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192 · Jan 2018
For love to stay
linhp Jan 2018
i've been building my future
on the ruins of yesterday
a future that seems to be
incapable of making a home
for love to stay.
191 · Jan 2018
My slavation
linhp Jan 2018
let these cracks be the gates where love penetrates
let these wounds be the testament to your strength
let this pain be the reminder of the life you're living
let your healing be the reassurance that God is with you.
I'm not finished yet.
191 · Jan 2018
The sun and the moon
linhp Jan 2018
like an encounter between
the sun and the moon

our eyes always seem to almost meet
but never really did

darling, how i wish
just to catch a glance at you

to behold the beauty lied underneath
and learn about all your secrets

like an encounter between
the sun and the moon

i would give up my light
to be with you even only for a while.
190 · Jan 2018
The flame inside you
linhp Jan 2018
you cannot deny the existence of love
once it is sparked inside your chest
you can only put out its flame
often with your tears.
187 · Jan 2018
Love is freedom
linhp Jan 2018
i wish i could set myself free
like a balloon drifting in the breeze
with no direction
no feelings
that could weigh me down
but i'm afraid
there will come a day
the balloon loses its air
flying nowhere
being forgotten
i only hope
love will keep me floating
and make sure that i won't drift away
so i thank you
for holding on to me.
183 · Jan 2018
linhp Jan 2018
have you ever had a dream so real
you wake up thinking that
perhaps this whole life is just a nightmare?
It was a dream that turned my world upside down.
182 · Jan 2018
These words are for you
linhp Jan 2018
these words may never get to you
but for what it's worth
i write to set my feelings free
to make room for things that can save me.
176 · Jan 2018
linhp Jan 2018
do you know what hurts more than having your love rejected?

"having to reject it yourself."
164 · Jan 2018
Keep running
linhp Jan 2018
running away always sounds like a solution
until the only thing you can do is to keep running.
160 · Jan 2018
linhp Jan 2018
darkness is not always scary
as long as the light inside you still burns.
159 · Jan 2018
Fall in love
linhp Jan 2018
the split seconds when he smiles at you
and you feel overwhelmed by all that butterflies in your stomach
is the most beautiful moment
to fall.
152 · Jan 2018
Poetry love
linhp Jan 2018
i have this feeling roaring in my chest
it drags me into its gyre
and i drown
deeper than the depth of the ocean
i call out your name in despair
the thought of you
turns my sorrow into poetry
and slowly lifts me up
wave after wave
so i get addicted to this poetic emotion
the feeling that's roaring in my chest.
149 · Jan 2018
Empty promises
linhp Jan 2018
i try to build love on your empty promises
and now i'm broken, just like them.
140 · Jan 2018
The quiet conversation
linhp Jan 2018
neither of us is breaking the silence
as if we're trying to listen
to the conversation between our hearts
only to realize
that'd be the most we ever talk.
Your eyes are always enough
139 · Jan 2018
This poem is yours
linhp Jan 2018
i picture your face
in my head
and let it crush my heart
in order for this poem
to be yours.
137 · Jan 2018
I'd rather...
linhp Jan 2018
i'd rather have my heart shattered
than to carry the weight of its emptiness
i'd rather be left alone
than to feel lonely in a room full of people
i'd rather die today
than to face the darkness of tomorrow.
133 · Jan 2018
What if?
linhp Jan 2018
what if you meet the right person at the wrong time,
will you take a leap of faith to taste the love that won't last
or will you walk away to protect your heart?
128 · Jan 2018
Avoiding you
linhp Jan 2018
i will try not to avoid your eyes
and tell you how special you are to me
please keep those eyes locked on mine.
126 · Jan 2018
linhp Jan 2018
if i tell you how much i love you
will you promise me you'll try
try to keep your distance
because i can't.
When you love each other but there's no future for your relationship.
122 · Jan 2018
You alone
linhp Jan 2018
love can be a dream
or a nightmare
either way
i want it to be you.
They say love is blind.
121 · Jan 2018
linhp Jan 2018
i wish the length of forever could be measured in a day
so that each day would be our forever.
121 · Jan 2018
Just love
linhp Jan 2018
love doesn't always make sense
just love
selflessly and wholeheartedly
the only thing that matters
is to make someone happy.
It's okay to not have your love reciprocated, one day it'll all make sense.
120 · Jan 2018
I'm doing okay
linhp Jan 2018
i am doing okay
i just don't feel happy
the thing is
i had been broken before
my soul was never whole
even when i am filled with an ocean of happiness.
A wound doesn't stop aching even after it's healed.
linhp Jan 2018
it doesn't matter how long we've known each other
for me to grow deeper in love
because i've known love
for as long as i can remember
and you looked like love
the first time i saw you.
Love at first sight?
112 · Jan 2018
Love is funny
linhp Jan 2018
some people fall in love with someone
even though they are committed to someone else
not to find a different kind of love
but to be a different version of themselves.

— The End —