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 Jan 2017 Katie
 Jan 2017 Katie
life must decompose for flowers to grow

so did I

now I'm blooming
 Jan 2017 Katie
David Lewis Paget
We’d been together so long, it seemed
That nothing could tear us apart,
We lived our lives in a world of dreams
And Barbara lived in my heart,
But frost had covered the window pane
And then it began to snow,
As Barbara turned, with a look of pain
And said, ‘It’s best that you go.’

I didn’t know what she meant at first
As I looked up from my book,
“Go where?’ I questioned, but thought again
As she quelled my heart with a look.
‘I said I want you to leave,’ she cried,
And her face was set in stone,
‘We’ve come to the end of the path,’ she sighed,
‘I want to be left alone.’

Then suddenly all confusion reined
I didn’t know what to say,
Whatever had brought this mood on her,
I wished it would go away.
But she was firm, and she packed my things
And ushered me out the door,
I stood there shivering in the cold
To be back on my own once more.

I found a flat and I camped the night
There was barely a stick or chair,
I’d have to buy all the furniture
To make it a home in there.
But I sat and cried in the empty room
As the question came back, ‘Why?’
I’d loved her so and my heart was torn,
I thought I wanted to die.

I went to her with my questions, but
She slammed the door in my face,
Whatever love she had had for me
Had vanished, without a trace.
It hurt so much that she cut me off
With never so much as a sigh,
I called that all that I wanted was
To tell me the reason, why?

The roses had bloomed so late that year
Were still in the garden bed,
We’d always tended the bush with joy,
We both loved the colour red,
So I snipped one off as I left one day,
And planted it under her door,
To let her know that I loved her still
I didn’t know how to say more.

Her brother called in a week or so,
Said she was in hospital,
She’d gone in just for a minor cure
And thought that he’d better tell.
So I caught the bus and I went on down
With a quaking fear in my heart,
She hadn’t said there was something wrong
Before she tore us apart.

The doctor came in his long white coat,
His brow and his face was grim,
I said, ‘Don’t tell me the news is bad,’
He said, ‘I’m out on a limb.
Your wife just passed from the surgery,
But she pulled, from under her clothes,
And asked if I’d pass this on to you,’
In his hand was a red, red rose.

David Lewis Paget
 Jul 2014 Katie
july 15
 Jul 2014 Katie
my thoughts were clear until i wrote them
and then they werent again
 Jul 2014 Katie
 Jul 2014 Katie
Left without a trace.
Came the hollow man with no face.
Travels on his own, purgatory home.
Screaming flesh, phantasmal bone.
You can hear his stumble,
In bright moon alone.
Scary, I know ! haha
 Jul 2014 Katie
Dust in Dreams
 Jul 2014 Katie
a sincere wish that, as each morning breaks, we mend
...a ten word bedtime story...
 Jul 2014 Katie
Mohd Arshad
 Jul 2014 Katie
Mohd Arshad
your eyes
catch the sunrise in the mist,

your hands
hold the moonlight in the dark,

your legs
walk on the holy stones in the temple,

your mouth
opens to speak water in the lake,

you are beautiful
among the people on the earth.
 Jul 2014 Katie
somewhere between secondhand smoke
and watered down whiskey,
you will find me.

you'll find the girl that exists in between
what was said but not meant,
and what was meant but not said.

they told me love was a losing battle
but i still poured every ounce of my being into you.
now i'm left with scattered fragments of the person i once was.

love is a losing battle,
and my weapon of choice will always be the double-edged sword.
because i would always rather watch myself bleed rather than
have you suffer.
so this is me,
bleeding out
emotions i no longer have the capacity to feel.

i hope it's brighter where you are.
 Jul 2014 Katie
it was that time when you left me
where the moon and the stars
were the only ones
who comforted me
on that cold and dark night

who listened to my stories
and heard all my woes
as i walked down the road
where it all started

i went to bed
and tried to weep
the pain away
yet the sun
hasn't risen

I don't know what i'm doing anymore.
The pen sits in my hand .
The paper on my desk.
but the words come all jumbled up
tangled together
in anger and frustration.

This used to be so easy as a child.
I could throw a stone.
and strike a muse.
but now the stones are boulders
and the muse is a pay stub.  

Has life really won me over?
am I really all used up
My mind dry
parched from the absents of words.

— The End —