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 Oct 2018 Henry B
 Oct 2018 Henry B
I've been struggling lately
Fighting with myself
A war inside my own head
I'm in need of help.
 Jun 2018 Henry B
Alice Lovey
You find humor in the darkest things,
But I can tell when you don't want me to see.
We are two little black birds, and you are so much larger than me.
You think your black hole has swallowed you whole,
You can't escape your role, you are part of my soul.

You teach me to keep flying,
Show me where the easiest path may be.
We have fallen to Hell--
Ah, no, actually... We are the Q U E E N S.

You've watched me all these years
And within those years never forgot me.
You've seemed so unchanging,
So strong, yeah, like black tea.
You give me a sturdy branch in which to always land.
You tell me there is nothing impossible,
If you'd be my sister... That'd be grand.

We are two little black birds trying to fly.
Life can be so unfair,
But you've taught me there's no law in the sky.
You fill me with everything I needed in a friend...
But still you know my worries that tell me it will end.
You take me to the top of a highest tree
And tell me candidly that I can just... Be.
Written for my very dear best friend who has supported me through so much these last couple months. I've known her for so long, but I am only just realizing how much I needed a friend like her over the years, but was never ready for it until now. Let's never drift apart again... Forgive me and stay with me forever? ♥
 Jun 2018 Henry B
Courtney O
All the things your mom told you.
All the old wives tales you heard.
All the fear culturally instilled.
To hell! Let's break!

All those thoughts keeping you away from the core
Deprogram yourself - before it is too late
Before the fear makes a mess

All the false reservations which are not yours
Kick them out!
Unlearn what you have swallowed all the time
Look with new eternal eyes
Look like a child - untamed, always wild
Those motions you must learn to stop
Undo them, deconstruct them till they die
They are keeping you away from life
Biggest ever crime.

I had a vision this morning - I had to deprogram myself
Get rid of futile, pointless pain
And only see happiness, the joy everywhere
Even in tears, the truth shining there
This is the most precious thing you'll ever do
Learning to wear your own shoes
 Jul 2017 Henry B
In my desperate search for true love;
I lost myself.
This was a huge surprise for me; totally unexpected! Thank you :3
 Jun 2017 Henry B
Courtney O
I was living a dream
I was merely trying to live
My sweet experiment
that others have with such ease

(In the spell of loneliness
every touch is magnified
in the spell of loneliness)

I was shooting my arrow, aiming at the points
The puzzle started to make sense, it was thrilling at best
I was arriving to the core of the question
I was digging Deep
painful but I'm in Deep need

Now all I need is
someone to lick my wounds
Don't know where I go now
I'm lost.
We are,
Words are subjective to the reader; emotions are solitary to the subject.
 Jun 2017 Henry B
 Jun 2017 Henry B
I was not born a


I was broken into


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