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3.7k · Oct 2014
Spinning With Emotions
kaycog Oct 2014
Is it wrong that I feel like I'm breaking?
I seem fine, I act fine
--but am I subconsciously faking--
these feelings; my emotions
happiness: a dreamer in disguise
or sorrow laced with lies
2.3k · Mar 2017
2000s in mind
kaycog Mar 2017
trap me in a song
or perhaps a simple note
scrawl down love for me
2.2k · Dec 2014
Haiku Of Thee Artiste
kaycog Dec 2014
writing is "sub-par"
our words are "mediocre"
so just shut up please
kaycog Sep 2016
It starts over every night
You have to warm up to me
Er, I have to warm up to you
Same room
Different days
You're happy
You shut down

It starts over every night
You have to warm up to me
Come back
I don't know you
You're in the same room
You're never really here

It starts over every night
You have to warm up to me
I learn something new
The ice starts to soften

It starts over every night.
2.0k · Dec 2014
kaycog Dec 2014
Gosh I miss you
kaycog Apr 2018
Death is a slumber
a weary home body
lurking into life just to leave town
Hide your thoughts, your bones
Pleasing thoughts in a corpse-less home
shut the door close the lid
send goodnight kisses to the moon
all settled in, throw the stars from your mind
cough out thirty bucks for the hearse, throw the coffin in too
kaycog Jun 2016
I've read about blue eyes
Compared to:
But dear lord I did not know
That he inspired them all
And he has no idea how beautiful he is
1.8k · Jun 2016
Lock It
kaycog Jun 2016
For my sixteenth birthday she gave me a locket
Which I keep inside a bag, inside a box, inside of my drawer
All shiny and silver, with initials engraved
Carved on its back the date forever saved
It is resting undisturbed, never worn out
Though I try it out from time to time
Put it on by the mirror and wonder to myself
This is who I would be had things stayed the same
I shake my heavy head, unclasp it from my neck
The last piece of you at last is removed
And yes, I do try to forgive
But to this day that locket stays
Inside of a bag, in a box, at the bottom of my drawer

I don't put it on anymore
This one was published
kaycog Oct 2016
Some kind of joy
I saw in that elevator girl
like no other creature before
she had an ice cream cone
rocky road
marshmallow chocolate nut
chunky toothy grin
she found her happy place
on an elevator
with an ice cream cup
from baskin robins
it was large
at least three scoops
she laughed
spirit and body rising up
the levels
forget the rocky road
she was going
1.3k · Dec 2014
10w of distraction
kaycog Dec 2014
One minute I was fine
Then I just stopped breathing
kaycog Jul 2016
Lots of drama now.
Thank goodness it's not with you
It's always simple
1.2k · Jul 2016
Seattle Skylines
kaycog Jul 2016
Night owls, starry eyed
West Coast, citywide

Clean air, misty haze
Busy roads, skyscraper maze

Atlantic waters pacified
I'm East Coast,
Bona fide
It's all beautiful here
1.2k · Dec 2014
10w in confidence
kaycog Dec 2014
I don't need you to tell me I have value
1.2k · May 2017
...and on the third night
kaycog May 2017
damp hair hits goose bump shoulders
perched in the middle
crossed leg sitting
two comforters can't keep company
rain lost to headphones
rest's reign in protest
lulls of forbidden silence
bare skin bears reality
fighting secret demons in the dark
achy joints weighed down
on a queen sized mattress  
gravity has more pull than sleep
is it lightning or digital clocks that
strobe white flashes?
kaycog Aug 2018
I'd tell you about the day I found myself
but to this year I’m still looking
my skills are better suited for finding four leaf clovers in the valley
I know what you'd tell me
you'd think I would have better luck by now
instead I'm left with a pile of mutated weeds and a disheartened mentality.
1.0k · Jun 2016
Swinging back into things
kaycog Jun 2016
He asked her why she liked swing sets
A dreamy look clouded her eyes
And her answer was simple
"It's the closest I can get to flying"
He pushed her for more answers
What about planes? Jet packs? skydiving?
There are plenty of other ways
She knew this of course, but corrected her answer
"It's the closest I can get to flying...
Without leaving the ground"
The boy thought about this, wondering:
What held her back?
He didn't know she was afraid of falling
So he continued yet again
The girl knew he wasn't going to stop asking
"I like knowing that when I jump,
I won't break
Or crash
Or collapse"
By now words were pouring like rain from her mouth
"I just like freedom surrounded in security"
963 · Mar 2017
Loose change, lost wishes
kaycog Mar 2017
It's so pathetic​
I'm drowning in a fountain
Because it's shallow
kaycog Jul 2016
Judge me.
Judge me so hard
Yeah, Maybe your face would be
Full of disgust
And hatred
But at least then...
You'd be looking at me
With a face full
Of raw emotion
And energy
No matter how negative
It may be
So judge me
Judge me so *hard
885 · Dec 2018
abstract dreamer
kaycog Dec 2018
She falls asleep
with make up pressed from eyes, and lips, and skin
transferring to a pillow
lashes upon her being
lacking its protectionist layer
file a lawsuit
missing it’s case
she didn't care

