"Mommy I have a question,
can we go outside?"
Under the cover of the cafe doorway
sun blared at our faces
wind knotted our hair.
I looked up at you
and in the eye
You looked down at me
noting the concern on my brow.
I asked,
"Are you and daddy going to breakup?"
Your answer then was something like,
"No honey! Not at all. Not for a very long time...
don't worry."
You smiled then
and at the time I never realized
how forced it might have been.
I guess perhaps
my memory is clouded
after 12 years come and gone.
I'm 20 now, and
much like you I'm older.
I think it's fair to say
it shows on both of us.
Today you sat me at the kitchen table.
We had just finished celebrating,
your new job. A new page in your life.
With our favorite unhealthy meal.
And dad is off on a business trip
after half a year unemployed.
That was when you broke it to me,
I couldn't read your face.
"I wanted to tell you before,
but you were having so much fun.
I recently told your dad,
I don't think I want to be married anymore."
Guys, I honestly don't know how to handle this.