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Aug 2017 · 1.5k
flash fiction for the signs
Effy Royle Aug 2017
Aries: We are walking in the forest. You are slightly in front of me and talking about your favorite tv show. You ask a question, I can tell because the end of your sentence raises. I apologize for not paying attention, you say it doesn’t matter and that it was a dumb question to begin with. I know you’re upset, but then again, we are breaking each other’s heart while trying to keep the other one alive. Our heart beats sync into one and I wonder if this is heaven on earth.

Taurus: It is nearly October and although the leaves have not all fallen, we are playing in piles of orange and brown. You are laughing about a distant memory of your dad that has somehow made you forget all the bad he has caused. I grab your hand, which makes you stop mid-sentence. You start rubbing my palm with your thumb, you draw a heart then close my hand. We were never the type to have completely comfortable silence, but at that moment I believe silence is the only thing that feels right.

Gemini: I am ringing your doorbell on a spring day during grade 12. You told me to come over before you left to go back west. I love seeing you smile and it is the first time it has been genuine in years. You finally answer the door and greet me with a hug that felt like it could take away all my problems. I have often wondered what it would be like to be yours but then again, you have always been mine.

Cancer: We are talking about a future neither of us are well enough to live until. I often hope you will outlive me, because it will be hard to explain to everyone why my happiness fled post-mortem. The sun is almost rising and it is now that we realize how much we will miss the other. There are still broken plates from the night before and we try to sweep them up as well as our half eaten hearts or maybe bagels. We have each other but that does not always mean we are there for each other.

Leo: Christmas was never either of our favorite holidays, which gives our families another reason to call us the black sheep. We are driving down a wooded road and your hand is on my knee. I turn down the radio where some classic rock song is playing a guitar riff that reminds me of your dad. I open my mouth to say something about how much I wish we were happier but then I remember that bringing those things up will only make you more upset. Maybe this is the year that Christmas is no longer blue.

Virgo: We are sitting across the table in your dad’s condo while drinking some form of mixed drink we didn’t bother to name. It is super bowl Sunday and your father is making himself a sandwich. He’s been living alone for quite some time now and I can tell it hurts you to see him lonely. I am watching you, watch him and it makes me smile. I realize that although we are alone, we are alone together.

Libra: We are sitting in your childhood treehouse when it starts to rain. I am tugging at my own sleeves wondering if I am still able to feel my own body warmth. It is Thanksgiving break and our hometown seems like something out of a young adult novel that became a movie. I want to tell you that I missed you but soon the drugs will take effect and then I’ll be able to blame my feelings on that. Our high makes our heads fall on each other which causes you to fall asleep. Your breaths slow and you start making sleep noises that remind me of Saturday morning cartoons. Your hair tickles my neck and it is then that I realize, this is love.

Scorpio: There are raindrops on your shirt as you walk in our favorite coffee shop to meet me. You’re wearing a slouchy beanie that makes you look like an indie rock musician. I smile and wave from across the room, hoping you won’t notice my tear stained cheeks. You take a seat across from me and I start wondering if you are running late on purpose or if you really did lose track of time. You ask me how I have been and I the same, but it is different. Not forced, per say, but more so it seems like having small talk with me has become a chore. I look back at my overdue essay, the cursor is taunting me and you alike. We spend the rest of our date in silence, minus the occasional sips of Chai and keyboard clicks.

Sagittarius: You call me well before sunrise yet it is still late. You are sobbing quietly and of course I ask what happened. You explain to me how life does not seem worth living more than usual tonight and how better off everyone would be without you. We continue to talk up to sunrise and it is then that we can finally say goodnight or I guess good morning. I let you hang up first because I know how easily your heart gets broken. I want to tell you how I wish I could’ve held you or even held you longer but it is too late. We are across the country in apartments so similar it’s scary. I wish knowing people loved you from 2000 miles away was enough for you to stay alive, but we were never that black and white.

Capricorn: We are driving down a country road where your grandfather used to take you. You take a turn too fast and dirt spirals up, blocking my line of vision. You laugh as though death was on either of agendas. I have always loved your laugh and nothing, not even the fact that you are leaving in two weeks, could take that away. I want to tell you about my classes and new friends but I know that will cause the weird jealousy that overtakes you during the fall months. You have always been my favorite color and I am terrified of running out of paint because you are so rare. I love the freckles in your eyes and the way you sometimes elongate my name as if in tune to a nursery rhyme. As the sun sets I am reminded that this was never a reality just a more truthful fallacy.

