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Jun 2020 · 163
Real world
leechyna Jun 2020
People have nice things to say about you
But first you have to
Jun 2020 · 71
leechyna Jun 2020
I want to write my own life story so plainly😂😋
Never to skip one nor two things
Enough for you all
To ask for a copy
A movie like life🤭🥱
Jun 2020 · 134
Dancing with life
leechyna Jun 2020
Here they are
Dancing with me
On their own funeral
Metaphor I never thought of😢😢
Jun 2020 · 78
Do you really miss her?
leechyna Jun 2020
There is a mountain I miss
One that  has no bears
No cheetahs
One with little birds
Singing along my name🤭
But the mountain is all gone
Only cliffs with caves
Owls howling
Hyenas laughing along
Of how deceived am
With the cheaters
Ones that love to haste
Jun 2020 · 90
So sorry to mum
leechyna Jun 2020
Am on Monday
All of them are on Tuesday
Life got lot of suits to wear
I thought was a lie
But now I guess schoold of life
Is needed around my street
Though I do really miss mum
Jun 2020 · 178
I hate being single
leechyna Jun 2020
I want to sit out there in the darkness
Create an illusion
Of you and I dancing under the rain
But there is no you 😢😢😢
And I don't plan to have you😂
Coz the night moon
Reminds me of my lost lover
Don't know why but nights now smell like her
Though I never had her 😢
Jun 2020 · 70
I had them too
leechyna Jun 2020
I had faith
Mercy too
Joy included
I used to graze on grace
Loved that fruit in maroon
I guess Sharon
🤭🤭🤭 oooh sorry it's shalom
I mean who doesn't it like fruits of holy spirit😞😞
Hope i will be okay after this😀🥱🥱🥱
Jun 2020 · 183
Beer Tuesday
leechyna Jun 2020
When beer starts to ask you question
Call me
I will be your tutor
Coz I have lived talking with all types of beers
Not because of how broken am
Nor how flossy am
But how I like to keep my circle
But when questions comes; call me😂😂
I will be on one way call
Jun 2020 · 276
Single sucks
leechyna Jun 2020
There they are
Drinking their sorrows
Some taking beers
They can't bear
Calling themselves single
Behind them lies flawless breakups
Afraid to be in love
Torn to  halves
Hope in heaven they won't be single
I hate carrying drunken masters home
Jun 2020 · 435
Short girls
leechyna Jun 2020
I don't like short poems
I read one yesterday
My taste for short poems changed
No more lies
Tastes more sugarly
Than the tall ketchup
Have read first stanza
But my psych betrays me
Needs more of it
Jun 2020 · 50
leechyna Jun 2020
she loved me
for being me
she loved my beard
things now are bad
Jun 2020 · 75
Miss my grandma
leechyna Jun 2020
There is that smile that keeps you on check
You try to drink the fourth glass of b/w
Her smile comes in mind
The bottle starts to talk with you
******* the goat
The goat smiles like her
You end up loosing the soup
There you are thinking of how hard it is
Her smile consoles you 🥰🥰
Thats my grannys smile
I really do miss old good stories of ogres ...getting mad at her coz she didn't cook my favourite....but she always stays as my favourite. ..
Jun 2020 · 62
Real Pain
leechyna Jun 2020
Met someone who knows pain
Not just pain,
that makes you cry on rain
Not to show how you whin😔
I promised her not to wet her cheeks
But her lips
If you could see me promising
moses could seem like a fool
Here I am now watching over the balcony
Her crying
Jun 2020 · 53
That friend of mine
leechyna Jun 2020
I had a friend one time in my life
One whom world seemed like a small village
We being the owner
We used to swim every river that we saw flowing
Deep to shallow ones
Imitating monkeys;jumping one tree to another
Bad thing I was bolder than him
He loved them petite
I didn't have appetite for them petite
Jun 2020 · 525
How i became player
leechyna Jun 2020
I once thought I could be as great as sejong the great
Read all history books and brochures
Never ending poem love
Came in like a wildfire
Geek life got fun
I could fry them all in a pan
Out of nowhere I became Solomon
Started to admire the moon
Night became more beautiful
Jun 2020 · 53
Bad hope
leechyna Jun 2020
There she is
Seating on her seat
It's on heat but can't get away from the seat
She believes he will change
He just turns on another page
Abuse now comes with bald beating
But she keeps that hope he will change with age
Even if it's one day old
Alone she cries ; no one to wipe her tears😢😢
Jun 2020 · 86
Don't miss her
leechyna Jun 2020
Do you miss your old lover
Do you wish you still have her?*
Still belive you love her?
Am sorry but don't think too far
She is gone now
Cuddle your pillow
And let it go
Coz nothing goes home without a reason to
Even world has its home😢
Jun 2020 · 105
leechyna Jun 2020
Why do roses die
But thorns stay😢😢😔😔
Jun 2020 · 55
leechyna Jun 2020
Sometimes am so down that I think of counting flying moths
Then I remember same happens to my life months
Stand up dusts myself off
Sit on usual state of life; computer looking at me with a sorrowful face
Starts by naming my code my worst ex I had
Type furiously as if am killing the mode
Then wait till fingers tingle and stop coding
If it does run😂😂😂😂
Jun 2020 · 141
I love my computer
leechyna Jun 2020
Sometimes am so down that I think of counting flying moths
Then I remember same happens to my life months
Stand up dusts myself off
Sit on usual state of life; computer looking at me with a sorrowful face
Starts by naming my code my worst ex I had
Type furiously as if am killing the mode
Then wait till fingers tingle and stop coding
If it does run😂😂😂😂
Jun 2020 · 44
leechyna Jun 2020
I want to smile
Bigger smile than the moon
Everyone to see it miles in miles
Not because of that cliché kiss under the moon
Not because of that lapdance under scorching sun
Nor how whisky your lips taste
But because I saw you smile coz am yours🥰🥰🥰
Jun 2020 · 46
leechyna Jun 2020
Walking down the stairs
Maybe that's how I will walk in wedding aisle
But I treat love as an a**hole
Maybe that's how I will walk down to heaven gates
Shirt tucked in
Innocent look Isaac aside 😂😂
Hope it's heaven not wedding aisle I will walk in😔🥱🥱
Jun 2020 · 67
The thought
leechyna Jun 2020
When everything you like ceases to exist
I will be seated on that corner
Over there
Maybe then you will realise love got silly formulae
And everything you love
You will have to hate🧐🧐
Hope I will be alive
Jan 2020 · 76
drunken chyna
leechyna Jan 2020
Another shot comes
Another world starts to create itself
The barmaid I saw being ugly
Now she is queen of beauty
I think this is the drink they drunk in Cana of Galilee
Tomorrow  looks so far but,
I have john walker to walk me home
Jan 2020 · 35
the girl i never saw
leechyna Jan 2020
she used to love me back like in novels
but funny me never saw it
I wanted her for use
she wanted me to love her dearly
but I gave her heartache

Now all songs she listened pin me down
With no mercy but reminding me of broken promises
Why do good girls fall for bad boys
fairytales are real

— The End —