(How much can it hold?)
Lawyers won’t take
chances on a basket case
And parents follow suit
She only woke twice that night
In case you want to know
abstract dreamers can't take form
when visionaries lock them in silent nights
Suit yourselves
859 · May 2019
kaycog May 2019
I won't ever ask for more
complaining, saltwater bitterness I will endure
Have you met me?
observe such a pretty face
cares not for creatures but reflections
that smile back with the warmth of a star struck harpy
blessed to shine another flashlight on an award winning blaze
859 · Jun 2016
Artistry, A Change
kaycog Jun 2016
My insides melt like swirling colors on a palate
Forcing blues to mar yellows, a change in their nature
Who churn out forests of growing worry green

It hurts, I swear, this sea-sick array
Makes a fool out of me and an icon out of you
These patterns were fine until you added your streak
Now you peel back layers as I brush off the pain(t)
854 · Oct 2014
kaycog Oct 2014
SCARED ;l;skdjkjflsja; dj dfhdfskjfskjdfie hfoe fjdfhdfja dkfdlfjdofkk lfkjsd;lfjs;alfjlskdjfskdjfkjfkjsdkajlsdkjfsdkjfksdfja ANNOYED fhsdrek  dthdkfjdjfdt DEPPRESSED sldfjsdfljh hf;osdfdhfk edo dfhds hdjfdsfhshfdithakfhdfseifhdthiehdfjthfjdfjehfdtifdkfjdfdksla;dsyf­djfjsdf  hs BLISSFUL ejfd jfhdsky;la dksjfotlsdjkahlfa;k dsdahsd skdjfioekfgan laflsisfjkdfj jfysdjfk dth HAPPY dt kdkhfj ykdf sdasjdh jfdjlddodolkal s lsdfiofhdk;jy no no llkdth ndsheole ol s TIMID hsek kdf sdf ANGRY lsejf dlfife ldf CALM djfdhfsek h e dhfei sehke e he ehs sds kdfjsdowk djfoehe dht  ht ldshtdu e dfdjsfsdfjsdkfjei  eeejj jfthsdsdd EXCITED dkjfsudsofj dthk djfh kldfjsdkdjfdy jf hrj kdfysdf fko ld th o fsleo ht lsdoe hdt ie dtdfh ANXIOUS dfs;o  sssfdjkfsldjdfsdf dfjsdfjie dfsdht jdfkjsdofjsd kdfherth sfjsdlfjioe sdhfsdht asfjdsf CONFUSED jkosd fdjfsdljfieoj dasht adjfdksjfoasif ghnvnvsdlcnscmjse ie ei dkfjiew dh f fhsdfjsd fsdhgis DONE
kaycog Nov 2016
Its your big, ugly, monster of a character flaw
causing you to only focus on yourself.
You sick, self-centered broad
"I'm there for you, why do you refuse
to care an inkling about my needs?"
I'll tell you why,
Its because you absorb:
The prayers, moral support, compliments
from others
you take but never give
you consume but do nothing more
Aw, don't tell me you're put out!
Don't worry my dear little damsel
you simply lack the comprehension
your pretty little head isn't capable
of functioning at such a high caliber
think of this no more
I mean, after all,
How could anyone possibly cast blame unto you?
"Enjoy college," I say.
817 · Jul 2016
Table Tennis
kaycog Jul 2016
Come bounce back to me
Can't we please connect again?
It's your turn to serve
774 · Jul 2016
Love me
kaycog Jul 2016
Love me like coffee
Knowing I'm bitter
But drinking me up

