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Jul 2022 · 238
stone ship
david mitchell Jul 2022
Spotted glints,
of lost luster,
in sealed oyster.
Still I obeyed the tape.
Navigating devoid of footholds,
simply stepped to the next petal, and strode.
Sundered squeaks, creaky hinges, floorboards, still,
there are inklings every other instant.
Uncertain of furls in the sail, wrent the rotten rudder from the stern.
Still there are tints in the stitching,
at the fringes. They billow.
The thievery was unintended.
Jul 2022 · 312
david mitchell Jul 2022
reflection upon a carousel
niacin and restlessness
should've breakfasted.
Jul 2022 · 180
david mitchell Jul 2022
we shared spaces
as limping spectres
with manifold directions
looping ghost based conversations
amidst ***** portholes and boxes of dust
learning to bow to spirits in the dark
reaffirming treaties on yet another trek through projection
witness to recurrent episode arcs of radio subterfuge
server rack haven stroll invoked as a heaven, often,
flashes of weathered piano keys atop enemy remarks
wraiths propping heathens into ornate frames
should've been more careful with the strings
expected effects
dart fletching, inevitably dented, bent,
stains from water specks waging war with hints
splattering countless tints of humane intent
constellations gesturing in the mirror
flecked for the better
riot gear graced in paint
place to face, delayed
stone ship sailing away
similes rippling in the wakes
faceless groves of streetlight cones choking
albeit in the stakes it felt the same
retreating, twin searching for testing
doodled a giraffe without intending to
and threw it away
david mitchell Jul 2022
a set of intense statuses, given
I thought we had simply glanced it
we are a brush fire, consuming days
screaming in braille with a sense of must
in untangling strewn bangles
addressing unfair symptoms
bearing branches instead of gracefulness
imposed a bit of patience
well met intentions growing swollen and red
in arrangements of parasitic mirrorings
faces of attachment for vagrants
twin retainment, co-invested in a growing trench
indecision growing brittle in a ribbed cage
at least we contest it, burning fiefs of similes
in the kingdom of predetermination
all we seem to spurn are attempts to disarrange it
dancing with the wreckage.
Jul 2022 · 205
david mitchell Jul 2022
noting notions as a *** boils over
I'm standing dead still
still in the jig, just clinking
plodding soil as expectants fold in
popped then flicked it
pleasant patina of the mechanism
ceramic pulses in useless scripture
miracle unclipping of a dorsal fin
spectators stack irrelevances in several heaps
haphazard riptides in shared seas of subjection pull dully
slipping through and about subtle reactants
bridling a flood, lock sabotage
nil for a filter, sending catalysts roaring into battle
eating wartime victories and empty advice to be immersed in humility
gifted in living the suffering of the freedom of bearing suffrage
warring wingtips against space edges with abruptness
Jul 2022 · 914
david mitchell Jul 2022
hair tied with
a nitrile glove cuff
carved a sacred space adorned with muffled tile
porcelain throne pod amongst the ruckus
hohumdrum gods stampeding towards
a visionary empty meeting with screens
greeted with massed bodies, butter, and dust
the divine light behind the porthole still shines
even as crowds continually shuffle forwards
backwards and past, that bouquet of projection rays
remains sheening with eye to light machè heaven
until thunderous overstrokes over indulge and begin
to over and undertone every feather upon ears
resignation of a certain kingship upon standing
and yet wealth of ethic remains demanding
so, stand.
it is what it is. sometimes you have to **** at work, sometimes you aren't excited to stop.
Jul 2022 · 730
dinosaur flavored exit
david mitchell Jul 2022
scattershot strikes as a shattered damocloid
sending warning ripples through clouds
glimpses of sundered villages atop cumuli
not a gasp among the crowd
sup website user
david mitchell Sep 2020
in your sights i felt thunder,
glamorous, humbling, coloring me.
the cadence of your feet, upon icy sheets,
up was a flanking stare, sundering me.
upon winter flowers, a warm blanket, at the apogee,
bundling, a sparkling picnic with kindling.
hungry and spent, still leveling, revelrous,
disguised instincts as misgivings, querulous.
dalliance abiding, an abode-esque semblance,
and many silly kitchen grown sentences.
buttered up, rapt and clasped in exchange of gaze,
laconic at most in lieu of pleading.
twain unsure of meaning,
twain apologetic,
for teasing in lieu of stealing.
prohibited mission,
reciprocation solicitation.
when left bereft, left shaken.
perhaps cages were staged,
built beside mistakes,
forgiven if forsaken.
one of these days, then.
am,gl;am la
Jun 2020 · 130
david mitchell Jun 2020
flaunting verbiage,
with a monkish tint,
hungry and spent.
a mild breath scent, emanating herb and taciturnity.
trundling forthward, draped in a certain verdancy,
certainly burdened with this flirtatiously unhinged uncertainty.
no longer careening, bundling kindling,
suffering kinship, indexing my woolgathering,
to begin the inner mending, expenditure now dwindling.
ontologically building, a great garden in sentience, ascending,
extentless, heaven, now, then, ever present.
Feb 2020 · 136
david mitchell Feb 2020
in a heady state, steady gazing.
exuding grace, with an awkward gait.
animating in me, a struck state,
coquetting, a wonderfully befuddling face.
Nov 2019 · 194
can't parse the party
david mitchell Nov 2019
torpedo ink, some doubts to sink,
another mouthful, bruising to bethink.
without lexical integrity,
they're solecistic towards pedagogy, amusingly distinct.
basking in the blasphemy, armed to the teeth, blameless and bruised,
putting on another comical skit, guiltlessly bemused.
but don't sit next to me at this ball,
i'm pensively perusing the aisles of protocol.
baffled, more putrid than pellucid,
this hobnobbing appalls me, the exclusively reclusive.
a nuisance shindig, conversations far too allusive.
enough with the palaver, and this shallow vernacular,
far too stupid, far too human, forehead now growing vascular.
make way for me to make hastily for the exit, please,
my apologies, but i'm far too pedantic to revel in this cesspit, jeez.
Oct 2019 · 243
david mitchell Oct 2019
anomalous, employing confidence despite artlessness,
effortlessly emending residual callowness.
seldom forgetting to find the time and peace of mind
to wield my puerilism as a social chisel,
avoiding parergies, attempting to carve out a balance
in between conscious frivolity and daily drivel.
Oct 2019 · 231
david mitchell Oct 2019
a ruby motive.
pruriently evolving,
to a lotus tree.
david mitchell Oct 2019
the sequence requires a temporal pretense,
thusly prescribing time to thoughts that i tend to frequently frequent,
learning to liken my notions to pen strokes, ascensive.
harmonizing with the world, instead of agonizing over it,
prosperous from this defective preemptive pension.
remaining aggressively pensive, and peaceably gamboling,
towards a dangerously receptive conscious-less contemplation.
never unrelenting with the questioning, iron-****** in the leavening.
perpending, then comprehending viable praxis and cognation.
flirting with what i initially anticipated, practicing diurnal satiation.
Oct 2019 · 158
a mouthful of grace
david mitchell Oct 2019
transcend underneath cacophonous birdsong,
not in the flowers or trees,
feeling more at home in this less than urgent morning breeze.

