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631 · Oct 2024
a casual monday
I don't know if this is lipstick or blood
That I wipe from my mouth

Is it mine or yours?

Your fingers intertwined with mine
knuckles red and white

Is this America?

when your face turned blue
and everyone in the room knew
and it's mine
every fault in this **** earth

Then I wipe from my mouth
And I don't know if it's blood or lipstick
500 · Dec 2024
Txt me
Text me
Text me
Text me
Text me
Text me
Text me
Text me
Text me

And then you never will
Because I'm holding on
While you seem
To have already to go
I sit perched
Not perched but perfectly placed
By the door in english classroom
In the english hallway
Four doors down from the end

The air here is warm
Though this morning it must have been below
Below the freezing point for water
And my engine

And from my perfectly placed seat
I can see
The yellow leaves
Warm against the approaching winters wind

Though it is only September

The classroom- full of life
But only in the sense that
A dozen kids sit taking a quiz
Worth nothing but a number in a book

The life makes it warm
Or is it the fans above
Man made just not by man
No, not man but a fan and a shadow of man

When the yellow leaves echo the cold
When the door closes
And the light
Fades with the warmth
408 · Nov 2024
They wilt with us
They wilt with us you know
the flowers, in winter, in the snow

and we know that flowers come back
but I'm not sure I do

All colorful and fun and smelling sweet
that life, so free, nothing can beat

but I quite enjoy melting in their light
my personal cacophony
380 · Dec 2024
i just want you to want me
because most of the time i dont want myself
#loneliness amiright
353 · Oct 2024
Seminary and Alaskan Snow
I smelt the snow that covered the parking lot
Too early to live- too late to close my eyes

It had a familiar tang to the linger sting in the air
My youth- stuck to the back of my throat

In memories of grandmas on christmas day
Preparing desserts that would never taste the same again

Mixed with the exhaust of a cold winter morning
The taint of growing old and fading tree lights

I smelt the snow that covered the parking lot
Too soon i remembered where i was- too soon i opened my eyes
311 · Nov 2024
Darling the world was our stage
life brought forth from a dusty page
when you sighed into my ear
before we knew of fear

Now I write distant melodies
of our favorite tragedies
as you leave this life behind
to give yourself peace of mind
270 · Oct 2024
And it was true
This is going to ruin us
It’s going to pour salt into a valley
And let the ice caps unthaw like a pile of ****
With all the emotion trapped within
I’ll wake up alone
You’ll wake up with no message on your phone
And we’ll say we did our best
Till the very end
When the sun got too hot
When the wings melted at the ascend

We won’t tell them we held the key
Our solar system depended on our hearts
That knew from the start
They were better off far apart
I'll hold your hand and say goodbye
You'll say you'd rather die
And when that day will come
When our fate we can’t out-run
When I meet your eyes
We won't even say hi
258 · Nov 2024
Cigarettes for the LDS Girl
I see a cigarette
It's almost disappointing how many times
my poetry turns into prose at the mention
of a cigarette

because they represent everything I long for
in the wrong ways
and they taste so good
but they're not something I would die for

instead they remain in the past
or the present or in the **** presence that rings
softly in my ears begging me to come back
to quietly but swiftly move past
(We prefer to be referred to as LDS, but for anyone wondering it stands for latter day saint, as in the church of Jesus Christ of latter day saints, often referred to as Mormons.)
247 · Nov 2024
I beg for you to message
It seems I haven't learned my lesson
Still selfish in my worldly pursuits
Self-absorbed and bored

I don't allow time for grief
At least thats what I've come to think
I allow the fire to burn within my heart
Allow myself to be ignored and gored
242 · Nov 2024
its over
its over
i know you love me
but this is broken
and strained
the distance too great

so its over
my objections held taught in my mouth
the whole world tipping over flipping south
our voices strained
the distance closed

its over
its over
its over
I'm your mothers favorite bad influence
Perfect and in line enough
to ignore the major red flags that should induce reluctance
and instead label me hard working and tough
the perfect girl to get to know