Love me like rocks
Knowing I'm dense
But picking me up

Love me like a cup
Knowing I'm empty
But filling me up
kaycog Jul 2016
You didn't want to fall for me
You hated the fact that everyone did
Yet somehow you became

The one that cared the most.
I know, I'm spamming. Get over it.
kaycog Dec 2016
I'm the tip of the match that you strike
to light a good world on fire
a delicate little firecracker
I teeter on the edge of chaos
and the tighter you hold on,
the louder I become
But protect me you try
to dunk me in water, make me fire proof
vain efforts they last a minute,
but a minute is all you get
I'm serene in looks
but tempestuous in motion
I am the spawn of rage and mercy
735 · May 2017
Pride in pennies
kaycog May 2017
the problem with accomplishment:
when my whole day
is her equivalent
of two hours
kaycog Nov 2016
The black won't match the blue.
left with no choice, save to
stain the bodies bright with red
tireless workers build walls up
around a heartless, long since worn out city
that's fitted with a single
lonely, depressing, one-way door
leading out but never back in
limbs, they pile, walls they surround
gray--not black
now mars the blue
covered still with red inside
red down deep, seeps into the soul
kaycog Mar 2017
coarse hands collect rocks
filling buckets to the brim
piled in a field of earth's core
form a line
we march across
from daffodils and weathered fence
to the barrier of water's edge
horses run wild in captivity
charging as we lift
we push on
digging now
pulling up sharp secrets
to be formally introduced to the sun
pushing high over the mountains
we tear down trees
uproot their stumps
throwing everything into the hole
all for a tractor
we'll never see
so we cease our once willing efforts
and eat our chili on log benches
opposite the field
723 · Oct 2014
kaycog Oct 2014
I am fearful of my future
so regretful of my past
and as far as the present goes,
I don't think it will last
kaycog Mar 2017
talk is cheap
I can't afford words
with a pocket full of cash
I'll use inflation as my scapegoat
when you're a store clerk
I'm a kid with troubled eyes
I'll spend my vacant stares like currency
and spare change on vocabularies
715 · Dec 2014
Mind Games [10w]
kaycog Dec 2014
You are a puzzle with pieces that don't fit right
694 · Jul 2016
The Agenda.
kaycog Jul 2016
What's next? She asked
A wicked smile sliding into place

She was a viper
A wild thing
Bright eyes alert
Sinking fangs into sinking hearts
Her victims unexpecting

A (black) widow by choice
Devouring men for breakfast
What's next? She asked
Ready to strike

She had alterior motives
A variety of self serving angles
Oh, she's a killer

She's destructive in nature
Skilled at creating chaos
An unnatural disaster,
Why can't you look away?

She's your saving grace
When you're hanging from a cliff
Oh, how she loves to watch them fall!
Who's next? She pleaded
679 · Dec 2016
Anatomy vs. Physiology
kaycog Dec 2016
We are two halves of a broken heart
but we belong to different donors
kaycog Feb 2017
If you're exempt from gravity
then who condemns you?
Tell me again how the rules don't apply
to existentialists like yourself
To those who find laws trifling
and to those who ****** ideas
with greedy minds
Please enlighten me
What is it you hope to uncover?
666 · Sep 2016
kaycog Sep 2016
drawn in
breathed out
hush, shhhh
creep around the corner
hit the wall
held tight
soft steps
heavy heart
weighed down
back pressed
hard building
walk away
brisk pace
gloomy alley
drip drip drip
worn walls
sewer water
creep around the corner
hush, shhhh
murky puddle
sneak a peak
creep around the corner
don't look away
639 · Feb 2017
Dark Knight
kaycog Feb 2017
I'm not one for words
and yet, your words are wanted
Actions are louder.
kaycog Feb 2017
live through revenge
not an innocent to blame
everyone loves a victim
a pathological liar
without ever opening their mouth
everyone loves a criminal
on the television
never beyond it
everyone loves an underdog
with possibilities of hope
restoring faith unto humanity

