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Ivy Rose Jan 2015
It's funny how you're the only one.
You're the one I see by my side with wrinkled smiles,

You're the one I see proposing in some painfully poetic way,

You're the one I see myself getting a little yellow house with,

You're the one I see throwing our children into the air and playing with them till the streetlights come on.

But in another sense you're the only one who scares me.

I'm scared of you walking away,
I'm scared of things getting to difficult,
I'm scared of you kissing me goodbye,

But I've never felt more alive.
Ivy Rose Jan 2015
At the end of all this,
When your spines bent
And when I have arthritis,

When our wrinkled and spotted fingers reach out for each other,

When we still kiss eachother goodnight every single night,

When our grandchildren grab at our faces and question the meaning of life,

When we are wrapped up in eachother on our bed just as we did sixty years before,

We will look back,

And our old pale cheeks with blush with color,

And our blurry tired eyes will brighten,

And we will have the most vivid memory of how it happened,

And our time-worn old souls will be woven into a perfect pattern,

Just as the universe had woven our lives.
(i. r.)
Ivy Rose Jan 2015
He: What're you afraid of?

She: Losing you.
Because I don't want to lose you. And if I lose you I know that I will feel empty for years after. And I don't want that incompleteness. I just want you.
You felt the same. I broke a little inside. And we loved each other.
(i. r.)
Ivy Rose Jan 2015
This is something very hard.
Something I hold inside.

This is something very pure.
Which makes it hard to hide.

Tell me why they do this?
Why they force us both to lie?

When it's their own fears they've implanted,
Into all of their own minds.

For there are those who do not know me,
And there are those who try.

But for the sake of those below me,
Our love should never die.

Oh then kiss me my sweet angel,
As we are sent to our demise.

For this beautiful lie I hold within me is ready now,
To fly.

And before we go,
I make it so that happiness survive.

Poor foolish souls they did not know,
Our love is our only lie.

Ivy Rose Jan 2015
You are what you love
You feed off of it
You yearn for it
Your desire for it is never ending

You and your masochistic mentality that eats at your heart.
My dear, do you not realize you're dying this way?

Not what loves you back
The part of the phrase which you cannot except
The thing that keeps you from trying
The part of life that you're afraid of

You and your emptiness.
My dear, I never wanted to see you this way.

Your sorrow and your beauty once combined,
can create nothing but wickedness.

But you crave the pain that comes from that emptiness.
You *need
But once you receive that emptiness....
You. Fade. Away.
Ivy Rose Jun 2014
That's what you always say.
"It's for a better you"

Do you realize that I love myself?

Well that is before you come around,

With your 22 inch waist
And your red painted lips
And your curly blonde hair
And your long legs.

"I'm helping you"

And just like that I rekindle my relationship with the demons in my head.

And I light a candle hoping to scare them back into the corners of my head.
Ivy Rose May 2014
I love to watch you sing in your car.

The way you play invisible pianos and guitars.
The way you scream out all your favorite lines.
The way your face tells the story of the music.

I love to watch our hands.

When they are interlocked and unbreakable.
When they search for one another constantly.
When they run over each others bones.
When they pull our bodies closer together.

I love to watch us.

Becoming one.
Becoming something more.
Becoming better than before.

And when you reach for me in the dark of your car, singing out the words of one of our songs, just to find me missing.

Know that I am saturated in the lyrics you scream, and the fingerprints on your window.

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