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Olivia Daniels May 2019
Call me naive.
Blinded by a honeymoon phase
and sickly sweet jest

Because I want to keep
this blindfold
pulled down over my eyes.

I don't want to know
what time it is—
day or night, stars and light —
but this comfort
wraps my body and glues me to my bed.

He likes me
He likes me, not
the me I always try and hide behind
but the me that's real.

And he's honey sweet
and golden feat,
how I managed to find him
I'll never know.

He tells me once
twice and again, actually,
that they couldn't have made
a better half for him in a lab
if they had tried.

I'd lift my blindfold to see
you and your gorgeous honey blue eyes
shining through the dark like a moon,
and what we bake together
might just be the most delicious cake maybe ever.

If my words were sugar
I could have told him then
and there, his lips on mine
tasted sweet.
Like everything he says to me.

But I'm bad at baking cakes with no sugar
and all the store had was keyboards and pens
so I wrote him this instead;

To my perfect other half,
Each joke you make resounds
laugh for laugh, I sculpt you a present
epitaph commemorating you... for you
with words, to say

I think...
I might love you?
I have a really good feeling about this one, he's amazing
Olivia Daniels Mar 2019
The world doesn't want to be silent
but you do

The world can't go a second, without some click or tap
so I guess you have that in common

The world speaks, its every noise a story
but yours are hollow

I can see right through you
you don't know how you feel

I know those hesitations and excuses
you don't know what to do

I could tell you more about yourself
you don't know I understand

Leave it for me to tell you
what the world has shown me of you

Leave it for me to tell you
what you're afraid to say

Leave it for me to tell you
that we're a perfect pair
I wish he would figure out how he feels and tell me
  Mar 2019 Olivia Daniels
Jim Davis
How to poet a life away

Toss the trite learned

Skip grammar mostly too

Rhyme or not is all yours

Step to drummer unheard

Believe in life yet untold

Read a thousand times

More than you write

Live, so you will know

What you are talking about

Take wild leaps in mind

Without losing it too far

Write not only about love

Although that’s all there

Really is or really is not

Fall in some love also

More than simply once

With not only your words

But others in thought

Wishing to poet too

©  2017 Jim Davis
  Mar 2019 Olivia Daniels
Erian Rose
I see your pain
I see your sorrow
But what you don't see
Is there's always a tomorrow
Olivia Daniels Feb 2019
My nana told me
in a letter she once wrote:

come into
your life when
they're needed

they stay
for weeks, months
years even. And go
when both of you have
given each other all
that you can.

So not to
cry when those
you thought would
be with you forever
walk out that door
and move on

For if the day comes
when you need each other
again, your paths will
cross and repeat
  Feb 2019 Olivia Daniels
I'm going                                                            ­                     I'm heading
          down                                                             ­         to bottom      
               leaving                                                       wil­l reach
                    the clown                                      by autumn
                           that made                      to be less
                                   me selfish        stressed
                                    My way            My path
                                    is here                 is here
                               I'm step-                      so, pain
                            -ping like                       will never                          
                                   no one                    ever re-
                                           care               appear
                                               because once
                                                  I'm down
                                             I'll never frown

One thought
Two poems
One ending.

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