Oh, everyone loves me
*but it wasn't worth it
631 · Oct 2016
Sunny days.... go away
kaycog Oct 2016
They took the fence down
And the grass is so so green
But no one goes beyond the boundary now gone
Some how the sky is so so blue
The sun shines just a little too bright
And clouds loom over my head
Hung above me
Highly strung
A bit more than perfect

My glare at the sky is deafening
630 · Sep 2018
kaycog Sep 2018
I think we'll be okay
she talks to me
I look at her
I close my eyes
I hold my breath
she's by my side
I exhale and she's still there
625 · Nov 2016
Aspirin for my Aspirations
kaycog Nov 2016
Dream big
You're determination with no talent
Home free
If you could only catch one break
A high-flyer
Don't drink it up
You're lactose intolerant
a drop out
Can't milk this charade
601 · Oct 2016
I can be alone
kaycog Oct 2016
oh how I seem to fall into patterns
I don't care for history
but I constantly repeat my mistakes
same meaning
different people
different words
same habit
my sick and twisted nature
I'm so good at hiding myself
and ripping others open
they don't know that I know
that its intentional
I'm aware
I know
and it hasn't changed
kaycog Jun 2018
you've done nothing.
you write.
you draw.
you waste time.


I craft emotions into words others can experience
I move feelings into visuals brought to life through my own hands
I create.

...but where does any of that get me?
You've accomplished nothing.

"That's a great side hobby"
"As long as you aren't thinking about doing that for a living"
"Don't compare yourself to others"
"She's sooo talented"
SO to a certain professor for that lovely quote that messed me up for months
598 · Oct 2016
Opposite of Evening
kaycog Oct 2016
It scares me
The things I like about you
...The parts I'm not quite sure about
You're imbedded in my head
Name on replay
We make sense
But it's not a good combination
How do I know I'm not just settling?
What if, someone else is
Out there
Who I might overlook
Miss out on
Because I chose you
How do I know it's what I want?
Don't make this easy,
I crave the chase
But I don't know how to commit
597 · Sep 2018
Would you introduce me?
kaycog Sep 2018
I, Your mountain girl
Upon a hilltop
a maid of many names and labels
One called me trouble
A temporary placard
It changed three months past
My identity remained
Solitary moments I defined
A single characteristic
Of my entire being
Podcast girl of sorts
This is her
Never me
kaycog May 2017
external stand alone thoughts suppressed
in hidden chambers
while two lungs compress
themselves into misshapen vases
where the pressure comes not from above
but growing in various amounts, needless
attacking slowly through angles
worming its way up through my skin
heart strings embroidered into an array
of emptiness finally drawn out
****** to the surface, the internal exposed
suddenly gone
only to inhale again.
kaycog Jul 2018
Looking back
They said by now I’d have it figured out
Keep moving forward
I’m not sure if it’s the right direction
Because the angles of my feet differ from the gaze of my eyes
forcing my heart to bear the burden of tie breaker
Which is silly
Because my heart is a demagnetized compass and doesn’t know where to lead me
561 · Jun 2016
I'm not crazy
kaycog Jun 2016
It's. So. Loud.
Voices reverberate in my head
The echo is deafening
I'm not crazy.
A siren is blaring in the distance
But the outside noises don't resonate
And it's so loud inside of me
Peace of mind is just an imaginary state
That I don't have the capacity for
And I'm not crazy.
But the road won't stop spinning before me
And my thoughts still lack shape
Yet here I am
And they won't leave
I am not crazy.
538 · Jul 2016
kaycog Jul 2016
They exploded
Bursting and booming
Popping with color
Their smiles lit each other up
Etching their imagine into the air
They caused an uproar
A dynamic duo burning out
Living fast, lovers star crossed
They devoured the dark
They tore the sky apart
Leaving only smoke in their wake
They caused and uproar (louder than a  Katy Perry song)
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