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359 · Mar 2014
Holy People
curlygirl Mar 2014
Let your beauty shine
through this earth-worn shell.

Show your love to all
with this dirt-***** body.

Point others to you with
these ****** hands and
whisper words of comfort
through these cursing lips.

We want to help the broken
and the hurt but
our cold hearts won't melt.

These clouded eyes can't see
past their own sorrows.

You bring the widows and orphans
and watch us stumble past them.

How lost,
how defiled are we,

*Your chosen people.
355 · Mar 2016
she was remiss
curlygirl Mar 2016
his broken heart pieces
shone so beautifully
on the ground,
that she did not
realize their sharp
& jagged edges
until she hugged them
to herself,
& felt her own
love flow out
352 · Dec 2014
No More
curlygirl Dec 2014
I will not hurt(you) no more
I will not fake(for you) no more
I will not break(your heart) no more
I simply will not be (yours) no more.
He asked for a love poem
351 · May 2015
Like Sugar
curlygirl May 2015
His name melted on my tongue
and was breathed out like a sigh
349 · Oct 2015
icarus myth
curlygirl Oct 2015
"my dear Icarus"
she breathed into his skin.
"i fear not of flying
too close to your sun,
but of falling too
deeply into your ocean below"
love life kisses real
339 · Jul 2015
Surely Love
curlygirl Jul 2015
If the artist were to love the writer
and she him,
their souls would never
339 · May 2016
watered down
curlygirl May 2016
i stood on his shores
and marveled at
the thunder and roar
he made when he broke
against the sand.
he drew me in
with a shade of blue
i'd never seen before.
and it was only when
i felt him pull me in
that i remembered,
i don't know how to swim.
335 · Aug 2015
The Painter
curlygirl Aug 2015
He exists in a world
a little higher than hers,
filled with more
colors and shapes
than she could ever
dare to see.
She traces the lines
he created and longs
to feel what he feels,
to taste the same
inexplicable tinge in the air
that he breathes,
But her eyes don't see,
she doesn't feel
and her lungs can never know.
And that's why she
needs him so fiercely,
why she clings so tightly
to her painter.
328 · May 2015
curlygirl May 2015
If it wasn't love,
the hole she felt
in her chest
told her it was
***** close
curlygirl Jul 2015
Thank you
for doing everything right.
You're my favorite story
to tell,
still so surreal to me
that I dare not
defile you with
my clumsy pen and page.
Rest assured,
my soul remembers every detail.
And if life were to
ever bring you back my way,
I'd love you still
327 · Mar 2016
curlygirl Mar 2016
he burned so hotly
in her arms
that she dropped him,
afraid her tears
would put him out.
yet if you asked her,
she would gladly
feel the flames again.
325 · Jan 2015
10 Apiece
curlygirl Jan 2015
He crawled in through the space between my lonely ribs,
filling me with love,
giving him a place to live.
Two 10w poems combined
325 · Dec 2013
A Poem as Short as "Us"
curlygirl Dec 2013
If I danced with the sun,
would you curse my shade,
or take care of my shadow?
Let lost things
be rediscovered,
give in to wishing with me.
Taste the height of our adventures as
we race towards heaven
Learn to love Life,
who has always loved you,
who might love me
300 · Mar 2016
the times that follow me
curlygirl Mar 2016
It was the time when
                                     you drunk called me
"Just to hear your voice"
              that I noticed you.
It was the time when
                                     we skipped class to lay in bed on that rainy day
"Just to be alone with you"
               that I liked you.
It was the time when
                                     we went grocery shopping & ate dinner in our underwear
"Just to play house with you"
                that I loved you.
It was the time when
                                     we sat in the car & we cried & I begged you
"Just to love me too"
                 that I lost you
297 · May 2015
What its Like (10w)
curlygirl May 2015
Loving you is like
intentionally drinking poison-
foolish and painful.
281 · Feb 2015
Finally (10w)
curlygirl Feb 2015
Love is
feeling your
heart beat
for someone
280 · Sep 2015
His Whisper
curlygirl Sep 2015
She was nothing he had ever imagined
and thus
everything he had ever wanted
269 · May 2015
motivation (10w)
curlygirl May 2015
264 · May 2015
Food for Thought
curlygirl May 2015
If my bones poked more readily
through my skin,
would more men
long to cut themselves
on my edges?
257 · May 2014
What to Say?
curlygirl May 2014
What do you say
when someone asks you to love them forever
and your answer is no?
231 · Dec 2014
Is it? (10w)
curlygirl Dec 2014
I can only write
(Is that odd?)

— The End —