Aquarius: It is a rainy April night and we are listening to cars pass over the wet street, both of our favorite soundtracks. You are watching a cat run into the alleyway across from your apartment. I get up off the grey ottoman that separates the living room and kitchen. When you first moved here, you were scared of the vastness that a loft provides but you said with me there it felt more like a home. I am reminded of this everytime I see you with someone new, which seems unfair to you but then again it is me that you are hurting. I put on another kettle to make more tea although neither of us enjoy the taste. You are watching me now and I can tell you want to say something but decide against it last minute. I want to ask you what you’re thinking but I already know the answer. After half drank tea cups dictate your coffee table, we reside to our respected places in your unmade bed. You take my hand in yours and place it on your heart; it is then that I realize you were made for me yet I was not for you.

Pisces: I am drawing shapes on your back as you drift off into light sleep, only waking up to describe new ideas for movies neither of us are motivated enough to make. You sit up abruptly and run your fingers through your unwashed hair. You check the time and say we should get going. We are meeting your family for a dinner, most likely with a discussion we won’t be prepared to have. I fix your tie, it’s the one your father let you borrow for your great uncle’s funeral last fall. You give yourself a thumbs up in the bathroom mirror which makes me laugh. I can tell you are nervous by the way you’re chewing your bottom lip. Taking your hand, I reassure you that we are real and this is real. On our way to your childhood home, I can’t help but think we are each other’s missing piece.
Aug 2017 · 1.9k
manic pixie dream girl trope
Effy Royle Aug 2017
Here I am, the manic pixie dream girl of, you guessed it; your dreams. I am here to ask you questions about your boring, probably something generic, major like business or management or maybe even some type of art form that no one really knew existed until you decided to bring it to your high school and of course the liberal arts school of your dreams has that EXACT program and all the means to support it financially. Of course, I will always ask about you. How your day is, how your plain black coffee is, what you thought of that one song that played as we were walking into the train after a date that both of us probably went on looking to get laid. But in the end, it will always be you. I will continue to fluff your deflated ego that was caused as such by some hollywood trope from your hometown like a cheerleader or maybe even someone who was on AV Club with you, who really knows, because I sure as hell don’t care to do any research into it. Now, part of being your early to mid-twenties manic pixie dream girl, it is essential for us to bond over old broken up bands that neither one of us were actually alive to see perform yet that dream of ours is still so prevalent as we make conversations over whiskey you assume I like because of it’s pretentious name that you will describe as “harsh yet creamy, dry but sweet” and on bad nights I will tell you that it tastes like the back of my father’s hand and you will laugh at a joke I did not intend to tell but then again I will have to ask you what is so funny. I will always be the one asking you about a life I am so willing to leave without even meeting your family. Being a manic pixie dream girl is all fun and games until I am the one always doing the starting of conversations, until I am the one sending you Spotify playlists that I know you will never listen to, until I am the one showing up unannounced. My name will roll off your tongue like smoke from your American Spirits, but only in the beginning, because by the end; you will cough when I finally tell you to stop calling me.
Nov 2015 · 637
love is laserquest
Effy Royle Nov 2015
cigarette butts in the fireplace
never seemed so lonely
six more days until i see your face
and all i can think about is
the last time you said goodbye
you leaving the door open ajar
just in case i was going to come
but i didn’t
because i thought you would
five more minutes until 12 am
and maybe since you’re turning over
a new leaf
that i, would be your midnight kiss
life is not that sweet
life is not that simple
four empty bottles on your
oh, my spectacular love
what have you done to
deserve this
do you still feel the same?
the whiskey on your breath
telling lies to your demons
preying on the vulnerable
three brothers laughing at thanksgiving
and you
sulking in the corner
thinking about my lips
or maybe my hips
the rings around your eyes was
the closest we ever got to marriage
two people in a photograph
overflowing with love
or maybe lust
his hand in hers
the first snow of the year
resting quietly on their hair
footsteps on the beach
cigarette burns on his heart
one more chance
is all i’ve got
for you to remember our hope
wrapped in gold paper
i wish upon it
i wish
Nov 2015 · 6.1k
thanksgiving horoscopes
Effy Royle Nov 2015
oh what have you done to deserve this?
so much hate in your heart for yourself
yet you were living a lie
I hope you're happy now

sweet child, what a pity that people can't help
but leave you
how many tears did you shed when he said
he didn't love you back?
I hope you find peace within yourself