feeling my fingers flutter, hammer to paper,
i penned my own nail.

didn't know until now quite how childhood tapered.
now finding no logic in subscription to faith in the future tense,
whether that happens to be through hopes or through dreams,
i don't seem to bring myself to expect anything.

contrasting prior maxims and beliefs,
i am preemptively eating every single word i speak.

in terms of uncertain worship the question is not whether to;
the cogs bear their teeth when queried via how, what, and why.

naught to seek, adorn in a figment of pseudo nautical chic,
my face betrays, it may misspeak.
i don't need a place to stay,
i don't have a place i seek.
coquetting with myself,
i am ever at my peak.
all it takes is a re-frame
Aug 2019 · 539
desultory ratiocination
david mitchell Aug 2019
it can be hard to assess necessity in a cesspit,
calculating and scouring different ways to find respite.

it can be hard to commit time against the heart.

finding access to hiatus just to breathe,
it's never been easy to be lazarus.

unsure of consequence, skirting bereavement,
reborn doesn't necessarily imply previous demise,
what's almost new cannot be considered unwhole,
nor can it be trusted as a reprise.

it's an artful venture to learn the cadence of presence,
not an effort or a movement, but something of a lucid sweven,
something nestled in the stitching of the seventh heaven.

autonomously authoring my perception,
desecularizing my intense intent and conception.

understand that the brain is a somatosensory mech pilot,
no shame, no rhythm, just an absently-go-lucky organism,
chasing imaginary crystalline butterflies into the background,
thriving in the quietness, malaprop to say forever semper-vivus.