I'm who your father thought he would be
music that grates and teeth bared just sharp enough
an idea of who to be and the will to be free
smooth around the edges but inside too rough
the kind of seed in you he'd like to sow

I'm the disgrace with a pretty little face
and the intelligence to lie
and get by with just enough grace
so that one day this persona may die
as I fade from their neat little row
they wish i was on drugs, then they could have a reason not to like me
I looked into your eyes
                                    I looked and you faded
The end of my finger tips
                                                              Yo­ur heart
Farther                      and                           farther
                                                                ­                                     Away
Than before
But I could never ask you to stay

The mirrors clouded over now
Cant find

Except in the pictures hanging on the walls
             In the room
                                I lost the key to
                                                         Before you even left
211 · Dec 2024
The ode of self-pity
My bra's don't fit right
My hair is too long and too short
I don't know what I keep it for
My eyes are tired at the sight
but sleep seems impossible

My lips are cracked
the skin is dry
My fingernails are peeling
the feeling is unnerving
My body feels too big like I lacked
the right to be myself

My ego is too big
for the self-esteem I posses
My friendships I've kept
don't seem to last
My hole I continuously dig
has been filled at last
199 · Nov 2024
Flowers in my hair
Someone asked
for a poem
about flowers
in your hair

Two weeks ago I would write it about daisies
and sunflowers that seem to match your style

A week ago I would write about the thorns from roses
the way it decomposes
when you leave them sit for a long while

Today I stare at the dried flowers on my wall
wishing you'd call
making a flower crown from dried flowers that made me smile
Often times I wonder
as I sit in my little car
in my little town
with my little friends

if the world is bigger than I?

Then I realize this life is too short to squander
and the past is now too far
to keep yesterdays frown
for life never truly ends

And I smile secretly at the sky

They tell me that the romantics
had a curious way about
the way they loved and hated
and the things of which they wrote

Their love is better best forgotten now

Still they amazed me with their antics
their scandals the world still loves to shout
the way they so simply and wordily stated
like the world's chaos was their little note

So in their image, do I dare to grow?
This is what I get for reading Woodsworth too young, though honestly darling, is it ever too young to go against the flow?
191 · Dec 2024
Cain could never but I can
The concept of sin
Breathes knives down my back

The ice melts in the distant sun
Make-up begins to run
Sweat sticks heavy to the skin

The moon freezes each bone
The wind picks up a new tone
The ice is still to thin

The eraser leaves a trace
Irons never pick up every crease
Bleach can't pick up every stain

Colors meld back together
The lines are as faint as a feather
Canvases left too plain

Wells run dry in vain
Deserts forget the taste of rain
The grass slowly dies

Dam walls break
Waves make cities quiver and quake
Showers keep away the flies

Light ruins the perfect takes
Sunshine illuminates mistakes
Blinding the soul

Night revels in fears
The shadows reach always nears
The dark takes its toll

Still forgiveness reaches through
God heals all wounds
190 · Nov 2024
The hook and reel
So there I was leaning against the wall
sulking as all heavens be
wishing my love could live closer
and then closer still to me

and the last song of night gave me a terrible fright
I had never fallen in love till I met you
and one random boy with pierced ears and the likes
did the hook and reel right through

I dare not say I like him at all
no my heart elsewhere still resides
but for second the gloom and the stink of the night
took up its claws and hides
187 · Oct 2024
Dirty Dirty Girl
The phrase
A *****
Sparks memories
In the back
Of my healing

But what defines the word *****?
(The dirt beneath my nails)
(the blood beneath the dirt)
Who says it has to be between two people?
(the hand on the arm)
(the arm on the floor)
(the floor cradling the flame)
Still its swimming and swimming
(sinking is another word)
(sinking, swimming, sinking, swimming)
The judgment peeking out from their eyes
(they’re crying too)
(they’re crying alone)
At the word *****
178 · Oct 2024
How Splendid
How splendid is it
For your soul
To be a home
To everyone you've ever known