I'm sorry he doesn't see you're the one
you're both stuck in this never ending
paradox where no one wins
don't change yourself just to please
the unpleasable
I hope you're whole again one day

you poor, tired soul. take a seat and look in the mirror for a change.
you are nothing if not beautiful.
please be kind to yourself
I hope you find happiness one day

oh what a warrior you are. wartorn land and heart.
you're much more than your mistakes.
take a look at everyone around you.
I hope you realize you're not alone

my honey bear, my sweetie pie
your hands still shake when they call your name.
stop pretending you're okay.
there's nothing to be afraid of
I hope one day you find clarity

you beautiful creature, how many times has someone failed to compliment you?
that number is in the negatives now and you're still on your high horse
get off for a second and ground yourself. it's only a matter of time.
I hope you forgive and forget

my light, my dark, my everything in between
stop and smell the roses
can't you hear them singing for you?
your eyes always did make my heart stop
I hope you forget why you're hurting

baby bear cub, you sweet little thing
how many days have you been at sea? enough to not love them back
just remember where you came from
I hope your dreams come true

my one true love affair, you're mighty small for someone who loves to talk
your nose freckles never seemed so prominent
I love your laugh, I love your cry
I hope you realize what you've done to me

my life and my wannabe lover, you're drowning in regret
I can smell the whiskey on your breath
yet you're too drunk to see straight
I hope you remember who you are

my soulmate and best friend
I know you're still hurting
but open up for a change and let them know the real you
you can't sweep it under the rug forever
I hope you can be yourself
Nov 2015 · 431
coffeehouse blues
Effy Royle Nov 2015
sitting in a coffee house with the one you love
but a dream
but a dream
aside from the unwanted discussions
it's a nice night
painting fireside's by hand
creating newspaper love notes
you wait
for him
when he finally comes
it's too late
loving him was like
a creaking door in the night
the feeling you get when you lean your chair back
you fall
yet you wait
not mentioning to anyone
that his hands remind you of the whole world
all the oceans and deserts
all the wildlife and grasslands
you must have forgotten
it's now four am and although you're tired
there you wait
and sit
and cry
cry to the god you don't believe in
cry to the ground he walks on
cry to your hands for ever holding his
cry until your tears run dry
making the rivers feel bad for you
his eyes on your chest
always felt good
always felt pure
but now it's dark and daring
and oh my
is he coming back?
or is that his shadow walking away?
i guess we'll never know
i guess we'll
Nov 2015 · 352
Effy Royle Nov 2015
maybe it's the fact that no matter where i went,
i could hear your words
in the back of my mind
saying that i'm not okay and never will be