i consume my need to separate ideas as fuel for philomathematics,
pioneering new tactics, new habits, through acts of active practice,
emphatically denouncing the topical, the maladroit, the labels,
let me sing my own mantra,
humming to the hymn of my own humble tantra.
ratiocination has led me down a path of discovery, not of self or of matter or of morals explicitly, but all there is to find.
forever in awe of it all. be humble, be whole.
Jul 2019 · 256
david mitchell Jul 2019
being in the way
of absolutely nothing
is the way to be
i'm thoughtless
Jul 2019 · 522
david mitchell Jul 2019
terrible forest
crystal pillars loom over
ancient are these peaks
Jul 2019 · 477
david mitchell Jul 2019
upon becoming a nestling sans nest,
i decided to make a half-baked plan of mandates,
stating how i ought to quest, trough to crest.
egesting the presently unpleasant facets,
i adopted a policy of empirical puerilism.
now a newly groovy pluvi-dendrophile philomath,
a counterbalanced feng shui caricature,
promptly finding rapture bereft of culture.
plundering the dysfunctional,
worshiping the digressive.
anything is adjustable,
everything can be lovable.
finding bravery in regret,
forever simply vincible.
basking in the ebullience,
bringing passion with my presence.
learning to rhapsodize my sentience,
projecting admittedly confusing ontologisms,
concerned with not much else than pleasance.
my means of conception have become my heaven,
and with no evidence of the clandestine,
i simply stepped in.
strategically puerile, forever.
Jan 2019 · 1.4k
Isle of Lorn
david mitchell Jan 2019
Lore tells of a cold, brumous island,
thoroughly clad in a dead fog, and silence.
Patrolled by only a few, lonely sirens,
their purrs and songs have long since subsided.
Times of enticing pirates and beguiling pilots
have been traded for times of shyness.
Some opt for quiet nights of gentle crying,
others for anxious hiding.
Lusting creatures, once desirous,
now left forlorn, nearly lifeless.
Obscured, hidden from the horizon,
this island is their asylum.
Rolling green highlands adorn black, craggy bluffs.
Waves crash, vamps weep, fog rolls, and time slows to a stop.
Jan 2019 · 471
david mitchell Jan 2019
The best way to immortalize a piece of pain is to forget how to feel it.
I've forgotten how to write poems, have this, internet.
Oct 2018 · 694
i'll miss your smile
david mitchell Oct 2018
a kiss
a cry

i'll miss
your smile
i loved
your eyes
such sweet

i fell
you climbed
drop by

we kissed
we cried
i'll miss
your smile

this is
Sep 2018 · 387
david mitchell Sep 2018
"He was not unwhole, merely bent and jaded. And though he held nothing but love for those around him, the darker details bled through. Hindered from an honest delivery of his gratefulness and his grievance, he withdrew into himself.
The darker facets fulfilled his quiet desires of complexity but cost him his emotional presence; cold but comfortable.
He lost his happiness, his memories,
His charm, and above all else,
He lost his time.
His eyes grew sad,
His fingers wrinkled.
Though his eyes remained sharp,
His heart had been lost to atrophy.
Another person to love more than anyone could love him, is what he wanted, but never got.
To fall in love again was the escape,
An open and powerful rebellion against the vast sorrow that imprisoned him.
And so he tried his hand, sad eyes sought for someone to pour into.
He found none, but some found him.
Twisted and attractive, they wove together long conversations and hints of double meanings. They even almost learned how to care, but didn't.
Even among those he wished only to love, and only to gift,
He could never feel free.
For they hated him,
And so did he."
but when he looked at his pitiful reflection on the floor, he noticed something a little less bleak. the mop was as a rose, twirling and spreading, inking, and swelling. it was really nothing like a rose. what a drab day, what a drag.
Jun 2018 · 338
david mitchell Jun 2018
like death from above;
you left me,
bereft of thought.
as if blessed by a devil,
or behest from a god.
your lullabies used to fit like a glove,
as long as they were stories without plot.
just like our made up memories of swans and doves.
they twisted and turned,
like the noose that we tied,
around what we swore wasn't our love.
*******, i wish i could beat myself up over what i did wrong, but there is nothing. it wasn't my fault. a weight off my shoulders i never wanted to lose.
Jun 2018 · 369
david mitchell Jun 2018
so, off with my head.

all i want to do is sleep,
until i try to go to bed.

relive all the words that you said.

all i want to do is die,
but i'll keep living on instead.
this is ****, that was ****, i am ****, so was that, i think i quit.
May 2018 · 385
dear dad,
david mitchell May 2018
hey man,
it's me.
your son.

it's okay if you forgot.
i'm just that scratch ticket,
that you never won.
just a ***** scab,
that you never even thought about picking at.

oh, the introductions, i almost forgot.
i was going to ask you,
what your name was, and whatnot.
but that'd take more patience than i've got.

