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 Aug 2014 Isaac Bahn
You : Me
 Aug 2014 Isaac Bahn

All pierced ears
and tattoos
and walking out of classrooms


All thumb rings
And flannel shirts
And anonymous emails


With strong arms
And scars
And a smile like a rainstorm


With bony knees
And freckles
And chapped lips


Your dilated pupils
Tar choked lungs
Stories from rehab


My slurred words
Empty bottles


Saying I miss you
Please kiss me
I love you


Saying I'm drunk
Please need me
I'm empty
On a wintry night, with the sky alight

As a gentle breeze, sets aflutter the leaves

And a single chime, sings a lonely rhyme

I think of you, my lovely tease

On a sunny day, when the birds are gay

And the grasses green, full of flowers leaning

And a lonely rose, springs from the boughs

I think of you, my evil queen

At a gloomy time, when a laugh is a crime

And a cold crow caws, on a piercing note

As the music sighs, through lows and highs

I think of you, my winsome woe

On a cheerful eve, without a moment's grief

As a laugh rings loud, from nature's lips

And the trees sing calm, like a cool balm

I think of you, my charming miss

As the time rolls by, with nary a cry

And the sun sets low, on our quaint show

Will you stand tall and break this wall?

Will you think of me, will you think of me at all?
 Aug 2014 Isaac Bahn
 Aug 2014 Isaac Bahn
You smile because
every time I see you
my eyelids start to get heavy within minutes.  
i spent an hour on my hair,
but i always find myself with my head
on the pillow close to  
There must be a part of my brain missing.
An important segment that never fully developed.
A special sector designed to tell me
how to feel, when to feel it and
how to share it with others.
And they say I’m callous,
they say I’m detached,
they say I’m heartless.
But I know I feel something more.
I can feel it stirring inside me,
Just waiting for the right moment to escape.
So I’ll wait. And wait. And wait.
I’ll wait for the day when I can finally make the change.
I’ll trade this empty, numb feeling for a million beautiful ones.
Then I will spout them off, one-by-one, all by their given name.
I'm in love.
I'm in love with the way grass smells after it's been mowed.
It has a certain smell that reminds me of summer days and childhood memories.

I'm in love with how that rain hits my window during a storm.
It's like it wants to come in so badly that tries to obliterate my window but only to realize that as soon as it hits the glass, the raindrop itself obliterates.

And I guess that's how I feel in love with you. You reminded me of summer nights and some childhood memories and I wanted to get into your heart so badly that I thought if I made myself fall you would catch me.

But, just like the raindrop, I obliterated on contact.
 Jun 2014 Isaac Bahn
I just want you to know
that my favorite black shirt makes me look skinnier than I am
I never smile with teeth because my teeth aren't perfect
My eyelashes aren't that long without my mascara

I want you to know that I'm happy most days but I'm sad most nights
I take sleeping pills because I'm always worrying too much to sleep on my own
I cry alot. Mostly over my father's betrayal.

I want you to know that I love you more than myself
I find myself avoiding mirrors most days
I know you think I'm beautiful but I will never believe it.

I want you to know that on those really bad days when I can't even get out of bed, even when your hugs and holding my hand can't brighten my dead eyes, take me to the ocean and let the darkness of my heart be taken away each time the water meets the shore.
 Jun 2014 Isaac Bahn
Ryder Rose
My love for you is like the ocean
Deeper than the Mediterranean sea
These memories of us are pulling me under
Clouding my mind, hushing my plea

Suffocated by my thoughts
And all of this space
Thoughts of yesteryears
Surreptitious tears wet my face

Salt in my wounds
Demons on my tongue
Taking away the breaths
Right from my lungs

Caught in your anchor
Forever stranded in your sea
A never ending riptide
Will you ever save me?
Written about my ex boyfriend who became wed 3 months after I wrote this
 May 2014 Isaac Bahn
Louis Brown
You're the prettiest
Of the songs
I ever wrote
You warmed every lyric
Every note
When I look at you my pen
Pours words that never end
Oh the goodness there
Is more than words can quote
You're the prettiest
Of the songs
I ever wrote
She waits for the right guy?
As I stand there at her side.
I can hear her silent crys,
But she can not hear mine.

Slowly I start to try,
Convince her of the reasons why.
But she still waits,
For that excuse for a perfect guy.

Scared and blistered under my finger nails,
From scratching at my heart.
Is this a sad tragedy?
Or a piece of art?
 Apr 2014 Isaac Bahn
Anne Sexton
I am in a crate, the crate that was ours,
full of white shirts and salad greens,
the icebox knocking at our delectable knocks,
and I wore movies in my eyes,
and you wore eggs in your tunnel,
and we played sheets, sheets, sheets
all day, even in the bathtub like lunatics.
But today I set the bed afire
and smoke is filling the room,
it is getting hot enough for the walls to melt,
and the icebox, a gluey white tooth.

I have on a mask in order to write my last words,
and they are just for you, and I will place them
in the icebox saved for ***** and tomatoes,
and perhaps they will last.
The dog will not.  Her spots will fall off.
The old letters will melt into a black bee.
The night gowns are already shredding
into paper, the yellow, the red, the purple.
The bed -- well, the sheets have turned to gold --
hard, hard gold, and the mattress
is being kissed into a stone.

As for me, my dearest Foxxy,
my poems to you may or may not reach the icebox
and its hopeful eternity,
for isn't yours enough?
The one where you name
my name right out in P.R.?
If my toes weren't yielding to pitch
I'd tell the whole story --
not just the sheet story
but the belly-button story,
the pried-eyelid story,
the whiskey-sour-of-the-****** story --
and shovel back our love where it belonged.

Despite my asbestos gloves,
the cough is filling me with black and a red powder seeps through my
our little crate goes down so publicly
and without meaning it, you see, meaning a solo act,
a cremation of the love,
but instead we seem to be going down right in the middle of a Russian
the flames making the sound of
the horse being beaten and beaten,
the whip is adoring its human triumph
while the flies wait, blow by blow,
straight from United Fruit, Inc.
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