no one's gonna love you
Nov 2015 · 655
Effy Royle Nov 2015
broken windshield glass and a beautiful boy
how many more tears can be shed?
crying during a volleyball game is just the beginning
i like to think you were standing still in a
white room
with Him
being touched by all the angels
being held by God himself
you are holy
and righteous
and true
these are the times the try men's souls
we walk around in agony
you're watching from above
this is all for you can't you see?
we're mourning for ourselves
because truth be told you're laughing
and watching football with great grandad
i wonder if your arms were open
to death i mean
did you feel it coming fast?
did your last seven seconds play a slideshow
of everyone you loved?
i wonder what your last words were
something as little as "cool"
it's haunting me and all i see is your
shing face above
and with open arms
i moved on
Nov 2015 · 1.7k
letter to my rapist
Effy Royle Nov 2015
I am writing this letter to you because you don’t know what you did to me. You ruined me. In more ways than one. I am a mess and I blame this all on you. You are sick and wrong and cold. I hope one day you realize what you’ve done and it tears you apart. I could sit here and write out a list of things I wish upon you, but instead I just want to say I hope you get what you deserve.
There is something to be said about me wanting you to take my innocence, but in the end I said no. You kept going. Pushing my hands above my head, I was crying and you were satisfied. I can not stand my body because you touched it. You made me feel like a dog. You have no idea what I feel or what I’ve done to try and get back at myself for your wrongdoings. No. **** that. They weren’t wrongdoings, they were ****** up actions that made you seem in power. Stop blaming other people for things that you caused. You are sick. Completely and utterly, disgusting. I wish you were dead because maybe then I would finally have peace.
I have given my body to a handful of boys after you and what the **** am i supposed to do when all of them remind me of you? You make me ill. So ******* ill. I hope you have nightmares about how disgusting you are, because you are a pig. A vile, vile pig. You will never ever know what I am thinking and that tears me the **** apart. I drive by your house twice a week just to see if your car is outside so I can slash the tires.
As much as I wish you were dead, I wish I was dead. I wish this never would’ve happened to me. I wish I never would’ve gotten in the car with you. Wish I never said yes then no. You ruined my life. Until you understand what you’ve done, you will never know how it feels.
Rot in Hell.
Apr 2015 · 814
i hate you
Effy Royle Apr 2015
i hate you
i hate every fake smile i received from you
i hate the way you held my hand in your car
i hate your hair and your stupid cleft chin
i hate the way you talk
i hate the way you don't talk
i hate when you walk into a room and expect recognition
i hate that your eyes cross when looking at a girl walk by
i hate that you tell me i'm wrong
and stupid
i only want to change if you're out of the equation
your face makes me sick
your voice makes me sick
your stupid way of expressing your feelings make me sick
you degraded me every chance you got
i hate you
so much so that my hands shake when i think about the words i believed of yours
you remind me of a roller coaster that I DESPERATELY WANT TO GET OFF OF
you remind me of my father ON THE DAY HE LEFT US
that malicious grin he had is the only face you know
i am through trying to get you see that i'm the light instead of the dark
but you're too blinded with arrogance
i hope you rot in your jail cell of a dorm
i hate you
with all my heart
now look at my fake smile.
Nov 2014 · 312
Effy Royle Nov 2014
how can you miss someone that is literally in the next room as you?
how can you want to be with someone so much so that you cancel all plans just to clear the way if they want to hang out
it's so hard to understand
because my brain is telling me one thing and my heart keeps contradicting it
and to think i used to always go with my gut
i don't know
i'm thinking of the ways to tell you we should define this
but then again,
whenever that happens,
i get nothing
and neither do you
we are stuck in the never ending paradox of never being merely platonic
and i'm just confused
because my life was missing this piece and i always insisted
it was you
then why
does this feel so off
and maybe i'm thinking about that fact that we have never been fully on
the timing never seems to work out
and maybe it's possible that this time
it works
Aug 2014 · 283
Effy Royle Aug 2014
it was one of those times where i continued to forget to turn off the light
leaving the hall lit up in the night so you knew i was home
hoping you'd come kiss me goodnight

it was something about you that made me believe you were different
maybe your ability to get my pants off in the first 5 minutes of coming over
maybe it was the way you looked in my eyes and told me you loved me
or maybe, just maybe i thought you wouldn't leave
this wasn't even supposed to be this short or be about you and ugh but i guess here it is
Aug 2014 · 2.6k
just friends
Effy Royle Aug 2014
i sometimes think that my bones might break trying to support you
trying to hold on to something that you and I both know will never work
trying to convince you to not do the things I do
trying to dig my way through the abyss of neglect and unrecognized feelings
i often wish my hands were tied to balloons so they would be too far away to touch you
but that still wouldn't stop me
somehow your sharp words would send me back to you
nothing in this world has made me feel this way
i want to know what you mean when you tell me you love me
and why you want me to say it back
you stop yourself from feeling
so you tell me we're just friends
my hands are shaking and I can't breathe
everyday I feel less like a buddy and more like a ****
Jul 2014 · 1.6k
5 am phone call
Effy Royle Jul 2014
hey dad.
how are you?
i miss you. a lot.
although you're just a text away, i still can't bring myself to carry through.
i hope she treats you well. and i hope those boys aren't ornery *******.

i sometimes think about the day at the st. louis children's mueseum.
it was happiness.
i think that's my reason.