i'm done waiting,
for a half-assed misfit *******,
who doesn't know how to commit to his kid.
i don't know if i'll ever be able to forgive you,
or any of the things that you never ****** did.

but hey man,
that's just my piece,
and i've only got one.
so write back.


your son.
i may have a father out there, but i sure as **** will never have a dad.
david mitchell May 2018
when the worst gets the best of me,
the rest of me gets better first.
I'm having a fantastic time with these ups and downs, love pangs come in spikes and they always have a trough but that's what makes it fun ye? I'm ****** crazy, have a great day
Apr 2018 · 377
david mitchell Apr 2018
the champagne starts to taste like ash
as you fast crash, burn and start to rain like dust and soot.
quick, backtrack and rehash where it went wrong.
the vents, did they pop? did they bleed? did they clot?
plunder your gut, misplace your trust and start to let it rot.
If you don't get this poem that's okay, it's describing a once in a lifetime feeling. it's also just plain and simply not too great.
Apr 2018 · 315
red bathtub
david mitchell Apr 2018
i can't help but think
that you were my missing puzzle piece
nothing lasts, i'll stop to drink
as i wash the blood
from my bathroom sink

i can't help but dream
every night, about some kind of love
drowning in red mud
choking on words once mumbled

i can't help but wish
that i never happened
to you
or you to me
so tonight i'll drink, dream,
rinse, repeat

until my memories lapse
as i collapse, shimmer and sheen
in a tiled room, never dimmer
than within my dreams
Apr 2018 · 328
david mitchell Apr 2018
riding highs and moral fences,
wasting their senses,
until they're senseless.
dented-edge, for sure
david mitchell Apr 2018
remember when we taught each other to think?
about how emotions were hex-codes,
and my midnight mood was light pink?
we talked on until our metaphors started to unfold,
and with every word told we let our shared emotions sink in,
until we felt the need to drink them back into a deep sleep again.
i'm sorry that i still write about you, if you still read them, i doubt it. it's not that i'm not over it, or that it still brings me sadness, it's just interesting. you were the most interesting and impactful thing that ever happened to me and i will never be able to forget or regret it. anyways, you're probably the cooliest cat i'll have the pleasure meeting and i hope the people around you realize your mind's strange beauty. love ya forever, hope you don't hate me too much, adieu. -- sunny d
Apr 2018 · 298
david mitchell Apr 2018
trying to teach myself to look up,
as i stare blankly down at my empty cup.
another awful night at the pub.
not always a sad drunk, not never.
Apr 2018 · 421
david mitchell Apr 2018
they are beautiful nectar collectors,
they're busily pollinating,
viciously cooperating,
and skillfully propagating from petal to petal.
as they flitter and hover,
acting as ambrosia vessels.
from marigolds to foxgloves,
and even to blooming nettles.
they've been having a rough time
buzz buzz
Apr 2018 · 286
a lament
david mitchell Apr 2018
i find myself content within torment,
i feel bright when i'm blue.
i'm not broken, just bent,
and without wanting to,
that's something i resent.
almost munchausen-esque
Mar 2018 · 257
david mitchell Mar 2018
flip the script,
try again.
don't condemn.
try your best to make amends.
don't be bitter, ever. only hurts you and everyone involved. you don't need to forget if you learn to forgive, that's how you live with good friends and no regrets.
Mar 2018 · 220
Of Secrets and Beans
david mitchell Mar 2018
"I'll tell you a secret if you tell me three."
She was lying, of course,
she'd spill the beans.
Mar 2018 · 1.1k
airport snapshot
david mitchell Mar 2018
smile at me, please, say cheese,
with stained teeth made from weathered piano keys.

frame the picture with duct tape and cardboard,
an ode to what our love could once afford.

snap back at me, guide me to terminal three,
say goodbye, freeze time and beg of me to leave.

smashed chances, we burnt our last connection to ashes.
now flashbacks to past plastic passion is like paying back taxes.
Feb 2018 · 298
david mitchell Feb 2018
bury myself under the world
hope to death i never meet god
suffocate my brain
stuff it full of pills and shame
to mitigate the pain
hope to high godless heaven
that i can convince myself to go sane
pathos is illogical
Feb 2018 · 299
she's not human
david mitchell Feb 2018
he's human.
he's not sane or emotionless.
he's stupid,
and his jokes are hit or miss.
he used to be foolish,
but then he finally found a friend.
she wasn't poetic or aware,
and she smelled of fake confidence.
they mostly got along,
even after bad arguments.
but she was still foolish.,
and thought she could outrun the truth.
and if it wasn't for his truthfulness,
they might've even fallen in love.
but that story is just an overdue eulogy,
of all things that could,
but shouldn't be.
could, should, both vague, both very different.
Feb 2018 · 249
david mitchell Feb 2018
buy yourself a new lie,
you know it's cheap.
bring me to the graveyard
please, don't forget to weep.
then take my heart.
it's yours to keep.
Feb 2018 · 171
david mitchell Feb 2018
my pillow is smudged with bleach,
from your painted cheeks.

