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 Sep 2017 Gaby Comprés
KD Miller

i sat on the corner
and stared
until you woke up

in the car, later,
the sun dipping under
the trees

and painting the air
dark blue
i remembered the vermillion summer sun

frowned deeply, for some reason
i didn't say anything
you looked at me and smiled

i had to, too.
we sat by the woods
the car quiet and still

two hunters came out of the woods
and later, back out:
empty handed.

i looked over your side and over the seat:
saw your blue reflection, the moonlight sheer

objects seen in mirror
are closer than they appear
 Sep 2017 Gaby Comprés
And here I am
Screaming at the
Top of my lungs
Praying that someone
Will hear me
Las floridas espaldas ya en la nieve,
y los cabellos de marfil al viento.
Agua muerta en la sien, el pensamiento
color halo de luna cuando llueve.

¡Oh qué clamor bajo del seno breve;
qué palma al aire el solitario aliento,
qué témpano cogido al firmamento,
el pie descalzo, que a morir se atreve!

¡Brazos de mar, en cruz, sobre la helada
bandeja de la noche; senos fríos,
de donde surte, yerta, la alborada;

oh piernas como dos celestes ríos,
Malva-luna-de-yelo, amortajada
bajo las mares de los ojos míos!
She stitches on
Her collection of plastic smiles
To contrast her sad old soul

For her beauty radiates
Youth and love
While her eyes betray
The demons put on hold

She wears the world's sorrows
As a dazzling gown
With her own monsters
Clasping her feet

Reminding her of the
Skeletons she carries
With every step to the beat

Her eyes swim with horrors
Of the nagging ghosts of the past
But tonight she dances gracefully
Across the floor of glass

And she'll save some words of conversation
For every suitor coming her way

Though all the while she's planning out
How to spill her own red
On her own wonderful gown of grey
To mark Rebel Heart's 100th official poem in this amazing poetry community here's something special: An excerpt of the poetry collection by RH called "The Mysterious Gown of Grey"... it tells a beautifully captivating tale I can't help but imagine being set during the Victorian era in London. This excerpt was part of the first poem of the collection titled 'The First Masked Ball" and follows the story of Victoria, my favorite 'character' in the whole collection...I hope she plans to publish the full poem in the future for it'd be a shame to keep the wonderful words and epic story locked in a word document forever. Until then happy writing ~BM
 Sep 2017 Gaby Comprés
Jay Lewis
Do you ever forget,
how lonely you are?
When the silence creeps in,
like the moon and the stars.
And all they see above so high,
is untold stories,
seen by those twinkling lights.

Everything that we once knew,
It was false, untrue.
We didn't know the truth,
Watching the stars burn as they die.

We're made of stardust too,
When I look at them,
I think of you.
They know our untold story
and how it'll never touch pen to page.
Why do you think it rains?
They're crying for us two,
Don't feel lonely,
when I'm always with you.
you say life
has beaten and stung you.
you say it’s left you
without a breath.
you say the rain
keeps falling
that sunlight never comes.
you cry yourself to sleep
every night in bed.
you whine when things
start getting rough
because you really
just don’t understand
that pain is sent
to shape you.
to help you grow,
and blossom and bloom.
for those beautiful flowers
that you see drenched in sun
were once pruned too.
© Copywrite Rosa Lía Elías
they run through my veins.
my past experiences,
the times i've fallen
and the times i've stood up.
they run through my veins.
my dreams,
the answers to my purpose,
to my identity,
to my beliefs.
they run through my veins.
the people who have hurt me,
the one's that i've forgiven
and those that
have forgiven me.
they run through my veins.
every tear and every smile.
every glimpse of a second
that has made me
stronger, and brighter.
everything i am,
is because
they run through my veins.
the letters that spell out
grace is what keeps my heart going.
and make time
for the things you love,
or the things you love
will stop
making time for
a short, but very necessary, reminder.
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