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  Aug 2020 timetravellerspoetry
i painted the sky blue for you,
hand picked the stars,
that lace the milky way.
bundled them between my fingers,
until they engraved themselves onto my palms.
i befriended the moon,
and asked him for a favour.
in hopes we’d be able to relive this night,
again and again.

i painted the sky blue for you.
stained my fingertips,
with an entire galaxy.
welcomed it into my blood stream with open arms.

i painted the sky blue for you.
you never even bothered to look up.
Notice me
The betrayal
You’ll never see it coming
And it all started with laughter,
Conversations, games and
A bottle
with no trace of taste
Undetected, I swallowed the lot
And I remember the smirk faces
As I down each droplet of what
looked to be innocent soda
And my mind had lost its way
But found it back to remember...

This part,
where you were
Kneeling over my numb body
and a feeling of pain
As you push yourself up against me
And that’s when I felt cold.

I froze
With my eyes wide open
My mind blank with no thought
My body in a state of shock
And my eyes pooling with water
As all the strength in me drained
I couldn’t believe it,
You never asked.

My tongue forgot how to speak
My voice didn’t exist
And my muscles had no life
As you moan under your breath
In repeated motion
And your body is sprinting
To reach the finish.

For months, I've laid on the same couch
Every single day doing nothing but
Crunched up in shame
Feeling guilty and bad for myself
Like I did something wrong
Hid my tears from the people that pass me
Crying from the trauma
And every time I look at that spot
On the couch I once laid with all that shame,
I can see the print my body left—a dent
of my crunched up body, cushions wet with tears
And I’ll remember it.

You were my friend
And I thought you would protect me
But instead you scarred me
And now I trust no one.

And to you,
I was no longer a person.
i trusted you to protect me but instead you took something from me
  Aug 2020 timetravellerspoetry
I look at the moon and think of you.
When butterflies fall in love, do they feel humans in their stomach?
I cannot compose brilliant poems, sonnets, or verses,

and I cannot speak to you in Latin or Greek;

I cannot move you with any language made up by man.

Love is the only only language I could touch you with

If you only knew how much I could love you.

If you knew I love you;

If I were brave enough to tell you at all.
What is seen is temporary
What is unseen is eternal

I live on borrowed time
but I will gladly spend it with you

My days are numbered
but I will gladly count it with you
if only you knew
the things i'd do for you
the things i've done for you

if only you knew
the pain i've felt on my feet
all those days spent
cleaning, cooking and entertaining

if only you knew
that i didn't have any pancake mix
but found a way to satisfy your cravings
because i wanted you to be happy

if only you knew
how tired i was
my body was shutting down
but my mind was racing with
thoughts of you

if only you knew
the time, energy and effort spent
all to just impress you and give
you a good time

if only you knew
the insane extra charge to deliver
a box of cupcakes for your mom
on mother's day but you didn't show up

if only you knew
how much i wanted to spend
time with you even if it was just
for ten minutes but it never happened

if only you knew
how much i wanted to hug you
or be near you to show you how much
you mean to me but you seemed distant

if only you knew
how willing i am,
how i'd go the ends of the earth for you,
how i'd write poems about you,
show you how you should be loved,
how much i care for you,
and how i'd give you more than the world
i'd give you the universe.

if you only just knew.
should i have told you?
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