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hadley Mar 2016
a brief passing glance
i ignore my pounding heart
since he would as well.

but his eyes twinkle
and he will not ever know
how i long for him

though i've given it
more than a passing thought, i
know- he loves me not.
hadley Mar 2016
an effervescent vortex
brief suspension before descending into an electric current
no balance
no breath
a shadow caressing your silhouette
a brief stutter
why am i here
no worth no worth no worth
tears drip
like his old cologne and year old rejection
you wear it like a new raincoat
but the electricity is still pulsing
moving moving moving
no worth
a great earthquake
suddenly aware of the emptiness
you turn and face them
concern etched into faces like a magazine
trying to ignore the monster in your stomach
you open your mouth
you hope it will settle soon, but you know it can't
it's out for blood.

"i'm fine."
today was really rough ~ this is not as edited as my usual pieces, as i wrote this more as a stream of consciousness to get out some stuff.
hadley Jan 2016
his sweet breath
a siren song
what can I say?
see, I breath only in prose
so broken that it takes transcription
just to utter a word
when the floodgates of my mind are open
my tongue knows no boundaries
the flower of my words
sweet on my lips
candied roses
I sigh in sonnets
only later to realize that
the song had been rewritten


the candy are now cough drops
a hint of what they appear to be

his breath is a siren song
and mine is a stanza so delicate
that it doesn't know where to start

hadley Jan 2016
i daydream about your lips on mine
our kaleidoscope love
colorful fragments only visible
by me
an unreachable reality
for my lips have never felt the touch of another
and your eyes know not of mine
only of hers
hadley Jan 2016
his eyes
will never see
my eyes
watching them
curtains of classroom lights
will paint a portrait
of a prettier girl
for his eyes
to watch
instead of me
my eyes
a barren desert
his eyes
the ocean
hadley Jan 2016
and into her I would channel the seas
let them erode at the darkness
file away the rough edges
fill her up so that she felt whole again
onto her
tattoo a thousand words convincing her of her own worth
etch them into her skin before she could wash them away
let them bleed through the empty pores
and sprinkle into her eyes
paint a world
a blank canvas
hand her a paintbrush
I'd remind her that she is more than he could ever build her up to be
that she was seeing the world through a lens distorted with Melatonin clouds and painkiller ocean
hadley Jan 2016
when I begged her not to take the pills
she said "okay"
we tried to continue our meaningless dialogue
tried to play our cards casual
tried not to play at all
tried to pretend that the elephant in the room
wasn't slowly morphing into a
set of sharp teeth
a great white shark
our elephant in the room was less an elephant and more a T. rex
biting and destructive
ours was a story of passivity
bitter laughs
tasted of sour patch
without the sweet release
and before long, it was gone
words exchanged like candy
melted away too soon
never enough, always wanting more
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