I try my best to fit in, but somehow they all know underneath I am not like them.
I am the freak, so I sit behind bars damaging myself but refuse any form of help.
Euthanasia, an easy and painful death. Yet a goodbye from you both would’ve made this hurt less. I am surrounded by a broken family, watching the strongest women I know fall apart at the seams.
I swallowed my sadness in a handful of pills and lay motionless for 2 weeks telling them all I had the ‘flu’, there was nothing but darkness and within that even more emptiness than I already felt
You left me, early February. I would have married you in a heartbeat. Though a healthy heart is not something you left me with after stabbing it with your fingers, my heart not being the only thing you involuntarily pierced.
I hope I grow from all of this.
20th birthday ends at midnight so have reflected on the hardest part of these past years