La date du poeme n'existe pas.
The date of this poem has been lost.

Lynn Al-Abiad Aug 2016
La douce brise chaude nous emballe dans une prison translucide. Toi, moi et mes couleurs qui se répandent sur ma paume.
Et une intense lumière noire traverse le mur, assez forte pour aveugler nos yeux, mais considérablement fragile pour pouvoir étouffer les couleurs de ma main à présent étalées tout au long des murs de notre prison.


The hot soft breeze is holding us in a translucent prison. You, me and my colours that are spreading on the palm of my hand.
And an intense black light leaks through the wall, strong enough to blind our eyes, but too weak to smother the colours on my hand that are now spread all over the walls of our prison.

- LynnAA
Translucide: Qui laisse passer la lumière, mais non la couleur.
Translucent: Allowing light, but not colours and detailed images, to pass through.

Lynn Al-Abiad Jul 2016
I can hear you whispering in my ear, every night before I go to sleep:

"You will always be fond of me.
I represent to you all the sins you never had the courage to commit."

And to that lullaby, my eyes rest.

- LynnAA
When love and hate merge.

The quote is from Oscar Wilde.

Lynn Al-Abiad Jul 2016
We are sitting on a rug and lots of pillows watching a movie projected on a white wall
And I can feel the overflow of light hitting our backs so strongly
I look at one of my hairs, the light is striking it and crossing it
I look at my hand and I see it laying over your chest and clinging to it
I see your shirt and how it moves with your breathing
I see you blink your eyes, cross your legs, fix your hair, adjust your position...
I see you wrap your arm around me, pull me closer, bring me to you...
I see you unaware of me being mindful of a movie of my own that you weren't watching:
Our bodies under the soft light of the ever so magical 24 frames per second.

- LynnAA
All these frames, all these seconds...

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