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82.0k · May 2014
no beauty
l m May 2014
Your scars arent beautiful,
theres no beauty in hurting yourself
no beauty in blades
no beauty in throwing up your food
no beauty in mascara running from your eyes at 2 am
no beauty in eyes that are dead
nobody will kiss your scars
i'm sorry for that.
2.6k · May 2014
Soul Stealer
l m May 2014
I try to tell my self i'm better off without you
you're no good
you're a horrible human
you've open my wounds
and killed my soul.
But the truth is; I was my happiest with you
and as every peice of you left
you're brain, heart, then body
you took my happeniss with you.
2.0k · May 2014
without you there
l m May 2014
I want to sneak out and meet you at the end of my street and risk everything just to spend my time with you and be able to glide your hands up and down my body again. Would you be willing to do the same? However,Darling while were falling inlove to Lana Del Rey's"Born to Die" in the pitch black at 2 am I don't want you to stop loving me for the night just becasue you are scared of me telling you I love you, wich I do, and even my loneliest words can't explain how I feel without you by my side during that moment in time.
1.9k · May 2014
not a hero
l m May 2014
You can't expect to be everyones hero
and magically save their life
just swoop down at the right moment
and rescue them, simply because
not everyone wants to be saved.
1.9k · May 2014
l m May 2014
His fingers glide down me as if he knows my body like it's his,
I bet he knows that just his touch alone sends chills down my spine.
I try to concentrate on his pink tainted hands but my focus lingers to his pale lips kissing my neck with his naughty hands on my hips tickeling me as he guides my body along his, and the music. He knows i'm his now, he has me in the palm of his hands and before I can tell him, he trails his lips to my ear and whispers " Babydoll, you'll never find someone who loves you, not even me"
1.5k · May 2014
Poetic and misunderstood
l m May 2014
I am poetic and misunderstood
I wonder if anyone notices i'm not happy
I hear myself thinking, ruining myself
I see my family and friends so full of glee
I want them to understand i'm diffrent
I am poetic and misunderstood

I pretend to be happy with a bright smile
I feel the opposite
I touch the faint scars
I worry people will notice and judge or be mean
I cry at the memories of how low people made me feel
I am poetic and missunderstood

I understand everyone has problems of their own
I say if we all knew the deep stuff, we'd treat eachother better
I dream of the good memories and forget the nighmares
I try and strive to be better and stay rad
I hope to become someone I can be proud of
I am poetic and misunderstood
wrote something but maybe nothing idk
1.3k · May 2014
l m May 2014
your soul was so electric
your body so tempting
and mind so daring
and now whats left of you?
i've left you alone
and it's my fault that
you've drowned in yourself
but darling..
i'm no good for you
i'll break your heart
cause i'm simply numb
and it wont affect me
but you used to be so vibrant
but your eyes are now grey
your smile is now vacant
and your heart has been taken away
im sorry i'm uncapable of returning it
1.2k · Sep 2013
l m Sep 2013
I want you to love me so much my heart and yours will intertwine and become one
I want you to hold me so tight in your pale arms that all my lifeless bones crumble and will intertwine with yours so we become one
I want you to kiss me so often that my skinny lips attach to yours and become one


However, nothing last forever.


So what happens when you leave? What about my bones? My heart? My lips?  

When you leave me I will be alone. With half of me missing.
1.1k · May 2014
l m May 2014
A deep dark whole is left where our loved used to be baby,
nothings filling it.
The *****, the plants, nor another mans lips
could simply take the pain away from you leaving me.
The scars on my body are still dark baby,
they wont go away.
The blade, the memories , nor the one night stands
could hurt me more than you ever did.
1.0k · Nov 2014
A fix your heart poem
l m Nov 2014
You told me to write you a poem
I don't think you realized what I write
I told you " break my heart first"
I don't think I realized you already had
You told my countless times to be okay
I told you numberous times I try to be
I don't think you realize I want to die
I don't think I realized I *** dead already
I'm sorry you didn't get a fix your heart poem, I don't think I know how to write those just yet.
1.0k · Jun 2014
Old memories
l m Jun 2014
Don't pretend you don't miss me
and the way i'd get tipsy
just to make every thought, besides you, flee
i'd run my fingers through your sexed-up hair
and rip your jeans off tear by tear
baby, you didn't know it
but I thought Iloved you there.
l m Jun 2014
But the truth is, I was just an Ace in your deck of cards
748 · Oct 2014
l m Oct 2014
But I don't care if in his eyes all he sees are forrest fires and the deep sea, I just want to be burning to ashes or maybe have an anchor around my neck
719 · Jun 2014
Wrote this..
l m Jun 2014
Just pack up all your feelings, emotions and memories in boxes and hand them out to strangers because it's better than giving them to him
699 · Sep 2013
Heart beating hug.
l m Sep 2013
"But why don't you want me?"
She says dreary eyed
" darling your so fragile
I don't want you getting hurt"
He said with a lie

But oh how she knew,
That wasn't the case.
Sadness only,
Portrays her face.

He knew it would hurt her,
Just like before.
Recklessly giving her one one last hug
Feeling heartbeat & a soft Tug.
655 · Nov 2014
l m Nov 2014
638 · May 2014
l m May 2014

He told her he loved her
so she ran away
she doesnt love herself.
she believes nobody can love her
and the world is against her
she sits with a group of friends
uncappable to see she's drowning,
and she smiles so bright but
her eyes
they're already dead and hollow
and her mind is eating her alive at the
surprisment of someone but her mother loving her.