i still haven't told you about it; the darkness, i mean
my darkness i should say
because i know about yours
maybe we can bond
since our biological bond isn't real

sometimes when i'm sad, i want to call you
but you're probably busy
or maybe you don't care
i don't know

i wanna tell you how i can't stop thinking about filling the emptiness and longing, with substances you've had issues with in the past
speaking of, you're drinking again.

i blame her whole-heartedly
although it pains me not to give the fault to myself for once,
i still will always blame her

did you know that when you got engaged, i wanted to jump off a cliff?
probably not.

do you know that i still sometimes feel like that?
but not just becasue of you.
mom is a factor and sonia and grandma and friends and boys
but you,
you were the one i never thought would make me feel so ******

it's cliche, i know
an other suicidal teen girl with daddy issues

i'm thinking about what would happen if i were to visit you in the fall
imagining her on your arm makes my heart feel stretch across the grand canyon of space that seperates your world and mine

someday i will tell you
every feeling and thought and wrong-doings
i will say it all

dad, i miss you to the ******* moon and back
it's five in the moring and i'm thinking of the way you used to take care of our yard
you were just getting bad then
i was young
i didn't realize
please know i've grown into a woman
without you
i get it now
i'm imagining seeing you in september and you sugar coating the truth and me crying over a false reality
so please be honest with me if you want to be in my life
i run on truthfulness and cynical humor
and if you can't handle me
tell me
because i deserve the truth as much, if not more than you

i love you, ron.
and you will always be my father
no matter who comes in goes in my life
you will walk me down the aisle and we'll be happy
as happy as we were that day at the st. louis children's muesuem

i miss you so ******* much, dad
call me back as soon as you get this.
i hope you are doing well.
Jul 2014 · 1.7k
a break
Effy Royle Jul 2014
best friends
that titled has been stripped away
are we even considered friends anymore?
what even makes someone a best friend?
is it their inabily to say no or tell you a lie- no
that can't be it
because you lied
and apparently
best friends aren't supposed to lie to each other
it's not even that your friendship not being in my life at the moment is a lose
i just miss having someone like you; someone who can relate

it's 4:30 in the morning and i just stalked your vines from the beginning of last year
what the ****
you've changed
but we all have
as of now, i don't know if it was for the better or the worse

it's evident that friendships can be rekindled
but you completely lost my trust
i don't know if we'll ever be on good terms again

i knew you were staring at me the other day
the last time we saw each other after
"the break-up"
you kept going out of your way to wave at people standing near me or look back and see me laughing with my new best friend
it's weird to think that you were over at my house less than two weeks ago
and everything
every single thing
is different now

i hadn't really realized that things can happen in the blink of an eye
the thing that keeps getting me down
is that i tried
to save the friendship
you were the one who lied
you were the one that ruined two other friendhips of mine in the process
you are not a nice person

i'm shaking my aching head as i'm hoping that you're okay
what the ****

the littlest things keep bringing back memories of us
i'm calling you and I, an us,
almost like a break-up
i wanna throw all our collaborated poems in the still lasting embers of our burnt-out friendship

i just hope you get what you deserve
idk if this even makes sense. just late night/early morning thoughts thrown into a prose.
Jul 2014 · 763
tuesday morning thoughts
Effy Royle Jul 2014
i've had 6 sleepless nights since the last time we talked
if you even care
it's 6 am and i've been up all night filling the void with netflix sitcoms
now i'm sitting here writing about you while drinking coffee
i saw you last night, making eye contact with me across the sea of old faces
and all i can think about is getting ****-faced just to forget you
when you told me that you missed me the last time we communicated, what did you mean?
i feel like you missed me begging for your attention
which is understandable
please stop trying to forget that i get you more than those blonde transparent items you hang out with
i'm here for you and always will be
no matter how hard you try to keep me away
something pulls me back to you
but recently
i haven't wanted to come back to you
i thought i was over the butterflies
the ******* butterflies
that i used to get when my phone lit up and it was you

