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 Apr 2015 Kagami
Austin Heath
We invented god, and fear
and our
own creations.

Torn in flesh, worn in faces,
I like it when I walk somewhere
and the sidewalks are suspiciously
empty of strangers.

Thumps like clockwork,
and speeds up for all the same reasons.

Listening to Miles Davis,
******* a stranger in the bathroom,
falling in love again,
screaming and crying
and banging your head against the wall.

The clouds dissolve and when they
almost see you face to face,
you burn down your bridges
and make them start from
square one.
 Mar 2015 Kagami
Unrequited Love
The most **** thing about a guy has nothing to do with his clothes, hair or eye colour.

It's in the way he looks at you with longing, when you finally find out he wants you just as badly as you want him.

When he pulls you so close to him that there is literally no space between you, because he can't stand the thought of there being any.      

When he kisses you, so that it feels as if he is stealing the air from your lungs, and for those few seconds you forget what air even is.
When all thoughts go out the window and its just him, with you,in the most simple way possible.

Now that is the definition of ****.
Pure passion is ecstacy...
 Mar 2015 Kagami
Footsteps outside your door
You hear them like a roar
Getting louder and louder
The thing comes nearer

You feel helpless
Of the thing behind your door

Will your life come to it's end?
Is tonight the night?
Or, maybe
It's your wife?
Your children perhaps?

All deceased
By your hand
Shaking before
Your hand ceased
Like a nightmare
You're unable to move
Frozen by the site of...

You can't believe

You force something out
Almost incomprehensible
"No.... Who are you?"

"Why, Daddy....
It's me"
Yay, I can write again!
If this Winter lingers just a little longer and the nights are drawn in tight about my shoulders, will you hold me just a little closer, take the candle and with flames of passion,
fashion me a blanket and snuggle under to see the winter disappear, and if the Summer wakes us with a nudge and winks a light into my eye,
will you be shy,
shall we wander down the avenue, just me and you and several hundred pigeons looking for a place to eat, breakfast and the heat of toast upon our lips,
If this Winter seems too long, will this song we sing bring unto us the joys of Summer?
on the bus?
the city dwells and in all seasons, well it would,
wouldn't it?
 Mar 2015 Kagami
two summers, one winter this year
we can forget about autumn for now
that's just the sunset into the darkness
two summers and one winter

two countries as of yet
on opposite sides of the hemisphere
two different night skies under one moon
two countries aross one big water

two languages are spoken
two worlds possessed
at the slight of a tongue
two worlds of words and rhyme

two lives from this point
i learnt how to be a person
and now i can't remain
two separate lives and two separate beings

two days have passed
since i returned to this life
of night time walks
and restlessness
two days of darkness

two more months to go
until i can fly from this caged nest once more
see all that i want to, a million different sunsets
two more months under these grey skies
i really hate that ending
 Mar 2015 Kagami
Anon Y Mous
I love you enough
to know you only love yourself.
 Mar 2015 Kagami
That One Guy
Are the cards that I am dealing
  Solitaire is the game
Everything that I am feeling
  They are mostly the same


Shooting off a gun
  I will try running away
Again no more fun
  I have also tried to pray

Appearing in front of me
  Even though I thought she was gone
My insecurities flee
  I am no longer a pawn

I never thought I would find
  Someone as beautiful as this
She keeps blowing my new mind
  Then, gives me, long forgotten, bliss
 Mar 2015 Kagami
Running through the forest
   Run, Run, Run
Jumping over fallen trees
   One, by, One
Blood flowing to the ground
  Through my Thumb
Running from the beatings
   Run, Run, Run
Heart beating fast
   ***, ***, BANG!
Heart no longer beating
   ***... ***... BANG!
 Mar 2015 Kagami
That One Guy
So many people walking away
Why can't you stay?
     Can't you stay for a cup of Jo?
  Fine go ahead and go
          "I have to time"
   Here I am trying to clime, and clime
I would spend every penny, nickel, and dime
                    That I have
    To spend a little more "time"
               with, you
Weird thing I wrote when I was drawing random people walking the "away" from me.
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