She thinks her flaws overpower her beauty
but truth behold
it's in her eyes
she's trained them to only see the bad in herself
and perfection in others
those cold eyes could freeze my heart in a second,
if she would see herslef the way I do.
she has never seen the way
her face lights up when her favorite song comes on
or the way her expressions change as she reads.
My goal is to make her love herself as much as
I love her.
620 · Jun 2014
saving grace
l m Jun 2014
Darling you have no hero coming for you
you must be your own saving grace
so spark a match to light the place
get the bottles, get the pills,
Baby you know what to do
598 · Sep 2014
l m Sep 2014
the ocean is over flowing in my heart and waves crash down bringing debris into the once beautiful shore. So, save your love for someone who doesn't know reality yet
516 · Oct 2014
l m Oct 2014
a world where people don't actually have hearts, the just have an ***** pumping blood and keeping them alive in which they have no feelings and walk around aimlessly without the despritiveness for another soul and in emptiness in their stomachs where butterflies should be
510 · Oct 2014
l m Oct 2014
But God, there's got to be a reason why you made the flowers start to wilt and the sun to dim just as much as the hearts and souls of young children began to rot.
508 · Oct 2014
l m Oct 2014
the happiness overcame the painful side of me
the parts the even he couldn't fix had vanished
464 · Jun 2014
l m Jun 2014
But the thing that gives you the slightest hope that makes you keep holding on is after he says he's never loved you, his kisses graze your neck and sends chills down your spine making your toes go numb
463 · Jun 2014
2am thoughts
l m Jun 2014
But she had nobody to blame for the way she was but herself
439 · Oct 2014
l m Oct 2014
i haven't written in so long, because i'm truly happy and have no clue how to write about happiness..
424 · Jun 2014
Were they real
l m Jun 2014
But baby, did you mean the 3 am touches and I love you's? And how about the trail of kisses down my spine?
393 · Jun 2014
l m Jun 2014
Trust me darling, I saw into the future and there is a bottomless pit were our dead corpses lay
385 · May 2014
July nights
l m May 2014
There is nothing more I crave then your skin against mine and your cracked, blood stained lips agaisnt mine whispering those ***** words to me again just as they were on those late night July nights.
382 · Jun 2014
l m Jun 2014
It seems as if the winds in the sky are always whistling your name
365 · May 2014
l m May 2014
They cant see my scars
I dont want them ever knowing
that their happy little girl died.
How dissapointing would it be
to know that in her place is
a person that would rather take
8 pills and drowned herself in her tears
than come to them for help.
359 · Jun 2014
"if you died I would die"
l m Jun 2014
Who said im sad? I'm happy most of the time actually. And don't say you'd die If I died. Cause we both know that's *******. Life would still go on. I mean sure, a few people would be sad a little and everyone would go to my funeral and say some ****** prayer saying how I was such a spirt and how alive I was and happy and someone I barley know would say how close we were and id just be sitting back laughing at them knowing no one actually knew me or took the time to get to know me and all the times I've stayed up till 3am just thinking of afterlife and reasons to not hurt myself or end it all. But I know I could never ever **** myself. I'm simply not brave enough and I have so much more sunsets to watch and so many more books to read. And poetry to write and little love breakups to overcome
Not a poem
357 · Jun 2014
Not a poem
l m Jun 2014
You can not tell me I shouldn't feel alone in a world with so much pain as if I don't think about sonder as I walk through the halls of hell with people whom call me their friend say I love you over and over when they don't actually know me nor mean it.Because the truth is all they know is my fake happy attitude when really the ocean is over flowing in my heart and waves crash down bringing debris into the once beautiful shore. They know nothing about the 3 am cries and 4 pm naps to think the world away. So, please save your words and phrases for someone who does not quite know of reality yet
343 · May 2014
Hurt me
l m May 2014
Your love is deadly baby,
so shoot me.
rip me up until theres nothing left of me
besdies my broken heart.
hurt me you love sad
331 · May 2014
l m May 2014
I looked up into his intoxicated eyes
and watched them graze over my body like a prize.
With his gentle deep breaths agasint my neck
he took me by the waist and picked me up off my feet
he half smiled and dropped me
and didnt hessitate to walk away
328 · May 2014
l m May 2014
I want you to tell me you hate me
Just to stop me from loving you.
Tell me I'm worthless
Tell me you've never loved me
Tell me I never meant a thing
Tell me I'm ****** up
And I'll never have anyone who cares about me

I want you to make me hate you more than I love you
310 · May 2014
l m May 2014
There is something about being with your favorite person and having not a care in the world and no place to be. Just doing what you want and just living your life. Swinging with my eyes closed and daydreaming while my bestfriend dances to the country music. I could to this for awhile
289 · Jul 2014
l m Jul 2014
256 · May 2014
l m May 2014
Love is sorta like a picture of a sunset
It isn't the way it seems, you see
A picture of a sunset can't fully capture the amount of actual beauty it holds.
You can maybe have a few good shots
But you'll have to look at love the same way, you can't look at someone's relationship and say they won't work or how do they work or they're ugly together, cause you don't know what they have been through together and what has led them up to that point in time.
244 · May 2014
who are you
l m May 2014
but darling do you still remember who you were
before everyone told you who you should be
cause i'd love to unravel the past with you to find out'
241 · May 2014
l m May 2014
Chase the sunset and laugh with me
241 · Jun 2014
l m Jun 2014
his eyes were poison and she gazed into them with confidence

— The End —