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My dreams used to be my escape from reality,
But now I can't even retreat to the comfort of the darkness
Because last night I saw your eyes.
When our souls were united
Those eyes that were the only light
In the miles and miles of darkness surrounding my life.
You were the sound of ocean waves, crashing against each other
creating a melody.
But now...
You are the sound of waves swallowing a child whole
Muffiling the screams,
Those eyes were once the only thing to save me,
But now when I stare into the clear blue
All I see is death,
And miles
And miles
Of darkness.
Writers block lately.
 Nov 2014 Corinne Kahi
I thought it was over when you said it would never be,
but it was only then that I began to truly see,
I had somewhere along the way given up my sense of worth,
I could no longer be found in bouts of mirth,
when I had thought the stars had disappeared and it was my darkest day,
was actually when I chose to never be kept at bay,

I am of the cosmos, of infinite intricacy,
who's creation and humanity are held together intimately,
These are not just eyes, but rather the stardust of time,
and for you to take me for granted is one of your greatest crimes,

we could have had a story that rivaled the constellations,
a love so passionate it echoed for generations,
but unlike the universe you were not laid bare,
you instead laid a trap with the intent to ensnare.

I do not need you to unlock the secrets of my night sky,
I know now that you do not belong in my galaxy, good-bye.
I love astronomy, so I tried my hand at interweaving it into my poetry. any criticism, comments, ect are welcome :) <3

© Joanna Mrsich. All rights reserved
 Nov 2014 Corinne Kahi
 Nov 2014 Corinne Kahi
you always asked me
why i sleep so much
but the truth is i don't
get more than a few
hours of sleep
i lay awake all night
waiting for someone
to notice i'm alone and
i'm scared and i can't
seem to find a reason
to live
i wanted you to notice
i was dropping hints
i was leaving clues
i was waiting
Did I ever mean anything?
Anything at all?
Or was I just there
to keep the sheets warm?
How could I have let this happen?
 Nov 2014 Corinne Kahi
dumbfoundedly, i agreed
to play a game that involved
risking the life of my heart
and my beliefs in fairytales

guess i should have known better
than to play with the creator
for someone who had
never played the game before

but i can't back out now
because he took my heart
before i even know it
and now ive got to take it back
without falling down
and hurt my knee
i think im losing
I have found a Man whose heart burns with Love
He came from a world far from my world
He has the smell of a thousand flowers
His lips are made by a Smile of Happiness
He has soft skin, softer than silk
Yet he is made of the strongest gems inside

I fell for Him and gave him my heart
He gave me words, words I never thought existed
He was my ink, my pen and my melody
Once I had been an infidel, almost lost myself
Yet He Loved me, even gave me respect and honor when I've lost them 
And He Loved me even more...

I'll never be the same because of him

Then I've learned how he could be broken, broken because of Love
The Man also Loved another
Everything was lost
Then...suddenly, he came back to his world
And Distance has won 
Love has left me and I cannot Love anymore, not even myself
Yes, I've forgotten what Love is and cannot define it anymore

I have become a creature unknown of the greatest powers and wonders of Love
I am filled with passion and yearnings of life but without Love

The Man is a memory, a memory which marks
My history, my now and what will be
I wish for the Man a Love
I wish to come to him and offer him songs
Songs to make him asleep in tender tunes
Melodies to heal him
Let him rest, let him sleep
 Nov 2014 Corinne Kahi
Katie A
I remember that period of time
when we both didn't have
our licenses so we have to
go on public transportations

I love how we used to
share a pair of earphones
during our daily bus rides
to our way back home

That feeling of emptiness
from my other ear
as relaxing music
whispered profound lyrics

It felt like something was wrong
yet I had the privilege to
sit close to you
and lean my head against yours

I miss those times when
we'd always
share a book
during our train rides

Although the books
weren't really read
the only thing we're reading
were each other's eyes

Now years has passed
and there are times when
after a busy and tiring day
I leave my car back home

With an open book in my lap
and an earbud to each ear
I would look over the window
of that bus we used to take

As I torture my own mind
by conjuring old memories
just because I miss
missing you.
I miss having you in my thoughts after having a cacophony of random thoughts inside my busy head.
 Nov 2014 Corinne Kahi
cammy jude
When I saw him, it wasn’t like walking into a library that would be torn down exactly two years later; it was exactly like losing my breath and my mind in the same way, at the same time. Something changed that day, I mean, I didn’t write poetry until I met him, and I wasn’t good at it until i lost him.

The left over pieces of my childhood where stuck to me like dried flower petals between the dog-eared pages of a book, “How many copies of Alice in wonderland? Read ten times, and still not enough. I even learned to read with my eyes closed.” And if I were actually blind, I would still know that he was beautiful.

I listened to songs about falling apart, and loving him felt like winter. Like my lungs were struggling in the frost bitten air, and when he said, “I have this feeling,” feelings being shared, like we where the only two people there, in this room with the sun shining in my eyes and on my face, not that I should even believe him,”I like you,” It felt like falling. Tumbling. Tumbling down the rabbit hole. If I went back in time, I might not have read Romeo and Juliet, I didn't think you could die for love, but maybe for a cigarette.

We got along because I can’t be friends with anyone who isn't already an artist. There is something particular about the way they live, I thought he might know how to fix me. He’s actually just like me, only void of the embarrassment. I hold myself to such low standards, everyone can walk all over me. Life, already upside down, inside out. “Eat me drink me,” a soundtrack. Pain, he taught me, happens for a reason, and the reason I am alive is because I am worth so much more. Books were only conditioning, and he was the door. He did tell me it would take four years, and every day of it we could share. But he lied, because it took five, and for the rest of my life, he wasn't there.
 Nov 2014 Corinne Kahi
We live in the same house
but we're buried under our secrets
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