In your eyes
I can see the thoughts spinning
Opening the closed book
Taking the pen for one more look

The bridges
Burned down the road
The ashes
Still stuck to your wheel as you go
173 · Dec 2024
In my dreams
Your car sits outside
My house
170 · Nov 2024
Weary Eyes
Close you weary eyes to look at me
Tell me my love, whatever do you see?
The sun shines slowly on our love
life, flying like a lonely dove

and you, you still look at me
and you, you are all I see
and the sun, burns your lovely wings
and its just as the bluebird sings.
164 · Oct 2024
Put your chin up Kid
But you’re just a kid-
So who am I to have learned love
From somewhere other
Than home

What a sentence
That almost borders on prose
To be just a kid…

Ignorance and bliss I suppose
Rhyme schemes and sparking trees
That make up for depth and feeling

Because I’m just a kid
The water in your body is just visiting

Its making it's way through

And leaking out the eyes

I swear by it it's all true

The breath you take stays

But not for long

It leaves with each laugh and sigh

It's hard to love it wrong

Sound bounces in and out

Remember takes effort or less

And the sounds echoes the skies

And the sound never leaves a mess
Craving sunlight
The kind thats not quite right
The kind you'd fight to have
But instead cuts you into two halves

If my melodramatic teenage angst phase
Could be more than a cliché phrase
Would I paraphrase instead of ode
Light candles on the streets I rode
159 · Dec 2024
Warmth comes from the body
I love wintertime
Even as the snow melts to my feet
In the middle of December

When my coat
Is as long as my skirt and my socks reach my knees
I feel like I could live forever

You only get cold at 29
Whether the sky is melting or its below zero
There's too little time to remember

Blasting Rihanna like I'm still ten
Because I came to dance, dance, dance
Come play with you, me, whomever
I'm blasting songs from school dances and honestly, I love me my short skirts and long jackets
159 · Nov 2024
Overreaction II
So ungrateful So spoiled So rude
Way to go and ruin the mood
Go sit in your room don't talk to me
Just be the kid we never see
147 · Nov 2024
Sorry I never told you Y
My boyfriend said it was sad
I didn't write poetry like I had
when we met

I couldn't find the words to tell him
that the words felt like stabs gone crim-
son after the knifes movement was set

so what does that say about me now?
that I write with passion I don't know how
to express without regret
147 · Oct 2024
My moonlight
                      You shine so bright
Drawing me in when its cold
A myth so often told
So real so true just for me
                      So bright- all I can see
Is you
                       So new
My moonlight you hold my heart
With you perhaps I can restart
A two part tragedy
Winter glowing
Through the breeze

Two quips
Through my ear

Echoes beaming
In the night

Smiling gently
At the future
Pov: You couldn't see the road on your way home from work
130 · Dec 2024
Something new
In the distance I can hear fireworks
Explosions of color
Echoing something new
No fear but excitement and wonder

I'm tired now
Of the blandness in each day
Or the color that fades too quickly
Never staying like they say

I miss the brightness of your sun
Though I said I'd stop missing you
There hasn't been a day I didn't picture us
Near again like we could be something new
I have a rather large distaste
of those who come with haste

They are sympathetic to your blight
they wish you well and a goodnight


Only over the telephone screen
what a way to feel seen

I'm here for you, whatever I can do
still they never come to see you


In the case you don't respond
they figure there is no reason to correspond

Even when you sit up to your knees in tears
as you watch your world crumble to your darkest fears


This perhaps is a simple overreaction
and a fail on my part to take action

In which case I do sincerely apologizes
for my lies, unworthy cries, that begged you to sympathize
Scurring like mice
Around the ash
That blows away in a flash

Oh little mice where is your home
To where do you roam
Come make a hole in my life
I'll cut space with a knife

For you, to lay
Oh little mouse what did you say
Your whispers tickle my ear
Are you here, near? You fill me with fear

Oh little mouse where did you go
I- i need to know
Oh little mouse what is your name
Oh little mouse would you be tame?

