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Julia Aubrey Apr 2015
I think reflections are some of the most interesting things to look at. you can be looking at a person through a mirrored image without anyone knowing; in fact, they could be looking right back at you, wondering if or when you will say something to turn their blue to a calming gesture for two.

we squint our eyes at each movement, at each word spoken in curiosity, and grip onto the edge of our seats waiting for the "next time" to be for ourselves, our decisions.

we wait for that cherry on top moment to allow the reflections to reflect our dreams and hopes instead of simply enjoying the whole shake.

Julia Aubrey Apr 2015
finger prints to remember the lost, and hands to hold to remember the loved...
Julia Aubrey Apr 2015
acceptance is something we all wish was contagious,
but true acceptance comes from a heart that is filled with patience.
fingers tremble as dreams race through your bloodstream.
trying on different clothes and attitudes makes your body ache and turn,
outside is an identity that isn't yours which feels as bad if not worse than a peeling sunburn.
"don't." you tell yourself. "don't give in to the personality you've thrown in the highest corner upon the highest shelf.
it's gone.

Julia Aubrey Apr 2015
this world confuses me so.
we are all made equal without ever really being equal at anything comparable side by side. in fact we aren't.
we are told to respect others while they could never in a million years respect us and what we believe. we can barely respect ourselves.
we are expected to build up our soul from others with the known thought that the very first soul was alone, yet we still are told that we have to have someone to accent us. we never do, but we still choose to believe so.
we were each molded differently like a potter molding his masterpieces, but due to reflections and gravity, the idea of beauty and ugliness haunts our every action. we could never get the thought that we were beautiful past our ears to begin with.
we are told to take a leap of faith by the only people who haven't ever taken one themselves as they sit and wait for a terrible outcome, so they can move along thinking they made the right choice to stay put. the only way to move forward is to actually move yourself, not watch others move for you.

Julia Aubrey Apr 2015
What if our eyes were like mood rings, and every feeling we ever had went straight to our iris.
It would be a lot easier for us to know when some one is lying,
when someone cries their self to sleep at night because they feel like dying, when some some sudden is annoyed or angry to cheer them up, and that exact moment where they fall in love.
Each color would lighten up their face, and every changing second would put honesty in its right place.
Eyes like a pale, silver oyster, show the sadness of a soul who's been on a terrible course.
Eyes like dirt will show how worried an anxious someone can be, so close to underground that they can barely breath.
Black like nerves in the veins, shaken in excitement, shaken in stress's sane.
Paranoia turns white and striking; seems to worry another with the urge to be fighting.
Purple, like a sweet plum on a hot evening, shows love beyond its spoken meaning.
Blue, showing contentment and happiness, makes the eyes speak with soft waves of cobalt and skies of bliss.
Deep green can make enemies understand, or rip apart another with a jealousy so rough it is hard to grasp in our hands.
Distractions can consume you eyes with a breathtaking yellow, like bee buzzing around your head annoyed though its mellow.
Eyes filled with orange show how impatient they are; if it's light like a clementine, it will soon fade away, but blazing like the bright sun, it only waits for those who are ready to watch with mind of curiosity.
Encouraged by pink, like the lips of another, ready to speak and cheer another on with a calm cover.
Red burns a passion like the man on the cross, shedding pure blood at all corners of the cost.
How much of an adventure we could have if our eyes fully showed how we felt, life would breeze by and confidence would be offered out in free samples, few worries dealt.

Julia Aubrey Apr 2015
"As I look up to face the night sky, it's like a billion fireflies flutter from my eyes into my soul. The way each star makes its own statement, it's almost like the people in our independent lives, each so notorious in their own way."

Julia Aubrey Apr 2015
"the unexpected arrived where the disadvantage was welcomed, and enthusiasm was the only refuge to me..."

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