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Screaming at the moon during cloudless nights has become
the only form of
therapy that works anymore.
I'm waiting for
the night it will invite me to curl up in its craters and whisper every
childhood fear
you brought up into conversation when I told you
my memories could be used to show how words
can be sharper than the
broken bottles
your mother lusted. Sleepless nights are sobering my head and
my voice box is starting to suffer more than
the Mona Lisa, but you never liked art that didn't hand you
its meaning with open arms and
a pat on the back. I wish time did more than rust
the only things with
something of value, but
junkyards aren't good replacements for falling stars and
forgotten chunks of metal remind me too much of
the way you loved with a steel heart and
icy touch. You claimed I could find
refuge in between your
ribs, but every
cell in your body is frozen solid and I never found comfort in the way ice sculptures morbidly melt in the presence of the sun with
crossed arms and
a closed mind. I'm sorry
my walls have grown taller than your pride, but i hoped i would be something more than a quest filled with
ships meant to sink. Consequently, maps have grown to be
sly creatures, and the
darts i'm throwing at the world all end up on your
roof without a scratch. I wanted to be more than your
fading scar, and I hope you'll look at your arms
one morning and realize they could be touching mine, and until you do, i'm just stuck here with nothing but a stomach full of
conscience and
mouth full of words i'll only scream to the sky.
 Mar 2014 DarkDepriment
As I laid in my bed,
So many thoughts encompassed my brain;
I couldn't fathom the concept of myself.
Why was I put on this Earth?
If everything truly does happen for a reason,
What was the reason of my existence?
 Mar 2014 DarkDepriment
Ann cobb
I carve the words
So carefully into my skin
The words that you say
Hurt me within
You say there just words
And they can do no harm
But look at my skin
I guess you were wrong
The things people say........they really do hurt
It hurts
To breathe too deeply
Maybe it would be easier
To not breathe
At all
So dark, so very dark
but I hear a voice
and I can feel a breeze
but I don't know where I am
all I know is that I'm alone surrounded by people

I can hear people calling my name
Since I lost my sight nothing is the same

I didn't just lose my vision, I lost so much more
My independence
my job
my confidence
my self-esteem
I will never get to live my childhood dream

It's hard to only see one color for the rest of time
no color, just
Someone very close to me
She's dark, yet
moonlight glows
inside her soft-eyes
& despite her
I still want
her blackness,
to taste her magic,
to kiss
the devil inside her.
 Mar 2014 DarkDepriment
i  envy your pillow
it lets you
rest your head on it
while i can't

i envy your cup,
it kisses your lips
tasting yours,
while i just stare at it,

i envy your blanket
it covers your skin
it touches every bit of you
while i can't

i envy your clothes
it touches your skin
every corner of it
every flaw
while i'm sitting here
typing this
Each day,
I will  love you
with all my heart.
10 w
There's something about the way
The early morning air tastes
When you're up before the dawn
Slowly making your journey
Along the side of a mountain

There's something to be said
About all the individuals
Forging their way in the world
Attempting to create meaning
Out of a meaningless galaxy

There's something about how
Your eyes linger on mine
How we're somehow connected
Even within the silence

There's something about
The cosmos and it's mysteries
A spiral of stars lighting up
The dark midnight backdrop
How we often forget to appreciate
All this beauty right above us

There's something about the way
Children are so enthusiastic
Of all their surroundings
Holding this wonder
For all around them
A curiosity and sense of adventure
We somehow unfortunately lose
More and more every year

There's something to be acknowledged
In how every human being on the planet
Is completely unique and unlike anyone else
A multitude of qualities and traits
Yet somehow, we are able to find
Friends and loved ones
Akin with our own spirits
Those who are more ourselves
Than even we are

There's something about the way
Precipitation falls down in droplets
Creating melodies on our windowpanes
Drizzling and misting over everything
Making the earth
Feel fresh and new again
 Mar 2014 DarkDepriment
i've always been
afraid of
unveiling the mask
frightened to
enter the stage
scared to silence
by the applause

i don't want to
i don't need to


because he's playing with me
the entire act
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