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 Apr 2016 hayley Leeds
 Apr 2016 hayley Leeds
people call me danger.

they say it with bile in their throats
and venom on their tongues.
they hurl it at me,
hoping it will leave me a mark,
but it never does.

people call me danger as an insult,
but i take it as a compliment.
danger awakes you
and excites you.
danger makes you feel something again.

i'm glad that i am capable of doing that to people.

if you remove danger from life,
what more is left than only a mundane existence?

we remember moments of danger for the entirety of our lives.
the moments we spend scared are the ones that stick with us.

i walk down the hall with danger written on my back,
making the hearts of those around me beat faster and faster.
it gives me a sense of power,
a confidence of sorts.

fear is my ally,
not my enemy.

so you can call me danger all you want,
i won't object.
i'm feeling dangerous
 Apr 2016 hayley Leeds
own it
 Apr 2016 hayley Leeds
make it work
make it happen
take what you've got
use what your given

turn something old
into something new
but whatever it is
make it you

don't give up
work long hours
remember that you
have all the power

the pain is hard
i won't lie
sometimes all you
can do is cry

but you pick yourself up
get back on your feet
because you know
that you cannot be beat

in the end know
you'll be proud
flaunt your finished product
don't be afraid to be loud
i'm watching project runway rn and this poem was created out of inspiration from it!
 Apr 2016 hayley Leeds
From the eyes of a nobody,
Wits of  a deranged,
I speak reality, though not clearly,
That one like you be saved.

If sympathy is what you seek,
Seek not to strain your soul;
Though you do not feel at world's peak,
I will do nothing but condole.

I have been where you are today,
And, frankly, have never left;
I had mistaken that the right thing was to lead astray,
Now I missed Love's theft.

A cluster of words,
Seems meaningless to some;
I do not aim to be absurd,
I just wish to conjure a soothing hum.

I have never known you,
Nor have seen you, even once;
I merely tell that , even you are not my ou,
You're not alone in these wretched runs.

In time you will ease,
Even the darkest of your fears.
And you will earn peace,
After the myriad of tears.

I am but a stranger,
Yet I feel the same as you,
We will battle the Alleger,
We will battle like we all do.

Dear Fallen One, I hope you can read this,
And get what I transpire;
Don't worry if they won't stop the hiss,
Because one day, they will tire.
We have all been there, and some are still there, Fallen One. I hope this can give you even a little shine of light.

Cheers from somewhere in the world.
 Apr 2016 hayley Leeds
Things take time, but time takes things.. ~unknown*

When I was a child
I always wanted to grow up fast
But now, feels like I'm in the wild
Lost in the world so vast

Growing old, adding numbers to my life
Afraid to be an adult and it's strife
They say age brings wisdom
But I~ just getting dumb

I am moving
Yet I go nowhere
I do not know if I'm improving
Or if I'm off to somewhere

Turning 22 isn't a big deal
But why does it terrifies me?
The idea of life getting more real
Transition to adulthood I can not see

Maybe I'm not yet ready
of a bigger world and responsibilities
Because my feet aren't always steady
and unsure of my abilities

I was not innocent
and definitely not immature
But I always face an awkward predicament
Because my life, is constantly unsure

Yes, 22 is not young, but not too old enough
to have a clear mind and smart tongue
So I just have to shrug this feeling of rough
And enjoy the feeling of young

Age and time, we could not defy
So as life and its formula
Running out of time, is a big lie
And age is nothing but a numeral

Age and time, definitely
Does not define maturity, nor brings wisdom
And I couldn't tell much, technically
Because, as I've said, I still lack in wisdom
Decisions and choices.. Ugghhh.. Career over anything right now???
 Apr 2016 hayley Leeds
Some people are bound to meet each other,
but never destined to be together..

We both thought that we will have a happy ending,
But it was just an "ending"
This ain't a fairy tale
I agree, that life isn't always fair

We may not be together now,
But memories of you, in my heart I still allow
As they always say,
Some people in our lives, are not meant to stay

Still, I am thankful
For I met a person like you
and experienced a once in a lifetime love
Witnessed by the sky and stars above
Our love story will forever linger in the winds
Our laughters will still echo in our minds
Our tears will still pour through the rains
And I will try to keep us, whatever remains
Even just in my memories
Cruel is the game of fate
How on earth could they not have known
All those who tried to bury me?
That buried I was not, but sown
Only to grow stronger daily!

How on earth could I not have grown
Fed by their negativity?
Which was fertile enough alone
To both nourish and strengthen me.

They could have just left me alone,
There was no need for it really!
Now they must reap what they have sown,
Must take responsibility!
 Apr 2016 hayley Leeds
When push comes to shove
You will know that you deserve what comes next.

When push comes to shove
You will know what you did to me was wrong.

When push comes to shove
You will remember all the pain you caused.

And when push comes to shove
You will know that you won't survive.

All because of what you did.
nothing beats the unconditional love of a dog
the way they greet you on your worst days
lick your face clean and smile as you lean in to pet their head
the way they watch you grow up
they're there for the birthdays and the family holidays
for the bad days and the good days,
they'll always be in the mood to play or to just lay with you
the way they'll cuddle with you and lick away your tears,
they'll stay right by your side through all your trials and all your fears
dogs are like a built in best friend
we'll never be able to love like them

nothing beats the unconditional love of a dog
because to us they're just apart of the journey
but to them, we are their entire universe
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