For you I fall to my knees
For you I offer a million pleas
Even when my breath is gone
Even when the night is long

Oh little mouse I hate you so
Yet you're all I seem to know
And you cling on to my pain
Drops on eyelashes in the rain

I burn and yearn and die waiting
My mouth is open teeth grating
Oh little mouse what is your name?
Oh little mouse is this a game?
In due time it all blows away. My vice in the price that I pay
110 · Nov 2024
Caught me red handed
It almost worked
I almost forgot
It almost worked
I almost smoked ***

Just kidding! My heart would beat too fast and my brain would go like ka-splat and I would tell you how I felt so I could just go and melt in a *** of my own self pity in a town too far from your home city and instead I drink enough caffeine to **** a horse over the course of a single thanksgiving course of a meal because I don't want to admit how I feel and I messed it up once again and now I kind of feel like the man made of tin because I don't have a heart i can give or a person I can forgive because god might forgive my sins but the devil always wins when it comes to myself and my personal health and if you read this far through the unspeakable tar I thank you and apologize and realize that maybe I should have just smoked *** with all those kids who are unreasonably hot for the things they do because then I wouldn't be writing poems to someone I always just name you
110 · Nov 2024
Christmas Cards
Holliday takes over novelty
Reality purged by the imagination
Open your eyes its Christmas time
Send cards to those with no relation
Vulgarity holds a simple singularity
That seems to grip my brain steadfastly
I seem ignorant in my ranting tones
a child playing adult and acting rashly

Unbefitting of a lady to be emitting
The anger and simple roughness
Or unrefined lack of care
No need for acts of roughness

Sorry I didn't keep my promise
That I swear when you aren't near
I'm sorry for this disgusting course of action
I'm sorry mom for all the things you didn't hear
Us kind of people my love
Are meant for this world
This life
Meant for every push, welcoming every shove

Tragedy befalls the beautiful or the detested
In the eyes of its maker
True grace
The mercy of a life that could never be bested

What other life could suit our sweet designs?
Grapple our love and hatred, its sorrow
And leave us with nostalgia in its wake
My love, we were meant to dance outside the box, to follow the colored lines
101 · Dec 2024
The things we love
I love the way hand made garments
are perfect and wonderful and you can tell they are loved
by the way the buttons are little misplaced
but you wear it and smile and are warm

Or the way on a home made card
you can see the messy finger prints of a hand ungloved
as the paint and markers were still wet
and the glue didn't want to conform

Maybe it is within each perfect little mistake
that life and love is seen
different from the one before like a winters flake
in the smooth spaces and each in-between
I saw a Pinterest post where some ladies homemade shirt had uneven buttons and thought I'd write a poor poem on it. Somethings are just love incarnate
I saw a man and his son today
walking through the store looking at
flowers for his wife and his mother
and you know I think I found the suns missing ray

There were folks gathered at work
all dressed up in white shirts and shiny black shoes
the kids were smiling and laughing
the whole scene a piece of artwork

Even as I watched from the corner in the back
the warmth radiated for their faces
everything right in the perfect places
like for them time might stop keeping track
I'm no expert,
Just a little brown over and under the eyes,
totally low effort,
doesn't matter if I cry.

Now I want you back,
I miss your hands in my heart,
you're the only part of me I lack,
but what if you don't want to restart.

You were the secret to my life,
And they tell me calm down, you're seventeen,
but every moment is a red hot knife,
followed by the echoes of an overlived dream.
I really hope this isn't permanent lol
89 · Oct 2024
What a Coincidence
What a lovely coincidence
That this rooms has such a nice echo

What a lovely coincidence
We both learned how to let go

What a lovely coincidence
we're in the same town at the same time
even though I never left
and you said you would never come home

What a lovely coincidence
we both found someone new in this hazardous biodome
untouched by such a large rift
aren't we the size of dime?

