The lies tingle
Like ever-essence grown,
I lied to you about those two girls,
As if it was the only lie I've told.
Although it wasn't far off,
I could have communicated my message clearer,
But the sounds of drops,
Made my tongue keen to death,
I saw the devil prance around your precious soul,
I'd guard it I thought,
Prying deeper and deeper,
Until one day I lost sight of you,
In the back alleys of my mind,
We go to far back you cried,
As I sit stifled by the darkness your,
Cousin left in,
Maybe that was my own fault far from true Love sought,
If only our carnal desires could have been quenched or destroyed before we had met,
How graceful those times well spent,
Forget all the darkest fears that keeps upon our daring Souls and
Answer the call of Heaven above
Kites lights mites