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541 · Mar 2016
curlygirl Mar 2016
he was chipped and cracked
but he knew who he was.
then when i kissed along his edges
and felt my lips cut and tear
i knew who i was too
539 · Nov 2015
their almost first-time
curlygirl Nov 2015
First off,
unshaved legs, rumbling stomach.
worn underwear, shot elastic.
nervous hands, sweaty palms.
calming touch from him.
uneven *******, slight embarrassment.
chapped lips, overcompensating Carmex.
stuffed nose, whistle breathing.
soft kiss from him.
nervous hands become slowly confident
unsure hips begin to sway
passionate kiss from him.
whispered words, anxious thoughts.
calming touch from  her.
arms holding, bodies contouring.
"let's just lie together".
pattered raindrops, perfect bed.
promises made, kisses given.
lazy caresses, staring gazes.
almost first time.
531 · Jul 2015
atmospheric truth
curlygirl Jul 2015
"do you think the moon knows
the power
it has over the ocean?"
he asked.
"no. because then it wouldn't
be romantic,
it would just be sad."
i said.
525 · Jul 2015
Even Then
curlygirl Jul 2015
I missed you
even when I was in your arms
I knew
the lips you were kissing
weren't mine.
521 · Dec 2016
good knight
curlygirl Dec 2016
he slept next to me
like a shining knight
without his armor,
vulnerable and guarded.
519 · Dec 2016
curlygirl Dec 2016
i had a dream
that he loved me,
       and that's how i knew
i was dreaming.
512 · Oct 2015
one month clarity
curlygirl Oct 2015
"i love what you write for me.
you're so much more
passionate and outgoing
than i am."
he said.
"i think that's our problem.
i try to cover you with
similes and adjectives,
hoping you'll turn into
the person i write about."
i said.
497 · Sep 2015
stellar (15 w)
curlygirl Sep 2015
he had galaxies turning slowly within him
and she crawled inside and kissed every planet
492 · Mar 2015
curlygirl Mar 2015
I'm not scared of waking up alone.
I'm terrified that you're not.
485 · Feb 2015
Where I'd Live(10w)
curlygirl Feb 2015
I'd live in your ribbed cage
483 · Oct 2016
maintence romance
curlygirl Oct 2016
"but do you love me?"
she asked against
his bare shoulder.
"its like you said,"
he sighed.
"something is better
than nothing."
481 · Sep 2015
rage write
curlygirl Sep 2015
how ironic
that the words you won't remember speaking
are the ones that echo loudest in my mind.
whispers and caresses
now replaced with drunken slurs.
i hope you think it was
worth it.
475 · Apr 2016
downpour chance
curlygirl Apr 2016
his eyes were tempestuous storms
and i knew i had to dance
in his deluge
even if
i was struck
by lightning
473 · Sep 2016
Dream Pursuit
curlygirl Sep 2016
I dreamt that you
   were laying beside me
   but instead of ribs
   there were constellations
   and half mumbled wishes
holding you together.
You took my hand and
    held it to your chest
    telling me to take a
  fallen star for myself,
to remind me of you.
When I couldn't grasp one
    I looked at you
    and you laid back with
    your blue eyes closed
And told me to *"keep reaching"
472 · Mar 2016
damn you, whiskey
curlygirl Mar 2016
on a late night
you filled his mind with thoughts of us
and told his mouth that they should be shared

so you didn't just fill his mind
you filled mine,
with hidden away things
brought out only by wine
and sad movies

now we both have full minds
slurred speech
wanting hearts
and a problem.
curlygirl Jul 2016
he tasted like worn out memories
and sweated flashbacks onto my skin
his heart pounded newness
against my chest
so I guess
here is where we begin
467 · Jun 2014
curlygirl Jun 2014
Two entities, the ***** and the harlot, have a conversation in my mind:

Harlot, you can't go running after every guy that smiles at you
Yes *****, but you can't go frowning at them every time they look at you either
There's nothing wrong with playing hard to get
The way you play makes them think there's nothing worth getting
Listen Harlot, if it wasn't for me, every man you met would have gotten some
But you need me, *****. You let your head and heart get filled with all these silly romantic dreams, and then there's no one around to love you. If it wasn't for me, you'd be a lonely soul
Maybe you haven't noticed, but I am lonely. Every time you let a man in, I have to push him out