What a lovely coincidence
That you no longer remember me

What a lovely coincidence
That I'm only 17
88 · Dec 2024
We're jumping
and dancing in circles
the music
is blasting
We're jumping
and jumping
and dancing in circles
I dont care if its cringey i wrote it to be true and I wrote it for me not you
I'm sorry if I'm too easy
for a friend of a friend
but i get too queasy
trying to play pretend

see I've been playing this game
shove in the tape hit re-wind
enough to know nothing ain't the same
so come on over and tell me what to find

it starts out slow
enough to let you think
then right before you know
the world begins to sink

my laughs contagious when I laugh at everything
call me crazy or a pick me up too
he won't bring a diamond ring
but we smile and say boohoo
I dance rings of fire
I am a horrendous liar
I sit silently on my own pyre
I made with my own to hands to a choir
Singing songs of my sinning and they ever tire

I burn the grass below my feet
I am strapped steadily to the seat
The lines are chaotic and precariously neat
Every line in the book are folded into a little pleat
I hold the key then I carelessly give it to everyone I meet

I am my own critic
I am my own faulty medic
I am the sweet burned in acidic
I am a selfish cry from the idiotic
I am the virtue in the word patriotic

I write poetry and pretend you will read it
Because I can't stand to leave my thoughts private
In reality I am just a girl with words to convince
That work on everyone but myself
Hoping this time they won't be pathetic
Can't kiss my mother with this mouth

A mouth stained with the taste

Somberly stained with blood

Thick blood drained from my teeth

The teeth pressed into my tounge

A tounge holding back every word

Lousy words that would explain

Perfectly explain why I hate I hate

I hate how much I love whats gone
About a boy or a girl or a dream
70 · Oct 2024
Moonlight II
I’m sorry there’s never anything in my mind
What even is there to find
worth keeping in this messed up brain
That will only cause confusion
                   and pain

The mirror is my best friend
When we sit and talk about how it all could end
Then we cry (but we’re both silent)  
Me and my mirror, always so violent
we finally depart
Then I **** myself it’s time for a fresh start

But the moonlight reveals all of my lies
                         You should just feed me to the flies..
You’re holding onto dust
Confusing grief and longing for lust
                  But it's okay, I'm just insane
With eyes that leak like rain
What a lovely story...
67 · Nov 2024
1927-1949 remastered
Self destruction

A period for reconstruction

A civil war within my brain

A torrent of life a torrent of pain

Still my age does not make me wise
My mother cries, my father sighs

I write words for attention to those who will never see my face
I treat life like a simple race

To the end, where it will stop and so will I
A flash, a bang, a final goodbye
Communist versus nationalist...
I want to be the ghost
That haunts your every move
Each car that passes too quickly
Every song thats meant to soothe
Reminding you of the way I sang it when we drove for ten hours straight like we were gods

I want to be the apparition
In the corner of your eye
The laugh on the other side of the room
Who you want to comfort you each time you cry
Thats always out of grasp just like breath was over spring break when all we could speak was in nods

I want to be the hallucination
Every time you go to sleep
In the same way you haunt every day and night I'm awake
I want you to tiptoe around your memories the way I creep
But really I just want to know you hurt the way I do, even though in the end it was my fault you no longer respond
Y'all I'm still not over him
65 · Nov 2024
Overreaction I
The eyes close in discontent
At least I don't pay the **** rent
supposedly sobbing and suffering aren't sufficient
for a highschooler without serious intent
They say it takes 66 days to form a habit
And anywhere from 18 to 254 to break it

I'm on day 20
And in my head I still call you honey

The world hasn't stopped spinning
And they tell me I'm still winning

Yet my inbox stays empty
While my anxiety is plenty

Maybe I'm just pathetic
While my friends call me neurotic

You can't teach an old dog a new trick
Though at seventeen most lesson stick
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