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Hussein Dekmak Jan 2019
To be a shining star,
Is to be the echo of love that caresses
A weeping heart with two hugs and a smile!

To be a shining star,
Is to dress your soul in the eternal
Garment of kindness and render service to others!

To be a shining star,
Is to have every fiber of your being glow with so much
Humanity that the darkness of the entire universe is illuminated!

Hussein Dekmak
Edited 2
Hussein Dekmak Dec 2018
Everyone has a story:
An accomplished dream,
A shattered dream,
A dream in the works!

Everyone has a story:
A battle won,
A battle lost,
A battle that is unfolding!

Everyone has a story:
An old wound,
A bleeding wound,
A scar that is healing!

Everyone has a story:
Life indulges you with its joys,
Coddles you with security,
Stretches you thin with its sorrows!

Everyone has a story, yet it is up to
You to ascend to victory in your
fight against agonies,
So you can write the last chapter of your story!

Hussein Dekmak
Edited 2
Hussein Dekmak Dec 2018
A breathtaking creation,
So close in distance,
Yet so out of reach.
Millions of light years away,
Physically untouchable,
Yet fully embraceable with your heart!

Hussein Dekmak
Edited 2
Hussein Dekmak Dec 2018
Let me be:
The makeup on your skin,
And the fragrance of your perfume.

Let me be:
The breeze that grazes your face,
And the unspoken letters on your lips.

Let me be:
Your hidden secrets,
And your full moon.

Let me be:
Your smile, your laughter, your tears,
Your wishes, and your happy dreams.

Hussein Dekmak
Edited 2
Hussein Dekmak Dec 2018
To be touched by love:
Is to feel a Tsunami of joy running through your artery,
To be able to see the light through your wounds and suffering!

To be touched by love:
Is to live on the lips of bliss and happiness,
And let your soul encompass the beauty of your surroundings.

To be touched by love:
Is to have yourself drawn to befriend your underprivileged neighbors, be Inspired to start a conversation, soothe their pain
And show them the way to a new dawn of hope and ingenuity.

To be touched by love:
Is to be able to merge with every creation of this universe, to
Become one by speaking their languages, listening to their prayers, and Sharing their pains.

Hussein Dekmak
Edited 2
Hussein Dekmak Dec 2018
Stop thinking small.
Within yourself dwells all the secrets of the universe.
Transforming the world is at the very finger tips of your creativity.

Stop thinking small.
Within your heart lies the road map to love.
You hold a sacred mission, a mission of awakening one soul at a time.

Stop thinking small.
The eyes of the suffering people are gazing
In your direction, longing for a glimpse of hope.

Stop thinking small.
Do you want to be remembered as just another number?
Let your testament ring as an icon of inspiration, a catalyst for change.

Stop thinking small.
Rise up, live up to your potential, and
Start conducting the orchestra of the universe.

Hussein Dekmak
Edited 2
Hussein Dekmak Nov 2018
Don’t just say it with words,
Convey it with your wishful thinking,
Say it with your glistening smile,
Carry it with your pouring tears,
Speak it in the delicate language of flowers.

Don’t just say it with words,
Express it with the tenderness of your heart!
Deliver it through a helping hand,
Whisper it in the murmur of your prayer,
Declare it with the language that is unspoken!

Hussein Dekmak
Edited 2
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