Maybe if you cut loose once in a while you wouldn't be so alone
And maybe if you tightened up you wouldn't have such a friendly reputation following you around. I know you think its fun when you're stretched out in their arms, but we both know that they always leave, and I come out and put my arms around you. I'm the one to fix the hurt, mend the wounds, and field the emotions
**...That may be true, but if it wasn't for me, you wouldn't know what love is, wouldn't know what its like to hear someone whisper your name. You say you hate me, but I know its stuffy holdin' those clothes on so tight.  
So you may be ashamed of me,  you may clean up my mess, but the reality is, *****, you need my past. You need my confidence, and you need to learn that I may be quiet, but I can not go away.
I will be your shadow, I'm the darkest part of you, and even when the lights are on, I've done things we can't undo.
So let's make a deal, a pact, to coincide in peace. I'll be on my best behavior if you'll take care of me
Inspired by Daniel Beaty's "Duality Duel" from Def Jam Poetry
465 · Oct 2016
saving self
curlygirl Oct 2016
as she watched him
gather his clothes
and dress again
she realized,
*you can't
save the
465 · Aug 2015
curlygirl Aug 2015
My heart has know every kind of love it can
464 · Feb 2014
Night Symphony
curlygirl Feb 2014
My skin is blank sheet music,
and you begin to craft a
song with me.
We write an entire
symphony upon each other,
practicing arpeggios and scales
until each one is
perfectly blended into the next,
one movement cannot be distinguished
from the other.
You begin your overture,
striking chords along
my collar bone and ribs,
each tone lovingly clear.
You are the real composer,
the maestro,
the cellist.
I am simply your muse,
your baton,
your bow.
The reprise begins to fade,
our breath comes back to us,
and we treasure the invisible
notes, rests, and tempos
that played across our skin.
456 · May 2015
curlygirl May 2015
His ribs were
wrought iron
and the tears I
cried on his chest
caused them
to **rust
455 · Sep 2016
curlygirl Sep 2016
for every "goodbye"
he spoke,
she whispered
"please don't go"
a thousand times
447 · Dec 2013
The Wonder of Words
curlygirl Dec 2013
Neurons crackling,
sparks dancing
from white to gray matter.
Shadows begin to form,
becoming words as the light of
ingenuity shines
fully on them.
Synapses light up,
down to the fingers,
who are itching to transport
ideas onto pages.
Delicately they balance on the
tightrope line
across the parchment,
waiting for the
world to watch
their spectacle.
They can move hearts,
change minds and
start revolutions
by simply existing.
How tantalizing is the
wonder of
442 · Jul 2015
curlygirl Jul 2015
His voice whispered he believed in me
and in that moment
I hid my secrets in his soul
438 · Mar 2014
The Song I Sing
curlygirl Mar 2014
He is the juxtaposition of
harmony and the silence between each note.
He thinks in staffs and scales,
breathes out melodies.
He is the song I sing in the quiet,
a song with no words
no limitations.
437 · Jun 2016
curlygirl Jun 2016
His love confuses me,
it came on fast
and hit me hard
so that I'm left spinning.
He took me in his arms
and practiced Russian
by whispering sweet nothings
until all hours of the morning,
until his lips could do nothing
but kiss mine.
He took me dancing,
and tangoed with me
until dusk,
until his hips could do nothing
but dig into mine.
He loved me over time,
in ebbs and flows
like the sea loves the sand,
until he couldn't help
but fall into my tide.
And now he's away,
he'll always be "away",
today Bloomington,
tomorrow Berlin.
And now I'm aching,
I'll always be aching,
today for Indiana,
tomorrow for Germany.
433 · Dec 2017
weathering the weather
curlygirl Dec 2017
i can't calm his storms
i'll dance in his rains
pray i don't drown
432 · Nov 2016
subconcious truth
curlygirl Nov 2016
its no coincidence
that he only
holds me
424 · Aug 2016
curlygirl Aug 2016
He's chasing a myth,
hunting down a version
of her that doesn't exist.
She knows because when
he lays his tired bones
next to hers,
his "I love you"
is only meant for half of her
"ilov" = half of "i love you"
424 · Apr 2016
temporary forever
curlygirl Apr 2016
it's petrifying
to think that
the qualities
that drew you
to my bed
will be
the ones
to push
you out.
422 · May 2018
curlygirl May 2018
i have memorized
so well
that when he
lays against
my chest,
418 · Dec 2014
Out of My System
curlygirl Dec 2014
I don't mean to drag it out, to go on and on
Call it "over-thinking" or "emotional detox",
But I have to write you out now that
You're **gone
This is the last one. I'm getting quite tired of them myself, but it helps, right?
417 · Dec 2013
Mirror, Mirror
curlygirl Dec 2013
Now shattered and broken,
fallen pieces on the floor.
Stepping lightly,
hearing bits begin to crack,
shuddering at the pain
that laces
bare feet.
Words flying and cutting
deeper and more
harshly than the glass.
Tears falling
just as bright and
broken as the hearts who
shed them.
Questions cloud the
mind as anger
whispers in the ear,
Tempting the feet
to stomp,
to destroy,
to injure so
Just like they did.
416 · Jan 2015
The Nightly News (10w)
curlygirl Jan 2015
