Today, a
Simple day
To wake with
Someone gentle
And sweet, who
I will be
Extra quiet
For when I
Zip my things.
In and out
Of sleep, I
Can’t predict
When you’ll speak.
“Are you going on a walk?”
“Not yet, darling.”
But I leave
Before you
Rise because
You held me
When I cried
And looked at
Me in a
Way that pulled
Me towards you,
When I will
Stop burning
With such shame.
But I, ever-miss
Touche-à-tout, have
Never steadied
A decision
And can only
Look away, fear
Of what I’d do.
Oh, but today
You told me you
Dreamt of kissing.
A vague and hazy
Something to remind
Me not to tell you
That I dreamt the same.