you know,
i read all our messages from the first time we started talking
the other morning
it was 3:03 am
and for some reason i wanted to
call you
maybe make up an excuse to get you to come over
but i'm over it
it's not like this poem is about you or anything
it's not like the hole in my heart has your name etched in it or anything
it's not like i took the burden off your back that day in march at that bonfire or anything
the world doesn't orbit around you
but for some reason
i orbit around your hazel eyes and cute-*** smirk
DISCLOSER: i haven't slept in 3 days and this isn't abt u .-.
Jun 2014 · 1000
Effy Royle Jun 2014
you called me the other day, to ask for your textbooks back.
it got me thinking, you know.
i remembered the first time you said hello to me in the Starbucks on 4th street.
the way your ring finger and pinky curled as you waved to me.
it was november 7th.
i didn't see you again until after thanksgiving break.
we had a creative writing class together.
professor calhoon.
he told us that if we were to work together, we would be two of the greatest writers to ever study at Reed.
our first date was december 15th.
we went ice skating and drank horchata.
it had began to snow as you walked me home, where i didn't let you kiss me.
it's been a year and a half and i still remember the way you laughed when i rejected your lips.
you seemed to have no flaws for the first three weeks.
you were perfect to me.
i think i liked they way you made my problems feel. as if they were just a speck on the road map of my life. and just because everything seemed to focus on the moment in time, they weren't as big as i perceived them to be.
you told me you liked the way i bit my lip when i was deep in thought.
when you came to pick up your books i bit my lip to see if you would ask what's wrong. but you didn't. please don't think i'm crazy but i know she doesn't understand you the way i did or the way i do.
i see the way you interact with her in public or when she tries to hold your hand on the train and you refuse. i see the way she gets upset when your deep in thought. do you tell her everything is going to be okay? like how you used to tell me that? when you say that, what do you actually mean? do you mean that when you walk out my door you won't catch the feelings i caught on november 7th?
or maybe you're talking to her about yourself. and saying that everything will be okay with you.
i don't know why i'm pouring my every thought about since i saw you last into your voice mail.
you don't even have to call back or maybe i just called to say i want my textbooks back.
this was originally written as a monologue so yeah lol
Jun 2014 · 2.9k
the robber
Effy Royle Jun 2014
the robber sneaks into
my space of illuminating
trying to piece together
the things that make me
soon enough he thinks
he has it figured out
placing screws in the abyss,
knowing that if I tock he did
i want to tell him that
nothing will work
no matter how hard
he tries
my hands are broken and nothing
will ever
make them tick again
as much as they can try
as much as i'm already turning my
cogs to start again
the robber takes my broken hands
but just for a bit
"let me borrow them" he says
when he brings them back they are
rusty and used
i want to tell him that it hurts to tick,
how just because i was condoning
the robbing; i wasn't accepting it.
but i don't say a word
i just croak a broken tock
and let him rob me
all over again
this wasn't supposed to be a **** oriented poem, but that's how it turned out. idk, there's a sequel as well.
Jun 2014 · 408
broken lungs
Effy Royle Jun 2014
I'm sorry if I forget to
breathe, when I'm with you
I just get too **** caught up I'm the way you make me feel.
I sometimes forget that you are just a person,
although you are viewed as a god
please know I don't
mean everything I say
around you
because most times,
I forget that I am talking
out loud because our thoughts are so in sync.
I hope you feel the same way someday, or at least
want to kiss me,
even just once,
for 17 seconds
and maybe then,
when our lips
have collided,
you will realize
everything that I never
said and
if i ever forget to breathe
around you, read this at my funeral
because if you cry, at least
then i will know you felt the same way;
the first time i cried in your car, you didn't know.
we were driving home from a bonfire at 2:30 in the morning. everything seemed clear that night.
we had established our similarities.
i cried quietly to myself
as we arrived at my house. i ******* wanted to kiss you. you texted me right when you got home. this is when i starting worrying about your well being. and now I'm regretting that because i feel like I'm wasting my time and i feel like you might never feel the same. i hate when you fall asleep on me even though i know you text multiple girls; especially at night. i hope you don't take that the wrong way. if i were to stop breathing around you tomorrow, i would never know the taste of your lips or the feel of your bare chest to know that, I'm sad
but since this is my funeral, it's inevitable. i hope you are choked up, but i also hope you find peace. i don't even know if what I feel for you is true, but I hope you can tell me
in another life

— The End —