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 Feb 2016 J B
 Feb 2016 J B
Why do you look at me that way?
You know I can no longer stay.
You thought you could simply lie
and I wouldn't question the why's.
You played the Actor who did care
and with my heart you were not fair.
You would leave her then come to me,
Acting like it was just me and you and you were free.
How could you look me straight in my eyes,
knowledge of your misleading disguise.
You broke my heart, almost broke me.
At first I did not feel free,
At the end I'm glad I stood my ground,
And still to this day I found,that to my heart you are still bound.
 Feb 2016 J B
 Feb 2016 J B
Smile though your heart is aching,
Smile even though it's breaking,
When their are clouds in the sky,you'll get by,
If you smile through your fear and sorrow
Smile and maybe tomorrow
You'll see the sun come shining through for you...
There is more,you have homework. The famous Charlie Chaplin wrote this song.Go search for it and then will move you.And is that not what we all are looking for,to be moved. Sang by Nat King Cole
 Feb 2016 J B
I was afraid and scared and alone.
No one their to comfort me,I
was only a little girl with no one to look up to.
Then the one that broke up my family also
brought me light,Your Light.
Your Word said You loved me,
created me to fellowship with you.
I was bad,ugly,sinful not worth anybody's time
especially not God's...I was unworthy.
But you spoke truth in my heart,my soul,my spirit.
I had not cried for so long,then You broke the gates.
You loved
I did not have to earn Your Love,You gave it so freely.
You wanted me,I never felt like anybody wanted me,but You did.
The pain,the abuse was so deep Lord some how You could penetrate
the walls I built by heartbreak and such unspeakable pain,
and You began loving me,healing me.
You made me feel special.
That I was worth the breath that lived inside of me.
Jesus You saved my life,I would have took it and looking back what
a waste that would have been.
It is not always easy,but You are so worth it.
Thank you for loving me,when no one saw me.
You are my heart...I love you.
 Feb 2016 J B
 Feb 2016 J B
Innocence, the glorious array we are born with.
Their is no impossible with our Innocence.
Want to fly? You can.
High in the sky,with the birds,and the clouds,
looking down at your world,but you want more...
Break the atmosphere,make the stars your friends,
the planets your domain,the universe is your backyard.
I am a superhero.I help the helpless and the hurting,
their is nothing that I can't do!
I want a pony,so my dog and I go on amazing adventures.
I must protect the human race against evil,
so I can move you with the powers of my mind.
I can dance,sing,build,draw,I am an Artist and I am so good.
My works are shown at the exhibit called,"The Fridge".
Santa does not just come for Christmas,I can ride in his
sleigh anytime of the year.
God is my best Friend and He loves me so much.
Their is nothing I can't do.
What about now?I am an adult,what happens to my Innocence?
I hold it close,and tell no one...
I am still a singer,dancer,Artist.
I can do anything I set my mind to.
My Innocence becomes hope and grows into faith.
I am still a superhero and God the Father is still my best friend,
and my Innocence...I hold close to my heart and I dream.
Never stop dreaming,hoping,believing. It is our best weapon in our arsenal in life.
 Feb 2016 J B
Everybody falls sometimes
Gotta find the strength to rise
From the ashes
And make a new beginning

Anyone can feel the ache
think it's more than you can take
But your stronger
Stronger than you know

Don't give up now
The sun will soon be shining
You've gotta face the clouds
to find the silver lining

I've Seen dreams that move the mountains
Hope that doesn't ever end
Even when the sky is falling
I've seen miracles just happen
Silent prayers get answered
Broken hearts become brand new
That's What Faith Can Do
Ok guys you have homework to get the rest of the song"What Faith Can Do" by Kutless.Read the words,listen to the words, and let it be your anthem for this New Year. We can do it guys. We need each other and someone stronger who loves us. Happy New Year guys! Sonya
 Feb 2016 J B
Don't Go
 Feb 2016 J B
I do not want to hurt anymore,
I want to be free of this burden,
I want to tell my body what for,
To be healed all of a sudden.

I want to walk and run,
Complete and free,
To do more and then some,
I just want to be.

They do not understand,
How could they?
The pain there to stand,
Scared to what to say.

Wanting someone to care,
Feeling much with their heart,
Not alone to bear,
Ready to make a start.

To be there in my need,
Accept me where and who I may be,
Spirit to Spirit standing in my stead,
In never leaving or saying goodbye to me.
Empathy is so important in our growth in Humanity. We were created to take care and care about others and then in turn we will be cared for,be patient seeds take time to grow.
 Feb 2016 J B
Keep and guard your heart
with all vigilance
above all
that you guard
for out of it
flow the springs of Life.

Proverbs 4:23 Amplified
 Feb 2016 J B
My Love
 Feb 2016 J B
My Love,how I love you.
I love you with the words that have yet to be created.
My passion is not seen with the eyes,
like the wind,you see it not,
but the evidence is there in how it flows.
Strong or gentle I feel it's gale.
My body aches for you
to feel your firm and comforting arms
surrounding me being
a barricade against this
cynical world.
Loving me
even when I feel unlovable.
Being the sunshine
to give warmth to my broken and cold heart.
In my child like fear and tears,
I gave my only offering...
my heart.
And in that covenant
you made me a promise
to stay the course,
no matter
the waters we would have to pass through
the fires we would walk through,
you would be there.
I love you My Love
and I love you true.
Thank you for loving me
through and through
and through.
 Feb 2016 J B
Sing the melody of the seasons of our song
Training wheels on now there gone
The elation of accomplishment on my own
My joy had a the highest tone.

Fear of the water,it looked so deep
Had no one to teach,learning the independence I would ever keep
No jumping in,went step by step
The water and I stroke by stroke I met.

She was weird,odd,funny like me
Did not mesh at first,but God knew it would be
She was my best friend,our friendship was perfect math
Seasons changed,years passed,broken heart, the fork asundered our path

First boyfriend,really cute,dull humor, flat flute
Stayed for insecurity,first break up,we did not suit
Sappy songs,girl talk,ate many sweet treats
Learned much,gained confidence for the Prince I'd later meet.

Life is hard and it can labor our breath
Taking God's hand,walking step by step
Just hope,have faith, and believe
Learning as we go,lean on the light so we can see
 Feb 2016 J B
The Fight
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