Babies are killing babies
Mothers are drowning in their tears.
415 · Sep 2015
curlygirl Sep 2015
Lay your weathered bones down beside mine
over under around alongside mine.
Trace your name across my collarbone
in whispered kisses.
Darling, tell me,
*'I am yours'
411 · Dec 2016
available space
curlygirl Dec 2016
its only when
i'm really empty
that i feel
his name
rattle around
between my ribs
curlygirl Dec 2013
In the night
I could love you.
I could send sweet words to you
on the stars
that darkness pulled from my heart.
Words that I didn't know were on my lips
until you were on my mind.
In the night,
dreams bring me longing,
brief moments without reality
taunting me with what I know
I will not have.
Not during the day.
When the sun is shining
I am yours
whenever you need me.
But in the night,
you are unknowingly loved,
unknowingly mine.
I, myself, did not even know
until darkness fell.
Until it was night.
When I knew I was unconsciously
loving you.
405 · Dec 2014
Them in 50 Words
curlygirl Dec 2014
He is strong because he can't stand to feel weak.
  His words ***** her skin but his laughter brings relief.
    His biggest regrets are in the shadows of his reflection.
      She wants to climb inside and put him back together.
        But like the moon and ocean, there is no "them".
Each line is it's own 10w poem, but they're also combined into one.
405 · Aug 2018
curlygirl Aug 2018
he's the punctuation
at the end
of my sentence
i'm his breath
before the battle cry
401 · Jun 2015
curlygirl Jun 2015
m a y b e...
if i scream
you won't hear
my heart
399 · Jan 2014
Breaking Down
curlygirl Jan 2014
Things are slipping,
inevitably out of my control.
When did the ropes I tied so carefully
begin to
When did the hands that held everything
begin to
Were there hints;
subtle looks and comments that
shot past my naive senses?
There must have been.
Because now he's slipping,
out of my grasp.
The unspoken reality that pierces a
hole in me no amount of
faked enthusiasm can repair.
Intentions are good,
minds are innocent,
but tensions are high.
I want the best for both,
but only think of one.
It's rough.
Like the proverbial sand I'm
trying to stop from escaping
my grip,
but not as rough as realizing
*there's nothing I can do
398 · Jun 2015
curlygirl Jun 2015
turns out
i couldn't
do it
for you,
so i
did it
for me
curlygirl Jan 2015
It's too difficult.
       I'm flesh and blood
so when I try to convert
       myself to
       paper and ink,
I don't like it...
                         Paper me has no depth
                                                   or truth
to her.
She's 2D in more way than one,
simply pretending to have
                                          and excitement.
Vicarious living will only breathe a few
puffs into her deflated parchment lungs,
but that's all I can
give her.
To impart all my life
                       and excitement
into her would                  
                          drain me
                           zap me
(and probably) shock me.
Because then she
would no longer be
Paper Me,
she'd be
Real Me
and I don't think I could
          bear to
            come face to face
               with **Real Me
389 · Sep 2015
12:29 AM romance poem
curlygirl Sep 2015
he filled my bones with
    moonlight and cicada songs,
his kisses tasted of
    slow lazy days
and even when i felt the seasons
i couldn't let him go
388 · Dec 2013
The Free
curlygirl Dec 2013
Pull back the layers,
more and more,
dance freely as they
The tender skin that starts
to show,
(just like confidence)
Feel the passion exuded,
taste your life in the air
through your own lungs.
Exceed limits and
build your own box to think
outside of.
Create your own undefinable dreams
through words and thoughts unknown.
The world spins faster as you slow down,
reach out and kiss it lightly.
Be the lover that's different.
Romance generations instead of
Cast off the layers that
smother and hide,
be the brave soul that dances
        of the
383 · Jul 2015
curlygirl Jul 2015
He is a constellation
beautiful and fragmented
and my heart aches to
spend every night
staring into him
382 · May 2016
curlygirl May 2016
"why do you cling to me so much?"
he asked in the dark.
"i guess i keep hoping
it'll make you cling to me."
she replied.
376 · May 2016
curlygirl May 2016
feel free to break my walls
but leave me whole.
375 · Mar 2015
The Poet's Itch
curlygirl Mar 2015
Sometimes we get the itch.
It's annoying & persistent & insatiable.
We've all felt it,
that hand twitch when you hear
pen against paper,
that foot tap while you mumble
to yourself.  
It's actually quite natural.
It happens because
our bones are filled with syntax,
our skin is parchment
& our thoughts are iambic meters.
If they were to draw blood,
unwritten love poems would
bleed out of us.

We can't help it.
We can't help it that
sonnets & haikus & tankas & free verses
line our lungs,
that we breathe in rhymes.
Because if we try to repress
our God-given inclination
we'll get **the poet's itch.
363 · Apr 2016
chest pains
curlygirl Apr 2016
it wasn't the realization
that he would never be
all that i wanted him to.
it was that he
would never want
to try.
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