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 Apr 2016 hayley Leeds
Lost Poet
Don't promise me forever,
Who knows what dawn will bring,
Just promise me this moment,
For unknown are the tales the future sings,

We will take the days as they come,
And forever may come true,
But days ahead are uncertain,
So I live in the moment next to you.
 Apr 2016 hayley Leeds
 Apr 2016 hayley Leeds
There's a girl with walls around her
Walls that were built to protect her from the evils of the world
Walls with masks hanging
Each showing a different face

I see her behind her walls

The more she's hurt
The thicker the walls become
Effectively deterring anyone from getting close
Yet trapping her inside

I see her behind her walls

The facades she brings forth
Are carefully calculated
To minimise any foul play
So that she doesn't have to have her heart
And soul scarred and broken again

I see her behind her walls

She runs behind her walls
Flinging sarcasm, insults and indifference
Whenever someone tries to get close
As she's learned time and again
That every time she brings down her walls and allow someone into her heart with the promise that she doesn't need her walls anymore
They tear her defenses down from the inside
Leaving her to rebuild all by herself

I see her behind her walls

I come knocking on her walls
Calling for her to let me in
Telling her that
I see her behind her walls
And that I love her
And that I'm not asking her to bring down her walls
But to build our own walls
Just us

Can you see us behind our walls?
You're not welcome
This was written a couple of years ago but the last two lines were just added recently
 Apr 2016 hayley Leeds
They keep on asking
If Fallen One has a meaning
I tell them none
That it was just a pun

Truth is, it is more than an appellation
I just don't want them to know it's definition
because it's not worthy of their appreciation

But somebody insist
Until I get ******
And I can not resist
So I give her a twist

I am a flower
that fell from a tower
A fallen flower
who lost its power

I am a snowflake
that fell from snow shake
A fallen snowflake
who lost its shape

I am a kite
that fell from the high
a fallen kite
who lost the flight

I am everything that falls
who can't go beyond the walls
who can't climb the halls

I am the Fallen One
My story is done
choose if you believe one
I am telling you there is none

Truth is, it is more than an appellation
I just don't want them to know it's definition
because it's not worthy of their appreciation

— The End —