as are my shoulders,
as are my sheets.

my bed reeks of you,
and all the words you speak.

and with every stay, every week,
the scent seems to stick,
and seep deeper while we sleep.
almost sickly, definitely sweet.
your scent is exciting, unsettling, but not quite bleak.

take some 2 liners, world. i know they're not good.
Feb 2018 · 226
amber tinted glasses
david mitchell Feb 2018
i love your rose hair when it's rushed.
maybe it's a crush, maybe i'm just entranced,
but i'm in love with your blush,
and every chance i get to exchange a glance.

from trust to crush,
chances to advances,
your eyes look like stardust,
through my amber tinted glasses.

i hate my shyness,
stuck in my nervous trances.
but i love your inner brightness,
every time we engage in our verbal dances.

from lust to dust,
passion to ashes,
i find myself hopelessly romanced,
by amber tinted glasses.

..     - .... .. -. -.-     ..     .-.. --- ...- .     -.-- --- ..-
for amber. i wish i was with you, all the time, it's weird.
..     - .... .. -. -.-     ..     .-.. --- ...- .     -.-- --- ..-
Feb 2018 · 323
embedded within my chest
david mitchell Feb 2018
pried from my chest,
with tooth and stone.
i knew it would fall apart,
flesh from bone.
i knew that from the start,
i knew it'd fall apart.
sins now atoned, it's gone,
i'll never again miss my heart,
it's dead art, a sad swan song.
i had a two dollar bill once, i lost it in my pocket
Feb 2018 · 364
david mitchell Feb 2018
I miss you
I miss what you meant to me
And this isn't hurting as much as it ought to be
It's just a longing
A wish
That you never had to go back on me

I miss you
And what you did to me
Cleared my head, taught me to see

I miss you
And everything you made of me
it's different now, i don't want it back, i just miss it
Feb 2018 · 282
white lie
david mitchell Feb 2018
why write,
why lie,
during the depths of nighttime,
when it's always dry,
always read by brown eyes,
under morning skies.
hope you're still out there cloud girl, maybe even reading poetry still, but that'd be boring and pointless eh? i've always been a fool -- sunny d
Feb 2018 · 294
almost painless stasis
david mitchell Feb 2018
you left my heart much like yours,
like a boulder turned pebble.
before settling,
in a space between bass and treble.
i use metaphors as meta metaphors to describe the meta of how i can't describe anything without metaphors.
Feb 2018 · 205
david mitchell Feb 2018
time flies by,
when the night sky,
shines so bright,
that my mind's eye goes blind.
i've had far too much wine.
Jan 2018 · 248
david mitchell Jan 2018
i flatline my way through life.
short, bittersweet, but only to a point.
Jan 2018 · 302
-.. .-. . .- --
david mitchell Jan 2018
i need a way,
to say,
good bye.
cause i'm,
giving up tonight.

i need a way,
that i ,
can find,
a sense of peace of mind.
cause i'm,
dying from inside.

i want a place,
to hide.
cause you,
and your heart,
are far too close to mine.

you need to run,
far away from me.
so please,
do this just for me.

i need a place,
to lay,
so i,
can dream of you tonight.
so please,
don't beg me to stay.

i'm not waking up this time.

-.. . .- -.. / -.. .-. . .- --
again like usual, this is technically a song, but i think it kinda works in poem form. hope you like a little at least. sorry for spewing garbage so often.
Jan 2018 · 420
frozen grove
david mitchell Jan 2018
i think it's high time,
that we go,
back to the place,
that only we know.

i think that sometimes,
you don't know,
just where to go-
or how to grow.

i think it's high time,
that i know,
just how you feel,
it never shows.

i think it's about time,
that it snows.
so we can waste our lives
in the frozen grove.

i'll think of more rhymes,
just to cope.
i hope i die.
i hope you don't.

it's almost nine,
it's getting cold.
i called your phone,
but you declined,

so much for the grove.
i hope it never snows.

i think it's high time,
that i die.
all alone
in mid july.
the grove is metaphorical, i never actually went on cute dates in a snowed-in grove, but that'd be cool someday, maybe.
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